Rule of law

PAKISTAN: The daughter and son-in-law of the chief minister of Punjab must be arrested and prosecuted for torturing and abducting a sweeper

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the daughter and son-in-law of the Chief Minister of Punjab province entered a bakery near its closing time and severely tortured the sweeper with the help of police officials for not entertaining the daughter. The police refused to file a case for almost […]

WORLD: What does World Food Day mean to the malnourished?

A malnourished Dalit girl in Aiyer Tolla of Varansi District, Uttar Pradesh state, India. Having to repeat oneself year after year and keeping hope alive against all odds, what can be more melancholic than this? Only the fact that one does it counting the bodies of those who perished because of our failure in keeping […]

PAKISTAN: Organisations call upon people to resist land grabbing and stand for their rights to water, seeds and land for food sovereignty

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following Press Release from the Pakistan Fisherfolk forum and Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research. Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong ————- FORWARDED PRESS RELEASE  AHRC-FP-050-2012 A Forwarded Press Statement by the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum and Pakistan Institute of Labour […]

SRI LANKA: Pandora’s Box

By Nilantha Ilangamuwa In case of fraudulent agreements, only such shall be valid as are entered into by spies. – Arthashastra by Kautilya She was an icon who gave her energy to develop Sri Lankan cinema. Perhaps it was the era in which the country was searching for meaning through cinema to find and assert […]

INDIA: Human rights defender tortured in Kerala

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Nervazhi concerning another case of police brutality by officers stationed at Mathilakam Police Station, of Thrissur district in Kerala. According to the case report, the Sub Inspector of Police verbally abused and later brutally tortured Mr. Prashant, a human rights defender and reporter […]

PAKISTAN: No legitimacy to be at the UN with Ahmadis disfranchised

The Ahmadis, a sect that believes in Islam and claims to be an ardent follower of it, has been declared as non-Muslim under the Pakistani legislation. Evidently, the Government of Pakistan has not only confiscated their freedom to faith, belief and practice, but also proactively victimises them socially, economically and educationally. The declaration goes against […]

INDIA: Why insult the nation Dr. Manmohan Singh?

Statement | India | 11-10-2012

The Prime Minister, who yesterday said that “[m]indless atmosphere of negativity and pessimism that is sought to be created over the issue of corruption can do us no good”, has attacked and insulted the collective aspiration of the nation that longs for the government to setup an effective machinery to end all forms of corruption in India. […]

SRI LANKA: Patronage system replacing the rule of law

These are cataclysmic times marked by complete public cynicism regarding the value of the law, when the Judicial Service Commission has been unrelentingly attacked by the state media and its Secretary complains publicly that there are fears for the security of even ‘the person holding the highest position in the judicial system’ (see Daily Mirror […]

SRI LANKA: Judicial independence in a coffin

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the attack upon the Secretary of the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) of Sri Lanka, Mr. Manjula Thilakarathne. It is reported that Thilakarathne, a senior High Court judge who was openly critical about the executive’s unwarranted control over the country’s judiciary. Unidentified persons have reportedly attacked Thilakarathne, stabbing him […]

NEPAL: The AHRC adds its voice to concern over the promotion of a colonel accused of human rights abuses

Statement | Nepal | 07-10-2012

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) adds its voice to the chorus of concern over the promotion of Colonel Raju Basnet to the rank of Brigadier General of the Nepal Army, in spite of the seriousness of the allegations of human rights violations brought against him. Colonel Raju Basnet, then Lieutenant Colonel, was in charge […]

INDIA: Betrayed and threatened, but success wrenched out

(Hong Kong & Bhopal – India, October 6, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is certain that you are all aware of the developments in Barwani where a peaceful march by the indigenous people under the banner of Jagrit Dalit Adivasi Sangthan (JADS) was first stopped and attacked by the thugs allegedly led by the […]

INDIA: Betrayed and threatened, but success wrenched out

None can find fault with the villagers protesting against corruption in Barwani district of Madhya Pradesh state. A large number of villagers, representing mostly the tribal community, and of the poorest of the poor living in the district, have, for the past two days, gathered at a place named Court Chauraha of the district head […]

BANGLADESH: Three persons faced detention in a fabricated case, lodged by illegal-sand-miners, who are being aided by ruling party parliamentarians

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding illegal sand mining in the Meghna River adjacent to the Mayadip and Nunertek islands. There has been an investigation conducted by the government of Bangladesh, following intervention by the Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing of the United Nation, which itself followed the […]

PAKISTAN: The next general elections — Some pre-requisites

Introduction The primary objective of a fair and free democratic election has to be the creation of truly representative institutions at all levels, federal, provincial and local government levels – a truly representative and sovereign parliament, capable of giving expression to the genuine aspirations of each and every segment and section of the citizens of […]

WORLD: Who will respond to the distress call of the Judicial Service Commission of Sri Lanka?

This distress call is not from a sinking ship but from the supreme body that represents the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) of Sri Lanka, which is desperately stating that the independence of the judiciary is under threat from the executive. The Asian Human Rights Commission has for years warned that democracy in Sri Lanka is […]

BANGLADESH: Businessman remains missing for ten years while police deny credible investigation – family struggles to survive despite attacks from thugs

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a businessman named Mr. Md. Karamat Ali of Satkhira district town has been missing for ten years. Md. Hossain Ali, the prime suspect in the disappearance of the victim, has run a business right in front of the police station for the past ten […]

BANGLADESH: Female human rights defender molested, sexually harassed, and suspended from her position as school teacher for standing up for a victim of gang-rape

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a female human rights defender, Mrs. Shampa Goswami, is facing suspension from her job as teacher for standing up for a victim of gang rape. The alleged perpetrators, well connected to influential political leaders, have been directly attacking her person, by circulating doctored […]

NEPAL: Police torture a detainee by hanging him upside down in Kaski district

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a man arrested for snatching a gold chain had been severely tortured while in custody of the District Police Office, Kaski, for two days from 9 to 10 September, 2012, in spite of having confessed to the crime immediately. At the time of […]

NEPAL: A minor is tortured and illegally detained, alongside adults, and refused access to a lawyer

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that a fifteen-year-old domestic worker, Mr Rameshwor Chhaudari, was arrested by the police on 16 August under allegations of theft. He was brought before the Chief District Officer although Nepali law mandates that minors should be tried by a Juvenile bench. Since then, he has […]

SRI LANKA: Disappearance of land titles among other frauds

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to bring to the attention of the Sri Lankan public that we have learned about the massive frauds relating to tampering with land titles and also other frauds by the misusing the criminal justice process by way of fabrication of charges. The incidents narrated hereunder would explain the […]