Right to food

INDIA: Let Parliament discuss Food Security Bill than stalling it

Statement | India | 21-08-2013

Food Security Bill, a rather ambitious though inadequate measure to eradicate hunger from India, was supposed to be tabled in the parliament yesterday. It was not. Despite the claims of supporting the bill, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the main opposition party, stalled the parliament over allegations about the government’s efforts to shield those responsible for […]

PAKISTAN: Youth- ignored and marginalised

“The destiny of any nation, at any given time, depends on the opinions of its young men under five-and-twenty.” – Goethe. If what Goethe said is true then what is the problem with the destiny of Pakistan? Why is its destiny twisting in a whirlpool of troubles though it is a rich country? It is blessed […]

INDIA: Welfare schemes reached a person only after he starved to death in Odisha.

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information regarding the recent spurt in cases of starvation deaths in Odisha from a fact finding team. The team comprising of one member each from Regional Centre for Development Cooperation and the AHRC visited the Jalpankel village of Khaparakhol block, Balangir district on 25th […]

INDIA: The midday meal scheme must continue despite the Bihar disaster

Article | India | 07-08-2013

Despite claiming to be a champion of the poor, the Government of India has in recent years expressed an increased interest in introducing cash transfers instead of subsidized food. In this context, the midday meal disaster in Bihar the 16th of July, where 23 children died from eating their school meal, plays nicely into the hands of […]

PHILIPPINES: Immediately stop threatening a community with demolition and displacement

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information from Defend Job Philippines regarding the threats of a demolition drive affecting more than 5500 families, or 30000 people of San Roque, North Triangle, Quezon City. The aforesaid demolition and eviction drive for making way to the implementation of the Vertis North Project […]

PAKISTAN: New Threat to our food security as MNCs trying to control food supply

The right to food is a basic Human Right and the government has to protect right of its peoples to produce and consume food for themselves, rather than on the dictates of market and corporations. In spite of that, some multi-national corporations are currently attempting to achieve the ability to command what we eat. According to recent news appeared in […]

INDIA: Good Figures for Bad Situation – Fabrication of Poverty data in India

Article | India | 30-07-2013

By Sachin Kumar Jain By a magic wand unfurled by the Planning Commission, 84.9 million Indians have stopped to be poor between 2010 and 2012: they went through and soared above the poverty line pushed by the Indian Government. Until now, it was said of India as a nation of illiterate people; the Planning Commission […]

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go

Article | India | 22-07-2013

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry, and could not be sure that they would get another opportunity to eat that day. The food was filled with concentrated pesticides. […]

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry, and could not be sure that they would get another opportunity to eat that day. The food was filled with concentrated pesticides. […]

INDIA: Cultivators – Farmers and Agricultural labourers in Census 2011 – The other side of agricultural growth in Madhya Pradesh

Article | India | 11-07-2013

Sachin Kumar Jain Perhaps, I may not arrive at any conclusions in this feature article. I am in a dilemma over the veracity of the data available on the state agriculture. Perhaps you could help me in this effort. Chances are you could be befuddled as me on the matter! In 2012 Madhya Pradesh government […]

PAKISTAN: Child poverty-a primary hindrance in fulfilling child rights

International and national researches, surveys and news reports have recognized that the incidence of poverty has been increased in Pakistan during the recent years.  Massive corruption, primarily from top to bottom, mismanagement, unemployment, inefficiency, incompetence, terrorism, extremism, energy crises, torrential rains and subsequent flood and a number of other reasons have resulted that more than […]

PAKISTAN: Brutal murder of a 13 year old boy by the wife of a feudal lord

Two brothers, Javed, age 9 and Jameel, age 13 were taken against their parents’ will from their village, Kotla Rahm Ali Shah, to go work in Multan as servants in the home of Faheem Abbas Shah, the land-owner for whom the family works. The parents of the boys repeatedly asked for the return of their […]

INDIA: The promise and pretence of democracy

Article | India | 28-06-2013

The Constitution of India explicitly states that the right to life, equality, education, and to participate in elections as fundamental rights. When these rights are violated, the Indian system does not uphold the right to justice as a fundamental right. However, the right to justice is an essential feature of democracy. India may be pursuing […]

INDIA: Invest in Food Security for your own good

Article | India | 27-06-2013

The National Food Security Bill (NFSB) has been the center of much debate since it was introduced in Parliament by the UPA government in December 2011. One of the most persistent arguments against a food security bill from the corporate lobby, lead by the FICCI and CII, is that its costs will burden the budget and […]

INDIA: पूर्वांचल: जहाँ बच जाना मौत से भी बदतर सजा है

प्राकृतिक आपदाएं बता कर नहीं आतीं, न ही अक्सर उनका सटीक पूर्वानुमान कर पाना संभव होता है. इसीलिए उनसे जानमाल का नुकसान होना लाजमी है, पर यह नुकसान कितना होगा यह आपदाओं से निपटने की प्रशासनिक क्षमता और तैयारी पर निर्भर करता है. इस नजरिये से देखें तो हजारों नागरिकों की बलि ले लेने वाली […]

BANGLADESH: Torture survivors and relatives of custodial murders share their gruesome experiences in People’s Tribunal

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and Odhikar A survivor of torture, relatives of a survivor and of two victims of death, who were tortured to death in police custody, have shared their gruesome experiences in a People’s Tribunal today, June 26, 2013, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangladeshi human rights group Odhikar, in collaboration with the […]

INDIA: क़ानून के हकदारों को योजना का हितग्राही बनाने की कवायद (मनरेगा 5)

Article | India | 25-06-2013

मध्य प्रदेश में देरी से हुए भुगतान की कुल राशियाँ जिले का नाम वर्ष (राशि करोड़ रूपए में)   2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 (जनवरी’13) अलीराजपुर 27.65 23.66 13.68 बडवानी 88.44 51.51 31.92 खंडवा 45.01 43.44 27.58 खरगोन 71.52 68.59 31.31 शिवपुरी 35.63 32.21 18.66 डिंडोरी 49.91 52.93 41.63 बालाघाट 70.12 73.97 52.32 श्योपुर 25.78 19.38 11.34 […]

INDIA: Gorakhpur – the killing fields where only thing worse than death is survival

Article | India | 21-06-2013

In India, death has a myriad ways to prey on hapless children and sniff the life out of them. Often, it has rather trustworthy accomplices: the union and state governments. Take but one way it strikes, killing more than a thousand each year. Since 1978, when it first struck, it has never failed to collect […]

INDIA: The Indian government: Deliverers of (in)justice

India prides itself as a government “of the people, for the people, and by the people”, worthy of praise for being a rare model of democracy in the region. Yet, the government is criticised as the perpetrator of injustice upon the very people whose rights it is to protect. Even though India is a resource-rich […]

BANGLADESH: The government must save the elderly and destitute widows of Gaibandha now

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received further information regarding several elderly women living in destitution in the Palash Bari area of the Gaibandha district of the Rangpur division. As in the earlier cases reported by the AHRC, most of the victims have no one to look after them and are physically […]