Rule of law

INDIA: Police remain inactive on the alleged torture of a fisherman and an elderly widow by officers of the Border Security Force

[NOTICE: To facilitate your intervention of the urgent appeals issued by the AHRC, we have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of all the Indian authorities. We encourage you to send your appeal letters via fax or post to those people. Fax numbers and […]

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Police investigation regarding the alleged torture of three men and the death of one by the Army in Khulna continues

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the governmental authorities have started investigations regarding the case of the alleged torture of three men by the Army in Paikgachha, Khulna district, in which one person died (for further details please see: UA-029-2007). In the updated information, we have learned that an Assistant […]

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Intelligence wing investigating into torture case

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the government authorities have started an investigation into the case of two torture victims, Mr. Muzibur Rahman and Mr. Waheduzzaman, who were arbitrarily arrested, detained and tortured by the army in Khulna district (For original urgent appeals, see: UP-019-2007; UP-015-2007; UP-011-2007; UA-367-2006; UP-232-2006). Over a two day […]

INDONESIA: Violent attack and deliberate police inaction in East Java

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from local human rights organisation KONTRAS about the alleged violent disturbance at a conference organized by the National Liberation Unity Party (PAPERNAS), by a group called the Indonesian Anti-Communist Front/Front Anti Koumnis (FAKI) at Batu in East Java on 4 March 2007.  The incident […]

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Court granted bail to two torture victims

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that bails for two torture victims, Mr. Muzibur Rahman and Mr. Waheduzzaman, who were arbitrarily arrested, detained and tortured by the army in Khulna district, were granted by Paikgachha Upazilla Magistrate Court on 13 February 2007 (For original urgent appeals, visit: UP-015-2007; UP-011-2007; UA-367-2006; UP-232-2006). The Bail […]

INDONESIA: Refusal to amend the law on torture lends support to its widespread use by the State officers

Indonesia signed the International Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the 23 October 1985 and ratified it on the 28 October I 998 by the Law No. 5/1998. Since its ratification, there have been numerous calls by the CAT Committee- for instance in its “Concluding Observations: Indonesia” (01/11/2002. […]

UPDATE (Cambodia): Sihanoukville governor orders 105 families to leave their homes within 7 days

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that on 19 January 2007 Sihanoukville Governor Say Hak allegedly issued a notice bearing number 0026 to evict 105 families who have been living on 17 hectares of land since 1985 in Sangkat Commune Number 4, Metapheap district, Sihanoukville, Cambodia. In the notice, all […]

UPDATE (Burma): Further details of cases against person accused of treason & other offences

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received further detailed documentation on the cases against one of the eight men appealing their conviction for treason in Burma (UA-017-2007). The accused, Sai Nyunt Lwin, was the general secretary of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, a registered political party. However, he was sentenced to […]

INDIA: Re: Failure to provide adequate remedy under Article 2 of the ICCPR and under the law in India for a human rights defender who has complained of an attempted assassination on his life and further blackmail by the police

I refer to the complaint made by Dr. Lenin Raghuvansi [please refer to your case number 5840/24/97-98] of a well planned assassination attempt on his life. The attempt was on 18.02.1998. He has given detailed information that his house was surrounded by police officers from Ramnagar police station in an attempt to assassinate him the […]

CAMBODIA: Forced eviction of 229 families in Sihanoukville

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Cambodian authorities. We encourage you to send your appeal letters via fax or post to those people. Fax numbers and postal addresses of the Cambodian authorities are […]

CAMBODIA: Law abolishing parliamentary immunity is unconstitutional & unacceptable

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AS-215-2006 September 14, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission CAMBODIA: Law abolishing parliamentary immunity is unconstitutional & unacceptable On August 31 the National Assembly of Cambodia adopted a new law regarding its members. The Law on Members of Parliament is intended, among other things, to regulate parliamentary immunity, including […]

ASIA: Extrajudicial killings, disappearances, torture and other forms of gross human rights violations still engulf Asia’s nations

In addition to the general statement issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) for International Human Rights Day on December 10, we are also making the brief comments below on the human rights situation in several Asian countries. A more comprehensive report will be available soon. Sri Lanka The most violent place in Asia […]

ASIA: Flawed criminal justice systems negate the realisation of human rights in Asia

Discontent over malfunctioning democracies and legal systems and the consequent setbacks these shortcomings cause for human rights and the rule of law, as well as aggressively expressed aspirations to resolve such problems, are marked features that define the year 2006 in many Asian countries. Specifically, Asia’s people feel discontent over the authoritarianism of democratically elected […]

PHILIPPINES: Delays in prosecution causes prolonged detention of two farmers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you about the prolonged detention of two farmers in Davao Oriental province, the Philippines. Both of them have been detained for almost three years without any progress in their case because the prosecution witnesses failed to appear in court on six occasions. One of […]

NEPAL: Government and Communist Party of Nepal sign peace agreement

Statement | Nepal | 23-11-2006

The AHRC produces below the full text of this historic agreement: The full text of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement held between Government of Nepal and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) dated November 22, 2006 Preamble Respecting popular mandate of Nepali people expressed in favor of democracy, peace and progression through the historical struggles and people’s […]

INDONESIA: Refusal to cooperate with United Nations human rights mechanisms in investigation of Munir’s death

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-275-2006 November 06, 2006   A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission   INDONESIA: Refusal to cooperate with United Nations human rights mechanisms in investigation of Munir’s death     The wife of celebrated human rights defender Munir Said Thalib, who was poisoned and died on September 7, 2004 under highly […]

THAILAND: UN role needed to ensure that killers of human rights lawyer successfully prosecuted & tried

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 3, 2006 AHRC-OL-061-2006 An Open Letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights by the Asian Human Rights Commission Louise Arbour High Commissioner UN High Commission on Human Rights OHCHR-UNOG 8-14 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Geneva 10 SWITZERLAND Fax:  +41 22 917-9006 Dear Ms. Arbour THAILAND: UN role needed […]

THAILAND: Problems of Tak Bai are the problems of Thailand

In March 2005, the then-army commander in Thailand, General Pravit Wongsuwan, was asked what disciplinary action would be taken against three generals found liable for the death of 84 innocent civilians on 25 October 2004, six outside the Tak Bai District Police Station and 78 in army trucks that transported over one thousand demonstrators and […]

THAILAND: False criminal cases much more than a problem of money

An October 17 article in the Bangkok Post reported that the Ministry of Justice there has to pay hundreds of millions of Thai Baht in compensation to people who have been wrongfully prosecuted for crimes they did not commit. The law providing for compensation, the Compensation for Victims of Crime Act BE 2544 (2001), arises […]

THAILAND: MILITARY COUP – One month on, fact vs. fiction

It is now one month since the armed forces of Thailand under General Sonthi Boonyaratglin took power on September 19. Since that time, the coup group and government officials have been creating a fictional version of what they have done, are doing and will do. To mark this occasion, the Asian Human Rights Commission lists […]