
NEPAL: Police keep incommunicado and torture a young man by water pouring and using chili powder in Banke

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the alleged of torture of Atiram Rana by a group of policemen from District Police Office, Banke on 12 April 2011. The policemen, as many as twelve of them, used chili powder and inflicted water boarding on the victim. The victim was kept […]

SRI LANKA: Another man is severely assaulted by the Inginiyagala Police

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. P W Cyril Sarath Kumara (26) of No: 6 B/59 A, Ambagahawella, Paragahakelle, Ampara was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Inginiyagala Police Station on 4 April 2011. A team of policemen went to the village […]

PAKISTAN: Petition to President Zadarai urging the arrest of killers of fisherfolk activists

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter from the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) to President of Pakistan. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ——- An Open Letter from the Pakistan Fisherfolk forum (PFF) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari […]

SRI LANKA: A man is severely assaulted by the Inginiyagala Police

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Nandasena (29) of No: 1 B/107, Namal Oya, Ampara was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Inginiyagala Police Station on 4 April 2011. A team of policemen went to the village of Nandasena and […]

SRI LANKA: Public servant fights against corruption, inhuman assault and suspension

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the Property Bailiff officer Mr. Nelson Hettiarachchi attached to the Negombo Municipal Council has been suspended illegally by the Municipal authorities. He was formally attached to the Sub Office of Thalahena. He had executed his duties with due diligence and with high discipline. […]

BANGLADESH: Open Letter to all civil society organizations working on Bangladesh on lessons to be learned from the brutal attack on FMA Razzak

Basil Fernando  The attempted eye gouging incident in at Paikgachha village, where a human rights defender and journalist, FMA Razzak and his brother were attacked by a about 40 persons mobilized by a major in Bangladesh army, Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, is a painful experience to all. It is necessary to learn from this experience so […]

SRI LANKA: An innocent man was illegally arrested, detained and severely tortured by the CID

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. W.A. Lasantha Pradeep Wijeratna (36) of No. 98, Galahitiyawa, Ganemulla in the district of Gampaha was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Criminal Investigation Department on 15 August 2010. Lasantha was initially arrested by group of […]

NEPAL: Trial of Hom Bahadur Bagale’s torture case must put an end to a nine-year long denial of justice

Statement | Nepal | 10-05-2011

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and the Center for Victims of Torture-Nepal As the case regarding the torture of Hom Bahadur Bagale will be heard in the Supreme Court of Nepal on 16 May, 2011, the Center for Victims of Torture-Nepal (CVICT) and the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) expect that […]

BANGLADESH: Australian academics voice concern for Razzak

(Hong Kong, May 11, 2011) Staff and graduate students of the Australian National University on Wednesday submitted a letter to the diplomatic mission of Bangladesh in Canberra voicing their concern over the eye-gouging attack on Bangladeshi human rights defender Abdur Razzak.  Representatives of the Asia Rights group at the ANU met with the first secretary […]

BANGLADESH: An Open Letter to the Chairperson of the NHRC, Prof Mizanur Rahman requesting that he visit FMA Razzak in hospital and take appropriate action to ensure justice

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Prof. Mizanur Rahman, Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh Prof. Mizanur Rahman Chairman National Human Rights Commission 10th Floor, Gulfeshan Plaza 8, Journalist Selina Parvin Road Mogbazar, Dhaka BANGLADESH Fax: +88 02 8333219 Dear Professor Rahman, BANGLADESH: An Open Letter to the Chairperson of […]

