
SRI LANKA: Nawalapitiya police illegally arrest a man and fabricate evidence against him

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that police in Nawalapitiya have arbitrarily arrested a man, beaten him and created evidence to use in the framing of charges against him. He will appear before a magistrate on 25 November 2009.  CASE DETAILS:  According to the information we have received, on the […]

INDIA: Nine months into a case of custodial death, witness statements have still not been taken

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about unnecessary delays in the investigation of a man’s death in custody, following his arrest for a fabricated charge. It has been reported that police officers murdered the shop owner in February last year, however the investigating agency has not even recorded the statements […]

UPDATE (Bangladesh): A torture victim is missing after being picked up by police

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the Paikgachha police have arrested Mr. Muzibur Rahman, a man who was previously arbitrarily arrested, detained and tortured by the army in Khulna district, and held incommunicado The whereabouts of Mr. Muzibur are unknown. His relatives are afraid that hey may again […]

SRI LANKA: An injured man is beaten by police, illegally detained and denied medical treatment

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that an injured man was severely and randomly beaten by a police officer at Negombo Police Station and then denied medical treatment for more than 24 hours, causing possible permanent nerve damage. He now faces fabricated charges for a robbery. No legal or disciplinary action […]

INDONESIA: No investigations have been started into the torture of an indigenous Papuan, detained in a case of mistaken identity

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has been informed that an indigenous Papuan was illegally arrested, detained and tortured in July after he was taken into custody by the airport security unit of the police in Wamena town. During his assault he was ordered to confess to the killing of five Javanese Indonesians, however […]

BANGLADESH: Police detain and torture a man after fabricating four successive cases against him due to a grudge

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that the Paikgachha police have compiled at least four fake cases against a businessman after he complained about them to higher officials. The victim was detained in prison for 100 days under judicial magistrate Mr. Seyed Habibul Islam and the Officer-in-Charge (OC) at the time, […]

BANGLADESH: Police prevent a journalist from filing torture allegations against paramilitary soldiers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a team from the Rapid Action Battalion-10, a paramilitary force involved in maintaining law and order in Bangladesh, tortured a journalist at his house while in their custody, and detained him for more than ten hours. The soldiers made a fabricated video at his […]

BURMA: Use of torture in ordinary criminal cases — Asian Human Rights Commission

Much of the human rights advocacy concerning the use of torture in Burma is centred on cases of political detainees. These cases rightly deserve close attention and study. However, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is aware that most victims of torture in Burma are not political prisoners but, as in other parts of Asia, […]

BANGLADESH: Torture of journalist reiterates the necessity for a law to punish the perpetrators

The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that on 22 October 2009 Mr. F. M. Masum, a journalist of an English language national daily newspaper in Bangladesh, was tortured by members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), at his residence in Dhaka. The New Age newspaper reports that at around noon on Thursday a team […]

BANGLADESH: Police torture a man and file fake charges against him and others in support of an alleged con man

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that Paikgachha police have created a fake case against six men; all of whom were trying to take a case against a local con man. Two were demanding the refund of police bribe money. The events suggest that officers are supporting a man who has […]

BURMA: Two men and a woman are illegally jailed for allegedly getting money from abroad

Dear friends, While the government of Burma was releasing a few wrongly detained persons from its jails in September, authorities were arresting and prosecuting more. In this appeal the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) brings you the details of the case against three persons who have been illegally detained for allegedly receiving money from a […]

PAKISTAN: Police illegally remove the court-ordered protection of a torture victim — Asian Human Rights Commission

The state has been illegally interrupted in Sarghoda district, with the victim informed that he is now not allowed to leave his house, and liable to be arrested if he does so. The order, he reports, came verbally from one of the officers who tortured him. His police security guards have told him that they […]

INDONESIA: Tortured student activists who protested against a hotel’s fictitious facilities convicted for nine months

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that three protestors, whom the police had brutally assaulted, arbitrarily arrested and tortured while in custody in May 2009, had been convicted for nine months over false charges of attacks and violence. The protestors were together with several villagers holding a peaceful demonstration […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): A journalist is receiving death threats from police after his torture and arrest on false charges

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that the life of a journalist who has been twice arrested, tortured and remanded on tenuous charges, is in danger. Senake Ekanayake has complained to the National Human Rights Commission, the National Police Commission, the President and the Inspector General of Police about his illegal […]

BURMA: Released prisoners tell stories of torture; ICRC role needed — Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the release of prisoners from jails around Burma during the last week, especially human rights defenders and persons who were detained during and after the protests of August and September 2007, including numbers of persons on whose cases the AHRC has issued urgent appeals. However, it notes with […]

UPDATE (India): A human rights defender has been tortured in custody and remains at risk

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is distressed to learn that human rights defender and freelance journalist Jiten Yumnam has been tortured by police in custody. We have also obtained court documents which show that he and the seven other accused were arrested on mere suspicion and unsubstantiated allegations. The documents stand as […]

PAKISTAN: Police severely beat members of a Christian family after accusing a man of urinating on the Quran

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that four members of a Christian family were severely beaten by the police after their arrest on false charges of blasphemy. Police reportedly tortured them over a two-day period to try to extract forced confessions, releasing them only after being paid a substantial bribe. […]

PHILIPPINES: The Commission on Human Rights is urged to initiate a dialogue with President Arroyo asking her to sign the Anti-Torture law promptly

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to express its appreciation of the recent developments that the bill, which seeks to criminalize torture, has been ratified by the Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives on August 17, 2009. Though the bill has already been ratified, it has yet to be signed by the President […]

PAKISTAN: A parliamentarian arranges the arrest and torture of a man’s mother and other relatives in response to a love marriage

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information about a case in which six close relatives of a man have been arrested, tortured and falsely charged in response to his love marriage to a higher caste woman. The woman’s family (which includes powerful Punjab assembly member Iftekhar Baloch) is alleged to be behind […]

BANGLADESH: Torture and Custodial Death (Prohibition) Bill, 2009 is placed before Parliament — Asian Human Rights Commission

On the 10th September, 2009 the Torture and Custodial Death (Prohibition) Bill, 2009 was placed before parliament. This bill attempts to bring Bangladeshi law in conformity with the international law. This bill has come to the parliament by way of a private member¡¦s bill proposed by Saber Hossain Chowdhury, one of the members for Dhaka […]