Rule of law

PHILIPPINES: Police “solve” cases but killings continue

The Philippine National Police have a unique definition of the word “solved”. According to them, once a charge is filed against a suspect with the Office of the Prosecutor it is solved. Suspects not arrested? No matter, it is solved. Investigation flawed? No matter, it is solved. Requests of victim’s family for more inquiries unanswered? […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Authorities continue to deny justice to child victim

[Re: UA-90-2004: SRI LANKA: A boy brutally assaulted by his teachers and denied his right of education; UP-42-2004: SRI LANKA: Update on a boy brutally assaulted by his teachers; UP–003–2006: SRI LANKA: Attorney General withdraws criminal case against school staff who tortured a student] ——————————————————————— SRI LANKA: Severe assault; denial of child rights; government inaction; […]

SRI LANKA: The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has stopped investigations into 2000 disappearance cases to avoid having to pay government compensation to the victims

In a very strange move that will surprise anyone concerned with the global effort to eradicate disappearances and gross human rights violations, the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL), which claims to be the country’s prime agency for the protection and promotion of human rights, officially decided to stop further inquiries into disappearance cases […]

THAILAND: The impossibility of complaint against the police

On July 17 the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) issued an appeal on the alleged torture, armed robbery, illegal detention, and attempted rape and extortion of two persons in Saraburi, just northeast of Bangkok in Thailand. According to Uthai Boonnom, he and his partner were taken–at gunpoint and blindfolded–to a house in the forest where […]

UPDATE (Thailand): Petition on DSI attracts international support; please sign!

[RE: UP-20-2005: THAILAND: Human rights lawyer still missing after nearly one year; Action needed today to have case transferred… UP-77-2005: THAILAND: Department of Special Investigation fails to bring justice to Charoen Wat-aksorn case… UA-112-2005: THAILAND: Murder of Thai monk following an environmental and land dispute with local influential business figures; UP-028-2006: THAILAND: Protection withdrawn from […]

GENERAL APPEAL (Pakistan): Urge ILO action on anti-worker & unconstitutional law

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by a new bill that was illegally passed by the government in Pakistan in order to drag the country’s workers into conditions of slavery. The so-called Finance Bill is an unconstitutional law that severely undermines basic labour rights and flies against the basic principles […]

SRI LANKA:The case of Chamila Bandara, HC Kandy 231 of 2005 — The matter of the serving of the indictment on the accused

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 7, 2006 AHRC-OL-028-2006 An open letter to the Inter Ministerial Committee on Human Rights The Inter Ministerial Committee on Human Rights Thro- Hon. Mahinda Samarasinghe Minister for Disaster Management and Human Rights Parliamentary Complex Colombo 1 SRI LANKA July 6, 2006 Dear Sirs, SRI LANKA: The case of Chamila Bandara, HC […]

New easy process to support the urgent appeals programme

The Asian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) Urgent Appeals Programme wishes to remind you of our new urgent appeal online support system. We strongly urge you to use this system and to help pressure government authorities and other relevant persons to intervene and bring justice to all concerned.  The urgent appeals online support system will now […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Further intimidation faced by torture victim J.V. Saman Priyankara from Matale

[Re: UP-80-2005: SRI LANKA:  Further death threats to torture victim J.V. Saman Priyankara from Matale ; UP-74-2005: SRI LANKA: Torture victim Priyankara received death threats again and urgent witness protection is required; UP-37-2004: A Kandy coordinator of National Police Commission allegedly cooperates with torture perpetrators; UP-34-2004: Priyankara brutally assaulted and arrested with no access to […]

NEPAL: The urgent need to disarm and disband vigilante groups in Nepal, following the death of three-year old child

Open letter from the AHRC to the Prime Minister of Nepal Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala Prime Minister’s office Singha Durbar Kathmandu NEPAL Fax. + 977 142 27286 Dear Prime Minister Koirala, Re: The urgent need to disarm and disband vigilante groups in Nepal, following the death of three-year old child The Asian Human Rights […]

The AHRC is happy to launch the urgent appeal online support system

The urgent appeals programme has experienced considerable growth over the last years. To ensure that individual support by UA programme subscribers will continue despite the increased issuing of urgent appeals, and to ease the possibilities to support the urgent appeals programme, the AHRC has launched an addition to the existing system. The urgent appeals online […]

SRI LANKA: Sixth day of mourning against executive interference into the judiciary and other independent institutions — Sri Lanka is ceasing to be a law based society

The numerous appointments to key national commissions by the executive president, contravening constitutional requirements, are a very clear indication of Sri Lanka’s drift from a law-based society to one in which the law plays a significantly reduced role.  While criticism against presidential actions has pointed to matters including the fact that no person is above […]

BURMA: The 1974 Constitution and challenge for Burma’s courts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2006 AS-107-2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission BURMA: The 1974 Constitution and challenge for Burma’s courts U Tin Nyein is among the latest victims of Burma’s courts of injustice. On March 29, the 49-year-old farmer was jailed for two years because he complained that his crops were […]

SRI LANKA: Presidential immunity an expression of legalised tyranny guaranteed by 1978 Constitution

The electoral victory of Sri Lanka’s United National Party (UNP) in 1977 created what is now commonly known as ‘elective dictatorship’. This dictatorship was made permanent through the legal structure arising from the 1978 Constitution. Additionally, the transformation of democratic rule into tyrannical rule was approved by a vast majority in the parliament. Most of […]

SRI LANKA: Chief Justice cursing the corrupt without taking legal action indicates justice system failure

Statement | | 07-05-2006

A statement made by Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice, Sarath N. Silva at a recent public meeting is causing many comments, both public and private, on the state of the judiciary and rule of law in the country. In his statement the Chief Justice is reported to have cursed the Sri Lankan police as being highly […]

CAMBODIA: Brutality and impunity of the Cambodian security forces must be stopped through criminal prosecutions

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that over recent months, members of various Cambodian security forces have in separate incidents shot and injured young women in Phnom Penh, shot dead a villager in Kompong Cham, and wantonly driven a car into a smuggler there, killing him on the spot. The AHRC has also […]

SRI LANKA: The thirteenth anniversary of the violent death of a gross human rights abuser

On the 1st May, 1993, R. Premadasa, the executive president of Sri Lanka, was killed in a massive bomb blast while participating in the May Day public activities.  The blast also killed and injured many others.  Before becoming president he was the prime minister to J.R. Jayawardene who came to power through a huge electoral […]

THAILAND: King’s remarks a watershed for democracy and the rule of law

The speeches by the King of Thailand to the Supreme Court and Administrative Court judges on 25 April 2006 have with good reason been reported all around the world. Among his remarks, he told the judges that “When an election is not democratic, you should look carefully into the administrative issues. I ask you to […]

SRI LANKA: Escalation of violence and the absence of human rights monitoring bodies in Sri Lanka

As the violence has escalated within the last few days and the lives of many are affected by the actions of all sides, the issue that comes to the forefront is the absence of any human rights monitoring mechanisms in Sri Lanka. The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRC) became defunct with the expiry […]

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Government names District Judge to conduct a judicial probe into the police brutality on journalists

[RE: UP-089-2006: BANGLADESH: Government names the head of the judicial probe commission into the police brutality on journalists; UA-128-2006: BANGLADESH: Journalists beaten by the police at the Chittagong stadium] —————————————————– UP-095-2006: BANGLADESH: Government names District Judge to conduct a judicial probe into the police brutality on journalists BANGLADESH: Torture; intimidation; threat; deprivation of professional duty; […]