孟加拉:香港關注人權團體向孟加拉駐香港領事館遞交公開信,表示關注孟加拉人權捍衛者及記者拉扎克先生(FMA Razzak)遇到嚴重襲擊及被企圖弄盲雙目的事件

2011年5月9日,亞洲人權委員會、亞洲專訊資料研究中心、亞太學生及青年協會、香港記者協會、Interfaith Cooperation Forum、香港融樂會及世界基督徒學生同盟聯合向孟加拉駐香港領事館遞交公開信表示關注孟加拉人權捍衛者及記者拉扎克先生(FMA Razzak)受到嚴重襲擊及被企圖弄盲雙目的事件。  請願團體關注拉扎克先生(FMA Razzak)在孟加拉庫爾納地區遇到嚴重襲擊。根據亞洲人權委員會收到的消息,在2011年4月29日,拉扎克先生和弟弟受到一班凶徒的襲擊後嚴重受傷。據稱凶徒是受到穆斯塔菲茲.拉赫曼.寶庫爾少校(Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul)的指使,企圖弄盲拉扎克先生雙目,他們用手指及硬物挖雙目,導致出血。拉扎克先生家人引領警察找到劫持地點,將兩名受害者送往醫院。  目前,拉扎克先生在醫院接受治療。由於事件受到公眾高度關注,孟加拉衛生及家庭部長哈取爾醫生(Dr. AFM Rahul Haque)於5月3日探訪拉扎克先生。現時拉扎克先生的狀況十分嚴重,手腳骨折,雙目嚴重受傷,可能永久盲目。另外,拉扎克先生家人的處境也十分危險。  最新發展是當地警察收到拉扎克先生家人的投訴後逮捕四名人士。然而,主要犯事者仍逍遙法外,特別是穆斯塔菲茲.拉赫曼.寶庫爾少校(Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul)還保持軍中職務。  請願團體代表向孟加拉駐香港領事館遞交公開信,並與領事阿曼德先生(Ashud Ahmed)會面。公開信要求孟加拉政府將以下事情列為首要工作:  1.向拉扎克先生提供最好的醫療照顧,費用由國家支付,直至完全或達至最好的康復。  2.立刻暫停穆斯塔菲茲.拉赫曼.寶庫爾少校(Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul)的職務,待此案進行全面的偵查。  3.確保進行認真的刑事偵查,以逮捕及檢控所有犯事者。  4.在整個偵查及往後審訊期間,向拉扎克先生及其家人給予完全的保護以至居住及其他方面的需要,並確保他們獲得全面的補償,保證他們日後的安全。  亞洲人權委員會政策及項目發展主任巴西爾. 費爾南多(Basil Fernando)表示:“這是十分殘暴的襲擊,顯示孟加拉軍人侵犯人權的問題相當嚴重,孟加拉政府必須採取果斷行動,展開認真及全面的刑事偵查,使犯事者受到法律的制裁。孟加拉政府應該利用今次事件明確表示不容許軍人侵犯人權的行為。”  巴西爾. 費爾南多(Basil Fernando)還呼吁:“保護受害者及其他證人的安全至關重要,這影響到偵查及檢控能否成功。孟加拉當局應立刻暫停穆斯塔菲茲.拉赫曼.寶庫爾少校(Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul)的職務,並採取有效措施保護受害者及其他證人。  可於以下鏈接找到詳細資料:   查詢可致電852-26986339或 發電郵至

PHILIPPINES: Ombudsman abdicates its power to review

Dear friends,  Further to our appeal, the Ombudsman also ceased its intervention into the disappearance and torture of a farmer, Ambrosio Derejeno. He was last seen alive in the custody of a paramilitary unit. In our letter of appeal to the Ombudsman, the AHRC expressed concern to the exclusion of two military colonels who are […]

WORLD: Member of Parliament demands arrest of all suspects — Perpetrators begin attacks on witnesses

(Hong Kong, May 7, 2011) At a meeting held today, 7 May, at a local cooperative society’s meeting room in Paikgachha, Mr. Sohrab Ali Sana, Member of Parliament for the Paikgachha-Koyra (Khulna-6) constituency, demanded the arrest of all suspects relating to the attack on FMA Razzak and his brother, which took place on 29 April. […]

BANGLADESH/PHILIPPINES: Why Filipinos must protest the attack on FMA Razzak?

Bangladeshi national FMA Razzak is the President of the Human Rights Development Centre (HRDC) and Editor of the Pakkhik Gonomichhil in Paikgachha of Khulna district, Bangladesh. On April 29, 2011, Razzak and his younger brother, Mr. Bodiuzzaman Bodiar; brother-in-law, Mr. Bakkar, were attacked after having been kidnapped by the relatives of an army major, Mustafizur […]

WORLD: An appeal for assistance for FMA Razzak

WORLD: An appeal for assistance for FMA Razzak (Hong Kong, May 6, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission has launched an appeal for financial support for medical, legal and security expenses for human rights defender, Mr. FMA Razzak of Bangladesh. We reproduce below this appeal which was issued yesterday. Payment may be made online; please […]

SRI LANKA: Complainant and two women tortured in public by the Poddala Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. D Weeragunarathna Sahabandu, Ms. K A Sarani and Ms. M L Tharanga of Andurathwila, Wawulugala Kanda, Poddala, in the district of Galle was severely tortured by the Poddala Police on 28 February 2011. Sahabandu complained to the police regarding the theft of […]

SRI LANKA: Innocent man illegally arrested, detained and tortured by Anamaduwa Police

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Samayakkarage Ravi Nishantha (29) of No: 07, Mundakkuliya, Anamaduwa in the Puttalam district was illegally arrested, detained and severely tortured by police officers attached to the Anamaduwa Police Station on 17 March 2011. While Nishantha was visiting a patient at Anamaduwa Government […]

BANGLADESH: Land grabber and eye gouger Major Mustafizur is still serving with the Bangladesh army

Basil Fernando The attack on FMA Razzak led by Major Mustafizur of the Bangladesh military (BANGLADESH: Army officer’s family gouges eyes and torture after kidnapping Human Rights Defender FMA Razzak, who is going to die without treatment due to pressures from armed forces and intelligence agencies) is now well known. The implications of military officers […]

WORLD: AHRC launches campaign site for the protection of human rights defender FMA Razzak

(Hong Kong, May 3, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission has launched a new campaign website calling for the protection of human rights defender Mr. FMA Razzak, as well as calling for holding genuine criminal investigations regarding the attack on Mr. Razzak.  This newly launched campaign site will contain all materials regarding the brutal attack […]

BANGLADESH: Army officer’s family gouges eyes and torture after kidnapping Human Rights Defender FMA Razzak, who is going to die without treatment due to pressures from armed forces and intelligence agencies

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that human rights defender FMA Razzak is going to die without proper medical treatment due to tremendous pressures from the officials of the armed forces and intelligence agencies who have cordoned the whole area in plain cloth. Since 9:45AM today, 30 April 2011, Razzak is […]