Right to health

UPDATE (Burma): A woman is denied medical treatment in prison

Dear friends,  In 2009 the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) brought to your attention the case of U Kyaw Min and his family, who were given long jail sentences for supposedly giving false information about their ethnicity in order to get citizenship in Burma. In reality the family was targeted because of Kyaw Min’s political […]

INDIA: Extreme starvation claims five lives of a tribal family in Orissa

Dear friends, The Asia Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that extreme poverty and long-term starvation lead to the death of five members including two children under age of six of the same family of a tribal community from September to December 2009. It is also reported that within the last two years […]

UPDATE (Indonesia): The villagers living in famine-affected areas in 2009 have still not received adequate food and medical aid

[Re: INDONESIA: 113 villagers’ hunger deaths caused by government neglect as well as harvest failure in Yahukimo, Papua] Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the affected villages where 113 people died of starvation with associated illnesses in 2009. The AHRC has reported in AHRC-HAC-006-2009 on 16 September 2009 asking for […]

INDIA: Twenty-eight tribal children in two villages have died of malnutrition in the last three months in Madhya Pradesh

Dear friends,   The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that 28 tribal children have recently been allowed to die of malnutrition. According to a field report by Madhya Pradesh Lok Sanghash Sajha Manch and the Right to Food Campaign Madhya Pradesh, the families of the deceased children have clearly been deprived of […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Appellate court due to decide on the 43 health workers habeas corpus petition

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the Court of Appeals (CA) in Manila, where the 43 health workers filed a petition for habeas corpus questioning the legality of their continuing detention at the military camp, is due to decide on the petition this week. The other 22 victims have […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Falsely charged workers released on bail face legal action to be sent back to jail

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that 14 of the 20 workers who were held for over two years after having been falsely charged have been temporarily released from jail. They were released after a Regional Trial Court (RTC) granted their petition to post bail; however, after their […]

INDIA: Seven children suffer from starvation and child labour in Orissa

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that Ms. Bhuje died on New Year’s Eve after struggling against sickness and hunger since April 2009. She leaves behind seven children. Before Bhuje’s death, her husband died of Tuberculosis in January 2009. Facing lack of food and lack of a sustainable livelihood, […]

UPDATE (India): More children severely malnourished found in Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh

[RE: AHRC-HAC-008-2009: UPDATE (India): Approximately 83 percent of the children in eight villages of Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh are malnourished] Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding malnourished children in the villages of Java Block, Rewa District. We have found that many children are severely malnourished and the government […]

SRI LANKA: A criminal investigation is needed into the paralysis of a man in custody

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a man has become critically ill and partially paralysed after time in the custody of Gampola Kuruduwatte police. He is reportedly tied to his bed and under constant guard in hospital, but was in a healthy condition before his arrest. His relatives have […]

INDIA: 22 children died of malnutrition associated with diseases for past two months in Sidhi district, Madhya Pradesh

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to draw your attention to the 22 children who died of malnutrition associated with relevant diseases for past two months in Sidhi district where is highly predominated by tribal communities. According to the report the AHRC received from civil groups including Dalit – Adiwasi Mahapanchaayat, Mahila […]

INDIA: Approximately 83 percent of the children are malnourished in eight villages, Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to draw your attention to the child malnutrition in Madhya Pradesh. According to the recent report received from Birsa Munda Bhu Adhikar Manch (Birsa Munda Forum for Land Rights) Rewa, MPLSSM and Right to Food Campaign Madhya Pradesh Support Group, about 83 percent of the children belonging […]

INDIA: No government programme supports severely malnourished child in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) that four-year-old Ibran suffers from Grade IV malnutrition which falls in the category of Severely Acute Malnutrition (SAM). Despite complaints by the human rights activist, the administration has failed to have him treated free of […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Another detainee dies in jail; 18 others at risk for lack of medical attention

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform that one of the 19 striking workers, held in detention on fabricated charges, has died after contracting an illness inside the jail. His health was aggravated by poor prison conditions and the lack of adequate medical attention. He is the second detainee to […]

SOUTH KOREA: Government neglect has violated 120 children’s right to health for the past seven months

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that 120 children have been exposed to asbestos since March 2009, and that various government authorities have continually and clearly side-stepped calls by parents to fully investigate or act. The demolition has been taking place since March 2009 yet the children’s families were not informed […]

INDONESIA: 113 villagers’ hunger deaths caused by government neglect as well as harvest failure in Yahukimo, Papua

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from human rights groups working in Yahukimo that since January 2009 till now approximately 113 villagers in Yahukimo, Papua, died of hunger associated with diseases. The harvest failure this year caused by climate change resulted in deaths which aggravated lack of food in the […]

INDIA: Villagers die of hunger due to corruption in public food distribution and lack of livelihood in Bihar

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information regarding the deaths of five villagers of hunger from the Hunger Free Bihar Campaign, a human rights group working on right to food in Bihar. According to the report, three of the deceased villagers had not received benefits from the public services to […]

INDIA: Another child died of malnutrition while fifty one children malnourished in Saledhana village, Madhya Pradesh

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that a child died of malnutrition associated with fever, diarrhoea and breathing difficulty on June 17, 2009. The human rights group, Samaj Seva Samiti (Spandan) based in Madhya Pradesh visiting the village on July 20 discovered that 70 percent of 72 children registered […]

INDIA: Three children died of malnutrition for past two months and four children are currently suffering from malnutrition in Dabhiya village of Madhya Pradesh where children had died of malnutrition in 2008

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a human rights group based in Madhya Pradesh Spandan, Samaj Seva Samiti (Spandan) regarding three children who died of malnutrition. The deceased children lived in Dabhiya village of Khandwa district, where two children had died of malnutrition in 2008. At present, four children […]

BURMA: Concerns for the health of detained human rights defenders

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed about the worsening health of some human rights defenders currently detained in prisons in Burma on whose cases we have earlier issued appeals. Some of the prisoners have received no medical assistance despite their serious conditions. CASE DETAILS Pyi Phyoe Hlaing (AHRC-UAC-025-2009) and Ko […]

UPDATE (India): Home-based treatment for the malnourished children living in remote rural area needs to be encouraged

[RE: AHRC-HAU-003-2009: UPDATE (India): Two children suffer from malnutrition in Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh] Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding two malnourished children from a human rights group based in Madhya Pradesh, Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti (Spandan). One was taken to the district hospital to get treatment […]