Right to health

PAKISTAN: Child poverty-a primary hindrance in fulfilling child rights

International and national researches, surveys and news reports have recognized that the incidence of poverty has been increased in Pakistan during the recent years.  Massive corruption, primarily from top to bottom, mismanagement, unemployment, inefficiency, incompetence, terrorism, extremism, energy crises, torrential rains and subsequent flood and a number of other reasons have resulted that more than […]

INDIA: The promise and pretence of democracy

Article | India | 28-06-2013

The Constitution of India explicitly states that the right to life, equality, education, and to participate in elections as fundamental rights. When these rights are violated, the Indian system does not uphold the right to justice as a fundamental right. However, the right to justice is an essential feature of democracy. India may be pursuing […]

INDIA: Invest in Food Security for your own good

Article | India | 27-06-2013

The National Food Security Bill (NFSB) has been the center of much debate since it was introduced in Parliament by the UPA government in December 2011. One of the most persistent arguments against a food security bill from the corporate lobby, lead by the FICCI and CII, is that its costs will burden the budget and […]

INDIA: पूर्वांचल: जहाँ बच जाना मौत से भी बदतर सजा है

प्राकृतिक आपदाएं बता कर नहीं आतीं, न ही अक्सर उनका सटीक पूर्वानुमान कर पाना संभव होता है. इसीलिए उनसे जानमाल का नुकसान होना लाजमी है, पर यह नुकसान कितना होगा यह आपदाओं से निपटने की प्रशासनिक क्षमता और तैयारी पर निर्भर करता है. इस नजरिये से देखें तो हजारों नागरिकों की बलि ले लेने वाली […]

INDIA: Gorakhpur – the killing fields where only thing worse than death is survival

Article | India | 21-06-2013

In India, death has a myriad ways to prey on hapless children and sniff the life out of them. Often, it has rather trustworthy accomplices: the union and state governments. Take but one way it strikes, killing more than a thousand each year. Since 1978, when it first struck, it has never failed to collect […]

INDIA: The Indian government: Deliverers of (in)justice

India prides itself as a government “of the people, for the people, and by the people”, worthy of praise for being a rare model of democracy in the region. Yet, the government is criticised as the perpetrator of injustice upon the very people whose rights it is to protect. Even though India is a resource-rich […]

BANGLADESH: The government must save the elderly and destitute widows of Gaibandha now

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received further information regarding several elderly women living in destitution in the Palash Bari area of the Gaibandha district of the Rangpur division. As in the earlier cases reported by the AHRC, most of the victims have no one to look after them and are physically […]

NEPAL: A victim of gender-based violence needs immediate medical support

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the critical situation of Anita’s (name changed) health after her ex-husband stabbed her five times in an attempt to kill her. The attack came after the court had given Anita a favorable divorce settlement. The perpetrator is now absconding. Anita, 45, from Kailali […]

PAKISTAN: International Day on Child Labour-enslavement and exploitation of children must end

KARACHI, June 13: With similar renewed pledges as of yesteryears to eliminate exploitation of child labour, their empowerment and granting them their due rights, the global Child Labour Day was observed on June 13 (CLD). The world have been observing the day since 2002 after recognised by the United Nation. Every year on June 12, […]

INDIA: कैश ट्रांसफर: राशन के अनाज पर नजर

सरकार ने नये साल में देश के चुनिन्दा 20 जिलों में अभी 7 सामाजिक सुरक्षा योजनाओं में हितग्राहियों के खाते में सीधे नकद राशि पहुंचाने का महाभियान शुरू किया है| सरकार के मुताबिक़ यह एक एतिहासिक कदम है और इससे देश में कायाकल्प हो जाएगा | लोग अब सीधे अपने खाते में राशि पायेंगे और […]

PAKISTAN: Police officers exonerated in the case of death by custodial torture on the plea that there were no witnesses

The police allegedly demanded Rs. 500,000/= for the release of a young man but as the amount was not paid on time he was tortured severely which resulted in his death. A young man of 18 years died in police custody after being tortured in a private torture cell run by the police. However the […]

BANGLADESH: Penury keeps hounding the old and invalids in Gaibandha

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about several elderly people being pushed into starvation in the Palash Bari area of the Gaibandha district of Rangpur division. Most of these elderly people are living in penury with no family to look after them and are forced into begging or living on […]

PHILIPPINES: Tortured political activist writes about the investigation into his arrest, detention and fabrication of charges in jail

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is sharing with you a letter, written from prison, by Renante Gamara, a political activist whom police tortured and questioned in the absence of a legal counsel during his arrest on April 3, 2012. In his letter he writes about the investigation by the Commission on Human […]

SRI LANKA: Ganeshan Nimalaruban case: Chief Justice Mohan Peiris denies petitioner’s lawyers right to see replies filed by Attorney General

The Fundamental Rights case of Ganeshan Nimalaruban was taken before the Supreme Court yesterday. The Bench consisted of: Mohan Peiris CJ, P. A Ratnayake PC J and S Hettige J. In the course of submissions by the petitioner’s lawyers, Chief Justice Mohan Peiris made the following remarks: “When the prison is under siege do you […]

SRI LANKA: Two testimonies on enforced self paralysis

Lal Wickrematunge, the brother of the assassinated editor of the Sunday Leader, Lasantha Wickrematunge, and until very recently the owner of Leader Publications, spoke yesterday to the BBC Sinhala Service. He stated that it is dangerous today to be engaged in publication work in Sri Lanka. Giving views other than the government’s version of things […]

PAKISTAN: A second human rights defender is assassinated within two months from the same organization and area

It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that Abdul Waheed Khan projects are continued so that his death will not be in vain On May 13 a well known human rights defender, social activist and educationist was assassinated, allegedly by religious extremists suspected to be members of the Taliban. Mr. Abdul Waheed Khan […]

BANGLADESH: Detained editor tortured in police remand

The authorities in Bangladesh, yesterday, shifted the Interim Editor of Daily Amar Desh, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman, to the Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzib Medical University (BMSSU). Rahman is detained at the Kashimpur Central Jail since 17 April 2013. The court had allowed Rahman to be detained in police remand for six days, before the police handed him over […]

INDONESIA: Activists are detained by the police for reporting deaths due to lack of medical treatment in Tambrauw, Papua

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the detention of two activists by the Sausapor Sub-District Police in Papua. The activists were taken from their house to the police station and were being interrogated in relation to an investigation they conducted regarding the death of villagers in Tambrauw Regency due […]

PAKISTAN: The Supreme Court must ensure that Ahmadis should not be disfranchised

A Golden Opportunity to abolish self-contradictory Franchise System and Restore true Justice and Democracy in Pakistan The world has strongly and repeatedly drawn the attention of Pakistan to its self-contradictory franchise system which denies the Ahmadi Muslims the fundamental right to vote.( Click here to read our previous statement on the issue) The Supreme Court of […]

PAKISTAN: Government must ensure the safe recovery of four abducted human rights defenders

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the abduction of four human rights defenders in broad daylight by persons said to be from an outlawed religious organization. The unknown armed persons abducted six workers of a NGO including, two lady workers. However, after some time they threw the two women out of the vehicle and […]