Rule of law

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 113

This week’s episode of Just Asia covers International Women’s Day, marked annually on March 8, to reflect on women’s struggles to achieve their rights. This year’s theme is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality”. Looking at women in Asia, Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where many cultural and religious practices pose […]

SRI LANKA: The rise of the underworld and the future of good governance

Reports of a series of killings attributed to underworld elements have sent shockwaves amongst all Sri Lankans, whether living in Sri Lanka or outside. Almost everyone was speculating as to what these killings aimed to achieve. Some thought the killings were mainly directed towards witnesses of serious crimes being investigated, or already brought to court. […]

INDONESIA: Congratulations to the Attorney General for discontinuing prosecution of fabricated cases

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has information that after pressure and intensive lobbies conducted by national and international civil society organizations, the Attorney General’s Office (AGO), Mr. HM Prasetyo, decided to stop prosecution against a senior Corruption Eradication Commission investigator, Mr. Novel Baswedan. He also dropped the cases of Mr. Abraham Samad […]

BURMA / MYANMAR: Rise in politically motivated arrests and charges

Burma has experienced its first democratic election in November 2015, and is going to have a newly elected civilian government this April, after half a century under military government. But, despite the historic election having taken place, peaceful protestors have continued to be subject to rights violations. Former political prisoner Nilar Thein of the 88 […]

SRI LANKA: Father and daughter illegally arrested under fabricated charges by Kandy Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. M. Mohan (56) and Sri Devi (35) of No: 84/25/1, Pathana Watte, Sunduhumpola in the Kandy District have been illegally arrested and detained. On 30th January 2016, fabricated charges have been filed before the Magistrate of Kandy by police officers attached to […]

INDIA: Maharashtra Cabinet on Disaster tour to curb farmer suicides

Article | India | 05-03-2016

The government of Maharashtra has finally woken up to the agrarian crisis that has, according to official statistics, already ensnared the lives of 124 farmers in the state in the first 45 days of the year. Awoken, the government has decided to take action. And, the action that the government has decided to take is […]

PAKISTAN: Women friendly laws are a start to turn the tide

Domestic violence is rampant throughout the world. In Pakistan, however, female victims of such violence are left without reprieve, as they have to suffer the dogma of being labelled loose women if they decide to stand up to their abusers, who are usually male family members. So Pakistani women have been staying in abusive relationships, […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 112

This week’s episode of Just Asia begins with the re-arrest of Indian activist Irom Sharmila, two days after being acquitted of attempted suicide charges. On hunger strike for the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act causing widespread abuses in Manipur, Sharmila has been arrested and released several times over the past 15 years. […]

NEPAL: Dicing with death

An oped from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission On September 15 2015, twelve-year-old Ranjana Singh Kshetri, a resident of Bethari in Rupandehi district, received a bullet in the neck when she stuck her head out of the kitchen to see what was happening outside. On the same day, BinodLakaul, 48, […]

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis target of religious expediency once again

A new wave of attacks on religious minority groups has gripped the country after the execution of Mumtaz Qadri, the killer of Punjab’s former governor, for alleged blasphemy. Qadri was executed on February 29, and countrywide protests began simultaneously. On the day of Qadri’s burial, March 1, Qamar Ul Zia, a young Ahmadi businessman was […]

THAILAND: Courts used to harass defenders

A group of human rights defenders in Northeast Thailand has been forced into a frivolous and damaging case in court, due to their attempts to protect community resources against a gold mining operation. According to Thailand’s Rights Coalition, Protection International, and theCommunity Resource Centre, TungkhumLimited is seeking 50 million Baht (around USD $1.4 million) in […]

THAILAND: Ranong Courts to Review Case of Alleged Murder by Migrant Workers

A Press Releasefrom the Lawyers Council of Thailand, Human Rights and Development Foundation,The Foundation of Education and Development, Muslim Attorney Centre Foundation and Diocesan Social Action Cantre of Souratthani Catholic Foundation forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) The Provincial Court of Ranong and the Juvenile and Family Court of Ranong have accepted to […]

WORLD: “The protection of human life and dignity is crucial at all times”- Zeid Ra\’ad Al Hussein

The Opening Statement of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the 31st Regular Session of the Human Rights Council is forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Opening Statement to the 31st session of the Human Rights Council Distinguished Presidents of the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly – and President Lykketoft, […]

NEPAL: Nepal’s police in Madhesi-hunting spree

Statement | Nepal | 24-02-2016

The Asian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) partner organization the Terai Human Rights Defenders (THRD) Alliance have secured information that the Nepal police have started arresting Madhesi protesters in different cases, mostly related toevents that occurred during the 5 month long protests and blockade in the southern plains. This is a systematic trend of charging with […]

PAKISTAN: Transgender community continues to suffer for being different

In a conservative society like Pakistan, being a trans-person is deemed a crime. The transgender community is treated as outcastes having no identity or rights. Like other marginalized factions of the society, the transgender suffer discrimination and injustice at the hands of the influential. According to Front Line Defender, the International Foundation for the Protection […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Students face multiple charges over protest

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about three student protesters who face multiple cases over peaceful assembly and procession. The students’ call for amendment of the 2008 Constitution led them to face criminal charges. They are at present detained in Insein Prison, where they await trial. Two cases have been […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 110

In this week’s episode, Just Asia covers the commemoration of the 1989 Talangsari Massacre in Indonesia. Although the Talangsari Massacre was mentioned by President Widodo as one of his government’s priorities, until now no concrete solution has been provided. Next, Just Asia looks at the unrest at India’s prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The unrest […]

PAKISTAN: Principal costs innocent student her life

Although the right to education is a fundamental human right recognised throughout the civilised world, girls in Pakistan still have to fight for the right. Many even lose their life in this battle, such as 17-year-old Saqiba. A student of the Government Girls Degree College in Muslim Bagh, Balochistan, Saqiba Hakim Kakar committed suicide on […]

PAKISTAN: Impunity shrouds disappearances

Torture, enforced disappearance, and extrajudicial killings have become endemic in the country marred by internal conflict. Rule of law and justice have become a distant dream for the victims and families of missing persons. And, disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture in custody and arbitrary detentions, have been given legal and constitutional coverage by the government. Through […]

INDIA: Hands off JNU, other campuses

The trouble fomenting in Indian varsities ever since the new government came to power has now reached one of the most prestigious universities of the country, the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The stir ostensibly started after a group of students organized an event commemorating the death anniversary of Afzal Guru and called his hanging a […]