Rule of law

INDIA: A responsible government will listen to the people

Statement | India | 07-04-2011

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and (1) Madhya Pradesh Right to Food Campaign Support Group; (2) Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Udyog Sangthan; (3) Peedit Nirashrit Pension Bhogi Morch; (4) Sarokaar; (5) Baal Panchayat; (6) Nagrik Adhikar Manch; (7) Yuva Samvad; (8) Prasoon and (9) Vikas Samvad; human rights organisations working in […]

BURMA: Neither evidence nor law anywhere to be found in trial of alleged bomber

A relative of a young man accused of bombing the traditional New Year festival in Rangoon during 2010 has again petitioned the Supreme Court for the trial to be transferred to another judge and for the case to be heard in accordance with law. The petition comes after the police officer in charge of the […]

BANGLADESH: Police enjoy impunity despite torturing villagers and sexually abusing women in Dinajpur

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received credible information that the Dinajpur police commited mass torture of villagers in Daptoir village of Biral upazila in Dinajpur district. The victims included men, women, children and the elderly. They suffered severe injuries and the women victims were sexually molested and abused. The police perpetrators […]

SRI LANKA: A man is under imminent threat of illegal arrest and torture

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Welgamgoda Aacharyage Upul Sanjeewa (27) of Kammalgedara, Pansala Road, Deniyaya in the district of Matara is in imminent threat of being illegally arrested and severely tortured by police officers attached to the Deniyaya Police Station. The police officers went to his residence […]

INDONESIA: Rule by violence

Bombing of NGO office following religious standoff while US Congress urges President to revoke decrees Following a series of violent incidents against religious minorities, including the Ahmadiyah community, two regional administrations in Indonesia had issued local decrees banning the Ahmadiyah followers. On February 6, in Cikeusik Banten for example three Ahmadiyah followers were killed and […]

SRI LANKA: A man is severely tortured for questioning the torture of friend

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Sundaralingam Shashidaran (29) of 168, Dekinda Road, Bawwagama, Nawalapitiya in the district of Kandy was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Nawalapitiya Police Station when he went and demanded the reason behind the torture of his […]

SRI LANKA: Police produced a man before court with fabricated charges after torture

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Allen Jo (29) 195/1 Welgampola Road, Nawawlapitiya in the district of Kandy was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Nawalapitiya Police Station on 28 March 2011. He was arrested accused for possession of drugs without any reason […]

NEPAL: Torture victims face eviction and harassment

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the case of Ang Dorje and Jangbu Sherpa who were beaten and illegally arrested by police officers from Metropolitan Police Circle, Maharjgunj, Kathmandu after they refused to pay a bribe on 9 February 2011. They are now facing continuous harassment (For further […]

SRI LANKA: Innocent man tortured to reveal identity of cattle thieves and as a result of complaining to the Human Rights Commission

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Marasingha Arachchige Maithree Narada (27) of No. 30/49,Wijaya Samarugama, Demanhandiya in the district of Gampaha was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Negombo Police Station on 27 February 2011. Narada was first tortured while he was […]

BANGLADESH: State agents allow army officer’s relatives to rob off the house of a human rights defender

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) informed you on 4 March 2011 regarding death threat to the family of F. M. A. Razzak, a human rights defender by the relatives of an officer the Bangladesh Army (For further details, please see our latest Urgent Appeal Update: AHRC-UAU-013-2011).  Now, the AHRC has received updated information […]

PAKISTAN: Four activists protesting the disappearance of their leader also disappeared after their abduction by the law enforcement agencies

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that four activists of a nationalist political group were abducted from a crowded part of Karachi city by the police and plain clothed persons in police and military jeeps when they were ending their six day hunger strike in protest against the second disappearance […]

PAKISTAN: Journalists have been deprived of minimum wage for 15 years due to court delays

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that working journalists and newspapers employees of Pakistan have been denied an increase in minimum wages since 1996. Due to the ongoing litigation in the higher courts the owners of the media houses are enjoying the benefits of the delay in justice. The 7th […]

SRI LANKA: Police tortured an innocent man with chili in his eyes and nostrils after illegal arrest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Chaminda Sampath Wickrama Pathirana of Walgama, Bandaragama in the district of Kaluthara was illegally arrested and severely tortured by police officers attached to the Badaragama Police Station on 20 May 2009. At the time of arrest, when he was severely tortured or […]

SRI LANKA: A man was brutally tortured by Anamaduwa Police on mistaken identity

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Koronchige Nihal De Silva (28) of ‘Ashoka Niwasa’, Parawakandagama, Anamaduwa in Puttalam district was illegally arrested and severely tortured by police officers attached to the Anamaduwa Police Station on 2 January 2011. He was hung on the beam and beaten with poles […]

INDIA: Human rights defender murdered for challenging corruption

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the murder of human rights activist Mr. Niyamat Ansari in Kope Gram Panchayat of Latehar District, Jharkhand state, on 2 March, as well as a similar attempt on the same day upon the life of his associate Mr. Bhukhan Singh. It is reported […]

THAILAND: Thailand needs to move beyond its human rights rhetoric

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the Prachatai website, written by Mr. Pokpong Lawansiri. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from the Prachatai website forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Pokpong Lawansiri Released on Sun, 06/03/2011 – 13:12 | by prachatai On 28th February […]

SRI LANKA: Police brutally torture a man in revenge for complaining to the human rights commission

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Alahendra Acharige Dinesh Priyankara of Panadura North Police Division in Kaluthara district was illegally arrested and severely tortured by police officers attached to the Panadura North Police Station on 23 January 2011. Later he was brought to the station and questioned about […]

PAKISTAN: A 16 year old girl was gang raped almost for one month — perpetrators were released by the police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 16 year old girl was abducted along with her brother by the persons from the land mafia for ransom. During the ordeal the girl was gang raped for almost one month. After the intervention of a session court the police filed the […]

BANGLADESH: Allegation of molesting a subordinate female staff by a male judge requires credible investigation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned of the allegation of molestation of a female fourth class employee by a Judge while cleaning his official chamber on 23 February 2011. The alleged Judge, who has been identified as Mr. Mohammad Yasin, has allegedly influenced the high-ranking bureaucrats targeting the complainant’s job. The […]

PAKISTAN: No law or code of conduct against the torture that terms it as illegal practice

Malik Ayub Sumbal, Islamabad The notorious Pakistani police torture and violence towards innocent people is not a concealed aspect of the country’s history and the media, civil society activists and human rights organization time and again unveiled the brutal face of these beasts in the police uniform. The Pakistani police is among the most corrupt […]