Rule of law

BURMA: Abuses remain “systemic, entrenched”, AHRC warns

(Hong Kong, December 9, 2011) Despite signs of political change and the easing of restrictions on freedom of expression in Burma, rights abuses remain “systemic, deeply entrenched and vast in scale”, the Asian Human Rights Commission said today in its annual State of Human Rights in Asia report.   The 17-page Burma report, entitled “From blinkered […]

INDIA: Human rights a utopia without justice

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011 The state of human rights in a country is directly proportional to the extent of justice achieved in that jurisdiction. Justice is not a physically quantifiable concept. It is “truth in action” as held by […]

PAKISTAN: The government dodges the international community on civil and political rights

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011 The full report is available for download at The state has become dysfunctional in providing basic human rights to the people. Though the parliament exists it either cannot assert its constitutional duties or does not […]

SOUTH KOREA: Human Rights in 2011 – Systematic setup to restrict rights vs. systematic failure to protect rights

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011 On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011 the AHRC is publishing the annual report on the State of Human Rights in South Korea in 2011. The full report is available […]

BANGLADESH: State appears bankrupt in protecting rights

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011 International Human Rights Day is going to be ‘observed’ in Bangladesh amidst numerous victims facing gross abuses of human rights without an access to legal remedies from the existing criminal justice system. On the eve […]

INDONESIA: AHRC launches human rights report on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day

(Hong Kong, December 07, 2011) On the occasion of the upcoming International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2011, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is launching its annual report on the State of Human Rights in Indonesia in 2011. The full report is available for download at In the report, the AHRC witnessed a […]

NEPAL: Commitments to accountability and justice continue to be jeopardized in 2011

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011 On the occasion of the 63rd Human Rights Day, the Asian Human Rights Commission is releasing its annual report on the state of human rights protection in Nepal through 2011. The report is available here. Given […]

INDONESIA: Human Rights in 2011 – The Decay of Pancasila and Constitutional Protections

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011 On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011 the AHRC publishes its annual report on the State of Human Rights in Indonesia in 2011. The full report will be made available […]

SRI LANKA: A video in Sinhala that explains the difference between law and order, and the rule of law

(Hong Kong, December 1, 2011) Janasansadaya, a well-known human rights organization in Sri Lanka has produced a short interview with Basil Fernando of the Asian Human Rights Commission. In the interview, the difference between what is now popularly called “law and order” and the concept of the rule of law is explained. In Sri Lanka, […]

SRI LANKA: Drunken police officers attempted to steal a motorbike and tortured the bike-owner after arbitrary detention

Dear friends, Mr. Chulani Thilakarathna, (50) of Ushani Plant Nursary, Dunkannawa, Naththandiya in Putthalam District was severely tortured, illegally arrested and detained by police officers attached to the Marawila Police Station on 17 Octorber 2011. The officers were drunk at the time of the incident and attempted to steal the victim’s motorbike. He was only […]

SRI LANKA: Widow of two children denied justice by the Thalathuoya Police Station

Dear friends, Ms. E M Premawathi (53) is a widow and the mother of two children. She resides at Alikewela, Heagedara, Marassana in the Kandy District. Premawathi learned that her Brother-in-Law has provided fraudulent documentation showing that he is the lawful owner of the land and house in which she and her teenage daughters reside. […]

SRI LANKA: Death threats to the Sunday Leader newspaper’s editor must be investigated

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Ms. Frederica Sandra Carmela Jansz, editor of the local, English-language newspaper, The Sunday Leader, received sexually violent, anonymous death threats on 27 October 2011. Ms. Frederica is a well-known journalist who has bravely and repeatedly called for governmental transparency and accountability. She was […]

BURMA: Farmers lodge new complaint against army-owned company over caustic soda factory

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained details of a new complaint lodged by a group of farmers against the construction of another caustic soda factory in Kanma Township of central Burma. The factory project is an investment of an army-owned holding company. After a group of farmers in a neighbouring village […]

SRI LANKA: A young man was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the Wattegama Police

Dear friends, Mr. M.M. Kushantha Janaka Herath was illegally arrested, detained and severely tortured by officers of the Wattegama Police Station on 30 October 2011. Kushan was on his way home when he was stopped by three police officers who ordered him to submit to a search. Kushan voluntarily submitted showing the officers, who he […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent man was illegally arrested, tortured and laid with fabricated charges by the Ranagala Police

Dear friends, Mr. Sarath Keerthirathna (40) of No: 130, Nilgalla, Udispaththuwa in the Kandy District was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Ranagala Police Station on 15 October 2011. Sarath was arrested while he was at his sister’s house by two heavily inebriated police officers in civilian clothes and […]

SRI LANKA: The truth at Nandikadal needs to be part of a wider process of justice

Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena  Central to any discussion on accountability in Sri Lanka is recognition of the fact that what happened in Nandikadal in May 2009 during the last stages of the fighting between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and government troops needs to be part of a wider and more inclusive process of justice in […]

INDIA: West Bengal state police refuses to help a family to rescue a kidnapped girl

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has once again received information from MASUM, a human rights organisation working in West Bengal, concerning the kidnapping of a girl, allegedly for child trafficking and enforced prostitution. The parents of the girl when approached the Swarupnagar Police Station of North 24 Parganas, it is reported that […]

PAKISTAN: Army and government officials remain silent to the demands for action against the alleged rapists of 16 year old girl

The Ansar Burney Trust announces that it will take responsibility for providing medical treatment to the victim for the safe delivery of the child and their protection In the case of 16-year-old Uzma Ayub, who was kept in illegal detention and repeatedly raped for a period of one year, the Pakistan army is keeping mysteriously […]

SRI LANKA: Duminda Silva is above the law

Duminda Silva is above the law. This is not due to any constitutional status that he has, as for example, the President of Sri Lanka who is by virtue of article 35 of the Constitution, above the law. In the case of Duminda Silva he is above the law only because the president or his […]

SRI LANKA: Student tortured at Horana Thakshila Primary School

Dear friends, A 14-year-old school child, Uve Adikarige Shashendra Sampath of Horana Thakshila Primary School was severely tortured by a teacher on 20 October 2011. This assault has happened despite the assurance of the government that violence against school children would be closely monitored. This case is yet another illustration of the fact that the […]