Threats and intimidation

NEPAL: Human rights defender living in fear after detailing corruption and malpractice in Osho Tapoban

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Ms. Anshu Gurung, a human rights defender and writer, is in hiding, fearing for her life. After Anshu wrote an article on her experiences at Osho Tapoban International in Nepal, Swami Ananda Arun and his followers have been publicly harassing her and threatening […]

AHRC TV: Schools attacked in Pakistan and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 231

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where 14 schools have been attacked by militants. Last Friday and Saturday saw schools in the Diamer district of Gilgit-Baltistan ransacked, torched and destroyed. Most of the schools were for girls. No one was hurt, as the buildings were closed at the time of attack. Nobel Peace Prize […]

BANGLADESH: Teenagers teach discipline while authorities use torture and intimidation

The death of two college students under the wheels of a reckless bus has triggered massive protests in Bangladesh since July 29. The protests have spread across Dhaka and to other cities of the country. Two teenagers, Abdul Karim Rajib and Diya Khanam Mim, were run over by a bus while waiting for public transport […]

INDONESIA: Police and government staff forcibly dispersed movie screening in Papuan students’ dormitory

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding intimidation, harassment and forced dispersal of a discussion and movie screening organized by Papuan students in their student dormitory in Surabaya, East Java province. The head of Tambaksari sub-district, along with the police, civil service police unit (satpol PP) and military personnel, forcibly […]

INDONESIA: Law enforcement in Papua must respect fair trial and due process principles

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the unlawful arrest and detention committed by police officers of the Timika Police Office (Polres Timika) between 9 and 10 June 2018. Five indigenous Papuans were arrested without any arrest warrant: Titus Kwalik (48), Polce Sugumol (31), Julianus Dekme (31), Alosius Ogolmagai (49), and Orpa Wanjomal (40). According […]

AHRC TV: Activist assaulted in Sri Lanka and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 227

This week Just Asia begins with Sri Lanka, where well-known rights activist Amitha Priyanthi was attacked by two motorcyclists on July 6. Dressed in black, with helmets covering their faces, the assailants hit Ms. Amitha on her head and other parts of the body, and took her handbag and mobile phone. There is reason to […]

AHRC TV: International Day in Support of Victims of Torture and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 225

This week Just Asia focuses on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, marked annually on June 26. Torture is a crime under international law. It is absolutely prohibited and cannot be justified under any circumstances. Despite this, torture persists in all regions of the world. Concerns about protecting national security and borders […]

NEPAL: Preventing torture

An article from my Republica forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Torture, though labelled as inhuman treatment, is still prevalent in Nepal despite the state’s obligation and repeated commitment to prevent it. Nepal is obliged to prevent torture because it has signed and ratified United Nations’ Convention against Torture (CAT) in 1991. As the world stands […]

INDIA: Victims of torture need effective accountability mechanisms

A Statement on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture June 26th every year is marked as the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) works closely with victims of torture through its network of partner organisations across the countries it works in. […]

SRI LANKA: Moving towards mental torture

A Statement on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture Globally, June 26 is celebrated as a day of solidarity for victims of torture. All over the world, various kinds of events are held in order to highlight the issue of torture and various ways to overcome this perennial problem. […]

NEPAL: Addressing torture essential to cementing political change

A Statement on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture Nepal underwent political change in 2017, with local level elections held for the first time in 20 years. This was a significant step in ending the country’s political transition following the civil war (1996-2006). After a decade-long conflict in Nepal, the number […]

PHILIPPINES: Indigenous peasant leader killed while two indigenous communities forcibly displaced due to militarization

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you about the killing of an indigenous peasant leader in Agusan del Norte and the displacement of two indigenous communities. The peasant leader was involved in defending his ancestral land against large-scale mining. The two indigenous communities displaced were subjected to militarization. CASE […]

AHRC TV: Terror attacks in Indonesia and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 221

This week Just Asia begins with terror attacks in Indonesia. The country’s second largest city of Surabaya saw yet another suicide bombing on Monday morning, at the police station. On Sunday, three churches were attacked, killing at least 11 persons, and injuring 41 persons during Sunday mass. This was one of the worst attacks on […]

AHRC TV: Death penalty for sexual assault of children in India and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 220

This week Just Asia begins with India, where the government has cleared an ordinance introducing the death penalty for those committing sexual assault of children younger than 12 years. The ordinance has come under fire as such a serious change in the law has been attempted without proper debate and consultation in parliament. Furthermore, the […]

INDIA: Police Intimidation and Harassment of Human Rights Activist in Manipur

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the harassment and intimidation of a human rights activists in Manipur from our partner organisation Human Rights Alert (HRA). This is part of a wider campaign of abuse against human rights defenders, particularly those who have challenged armed security personnel in the region. […]

AHRC TV: Rohingya children victims of trafficking and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 213

This week Just Asia begins with Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, where young girls are being trafficked into prostitution. A BBC News investigation team went to Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh, for an undercover investigation, and found that foreigners seeking sex can easily gain access to children who have fled conflict in Burma. The Rohingya refugee crisis […]

AHRC TV: Nepali girl brutally beaten for witchcraft charges on International Women’s Day and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 212

This week Just Asia begins with Nepal, where 18-year-old Radha Chaudhary was mercilessly beaten on witchcraft charges, while the world was celebrating International Women’s Day. Led by Ram Bahadur Chaudhary, a self-professed shaman, the horrific beating can be seen in a widely circulated video. None of the spectators bothered to rescue the innocent girl or […]

INDIA: Acquittal of Pramod Muthalik and others is a shocking travesty of justice

Statement | India | 15-03-2018

On March 13 2018, the Third Judicial Magistrate at the First Class Court in Mangalore acquitted Pramod Muthalik, and 25 other members of the Sri Rama Sene of the 2009 assault of several women in a Amnesia, a Mangalore pub. The Sri Ram Sene is a right-wing Hindutva group that has previously been involved in […]

INDIA: Stop harassment of anti-trafficking activists in Uttar Pradesh and ensure that the re-trafficked victims are rescued

Statement | India | 06-03-2018

Guria Swayam Sevi Sansthan (Guria), an organization based in Varanasi, has been working against human trafficking and forced prostitution for more than two decades. Guria is AHRC’s partner organisation and in 2016, Guria filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) before the High Court at Allahabad, seeking guidelines to be issued to the police for the […]

WORLD: Draft Asian Declaration on right to justice – right to an effective remedy for violations of human rights in terms of Article 2 of the ICCPR

Paper | World | 05-03-2018

A supplement to the Asian Human Rights Charter launched in Gwangju, South Korea on 17 May, 1998 This declaration is to be launched on the 20th anniversary of launching of the Asian Human Rights Charter (A People’s Charter) The Asian Human Rights Commission (Hong Kong) and the May 18 Memorial Foundation(Gwangju, South Korea) are presenting herewith the […]