Sexual violence

SRI LANKA: Press Council condones incitement to rape

URGENT ACTION URGENT ACTION URGENT ACTION URGENT ACTION URGENT  ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEAL PROGRAMME  AHRC UA Index:000607 07 June 2000  ————————————————————————-  UA 27/00: Miscarriage of Justice  SRI LANKA: Press Council condones incitement to rape  —————————————————————————  AHRC is deeply concerned with a recent ruling of the Sri Lankan Press Council regarding the publication […]

SOUTH KOREA: Dismissal of a female worker after complaining about sexual harassment at the workplace

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal received from the Network for Global Activism in Korea about the case of a female worker who has held a sit-in struggle in front of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family for more than 150 days after being dismissed. She is […]