Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), India about the case of two young children suffering serious illnesses due to starvation. The AHRC urges you to write to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh to ensure that the two children are restored […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by reports of malnutrition among villagers of the Pang Daeng community, Chiang Dao district, Chiang Mai province, after security forces arrested 48 persons for alleged land encroachment, under dubious circumstances. Although the persons–who are all from minority groups–have now been released from jail, the […]
INDIA: Starvation death, malnutrition, government corruption and inaction ——————————————————————— Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Social Development Foundation, Delhi, India about persistent starvation and malnutrition in villages of Sonebhadra district, eastern Uttar Pradesh. The affected villagers are all Adivasis, or tribal people, who have been involved in a […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 30-year-old woman named Ms. Hidayat was allegedly killed by her husband, Mr. Momin Ali Mahar in Dal village, Lakhi Ghulam Shah Town, Shikarpur District, Sindh Province, Pakistan on 29 February 2004. The case was registered at the Chak Police Station. However, a human […]
INDIA: Almost 75,000 people are homeless after being forcibly evicted by the West Bengal government and the Kolkata Municipal Corporation INDIA: Forced eviction of the urban poor; Right to housing; Right to food ———————————————————— Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about case of another forced eviction from West Bengal, India. […]
Dear Friends On 21 July, about 100 police and the Maharashtra State Farming Corporation (MSFC) security personnel destroyed about two hundreds huts of adivasis – indigenous people – and more than thousand acres of crops. No notice was given to the people. Several hundred adivasi children and women have been rendered homeless. The adivasi people […]
Burma is a fertile country with abundant resources. In years gone by it was said that nobody ever starves in Burma. This has long ceased to be the case. Empirical evidence suggests that every day millions of people there go hungry, hundreds of thousands are seriously malnourished, and that some are indeed starving. This May, […]
Dear Friends Below is an email from the Free Dr Salai Tun Than group. We cannot, at this stage, verify the information, but we will confirm as soon as we can. Statement on the Hunger Strike of Dr. Salai Tun Than by his daughter Mai Theingi Tun Than Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 17:34:11 +0700 […]
Regarding the campaign for the reduction of milk prices in Sri Lanka, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) issued an urgent appeal and several updates based on the work of the People’s Campaign to Reduce Milk Prices in order to put pressure on the milk companies to lower their prices and the Sri Lankan government to take action to resolve this serious socio-economic issue.
Regarding our earlier urgent appeal (30-07-2001) on the unbearable increase of milk prices in Sri Lanka, we are sending the latest activity by the Movement of Mothers to Combat Malnutrition (MMCM) to draw your attention and support for this issue and the response of the milk companies and Sri Lankan government.
Regarding our earlier urgent appeal (30-07-2001) on the unbearable increase of milk prices in Sri Lanka, we are sending you some information on the latest situation of the ‘Reduce Milk Prices Campaign’ and the upcoming activities that are planned.
The following appeal is to protest the increase in the price of milk products in Sri Lanka. This is a serious human rights concern about one of the most basic of all rights – the right to food.
Dear Friends, We’re sending you following update regarding twenty-two detainees who were arrested and on hunger strike at Port Hedland in Australia. Asylum seekers have accused Australian government of hiding the truth and insisted that they are being kept incommunicado. Meanwhile, around 130 people are still on hunger strike. We will send you further updates […]
MARCH 5: Paul Harris, a prominent lawyer based in Hong Kong, recently visited East Timor for the purposes of fact-finding, to see how he could be of assistance to the recovery of East Timor and to deliver some donations for local schools. While visiting the Bobonaro region, Mr. Harris met a priest, Fr. Pietr, […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN) International and La Via Campesina Emergency Network. Do not support the principles of “responsible” agribusiness investment promoted by the World Bank Land grabbing denies land for local communities, destroys livelihoods, reduces the political space […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from the Asian Centre for the Progress of People (ACPP) Hotline Asia. SUMMARY: Although the commercial introduction of Bt Brinjal was halted on 10 February 2010, the threat of genetically modified (GM) crops is imminent to return, as Prithviraj Chavan, the […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal from the Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR) calling for donations to flood victims. For more details, contact the CTUHR at: 702 Culmat Building, E. Rodriguez Ave. Diliman Quezon City, Philippines; Mobile: (+63)910 833 1877; Telefax: (+63)2 411 0256 […]