
ASIA: Declassified US Embassy documents reveal Indonesian Military involvement in the 1965 -66 Killings

Declassified US Embassy documents reveal Indonesian Military involvement in the 1965 -66 Indonesian Massacre that killed nearly 500,00 persons. Many believe the number to be much larger as much as 2.5 Million persons. These killings were a part of a well-planned massacre in order to completely destroy the Indonesian communist party, which was then the […]

PAKISTAN: Baloch student leader and four other activists missing after their arrests

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearance of five activists belonging to the Baloch Student Organization Azad (BSO-Azad) and Baloch National Movement (BNA), and eight Balochs who were living in the vicinity of student leaders. Plain clothed men abducted all five men from Karachi, Sindh province, and their whereabouts […]

AHRC TV: UN Security Council urges Burma to end Rohingya violence and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 196

This week Just Asia begins with Burma, which has been called on by the UN Security Council to end the violence in Rakhine state and allow hundreds of thousands of Muslim Rohingya to return. In a unanimous statement backed by China, the Council strongly condemned the violence forcing more than 600,000 Rohingya to flee across […]

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka responds to media report on allegations of torture by government, assures investigations into the claims

An article published in the Colombo Page on 8th November 2017, titled “Sri Lanka responds to media report on allegations of torture by government, assures investigations into the claims” forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Nov 08, Colombo: Sri Lanka, today responding to an Associated Press report which alleged that dozens of Tamil men were raped […]

NEPAL: Girl gang raped and family beaten after they protested

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the following information from the Terai Human Rights Defenders’ Alliance (THRDA). On 29 October 2017, a 17-year-old Muslim girl, a resident of the Parsauni Rural Municipality-4, Sakhuwa of the Parsa District, had been gang raped. Mukhtar Ansari, 22, son of Ward Chairperson, Jumadin Ansari, and […]

INDIA: Right to privacy is now also a right against torture

An article from The Indian Express forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission In India, the shame associated with the naked human body, with exposed skin, makes it easy for police officers to use nudity and sexual abuse as a tool of punishment. This goes back to the theory of punishment our penal system ascribes to – […]

NEPAL: Rooting out torture requires new measures and mechanisms

by Raksha Ram Harijan The routine practice of torture in Nepal is nothing new; decades of work by human rights organizations working on torture and impunity can provide solid examples of the Nepal Police and Nepal Army practicing torture during their work. Despite the government’s ratification of the Convention against Torture (CAT) on 14 May […]

PAKISTAN: Shia man tormented with frivolous charges on account of his Faith

Dear Friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the enforced disappearance of a Shia man, Muhammud Bilal, by officials of a Law Enforcement agency. He has been disappeared twice and indicted on murder charges under frivolous grounds. A few days before his disappearance, Bilal had a hernia operation. To date his […]

NEPAL: Dalit girl raped and left eye gouged out

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about a 14-year-old Dalit girl who had been raped. It was carried out by a non-Dalit male named Santosh Shrestha (19). He is an eighth-grade student at the local Saraswoti Secondary School. After raping the girl, Santosh tried to kill her by slashing her […]

SRI LANKA: Lawful Public Protest not protected by Police who guarded attackers instead

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to inform you about an incident on 13 July 2017. The pepper farmers organized a Protest March from Pallebedda to Palmadulla in the Ratnapura District, marching towards Embilipitya-Ratnapura-Colombo Road. They walked peacefully, respecting the Law and protecting the lives and properties of the public. Unexpectedly, […]

SRI LANKA: Excessive force used by Police against protestors injuring 14 activists

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to inform you about an incident on 10 October 2017. Police used excessive force against protesters in a peaceful Public Protest at Kollupitiya Junction in Great Colombo Area. The protest was organized by the ‘Peoples Wall Against the Private Medical College SAITM.” Thousands of people, […]

AHRC TV: Extrajudicial killings on the rise in Sri Lanka and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 194

This week Just Asia begins with Sri Lanka, where a man was shot dead Monday by the Special Task Force of the police while travelling with his friends in a car. The police later claimed that they only began firing after the vehicle fired on them first, but there is no evidence to support this […]

INDONESIA: Student in West Papua tortured and ill-treated by police officers

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from our local partner in Papua about the torture and ill-treatment of a high school student, Yunus Manauri, in Teluk Wondama regency, West Papua province. After Yunus refused to hand over his motorcycle for not having the vehicle’s document as well as a driving […]

PAKISTAN: Government deports Turkish family violating UNHCR’s asylum status and Court’s stay order

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the forced deportation of a Turkish family. They had been granted asylum status by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Secret State Agencies and plain clothes persons arrested and then abducted them. The family included Mr. Mesut Kacmez, the former vice-president […]

SRI LANKA: Fourteen-year-old child tortured by Moratuwa Police

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding the case of 14-year-old Kahingala Waduge Kanidu Minsara Silva, who was illegally arrested, detained and tortured by the Moratuwa Police Station on 10 October 2017. Minsara is a student at Uyana Kanishta Vidyalaya. On October 8, he had a non-violent dispute with a senior […]

AHRC TV: India’s top court rules sex with wife below 18 is rape and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 193

This week Just Asia begins with India, where the Supreme Court ruled that sex with a wife younger than 18 is rape. This is a much needed legal development for child rights, and will help in the fight to end child marriage in the country. Sadly, the fight against marital rape for adult women continues. […]

SRI LANKA: Extrajudicial killings with impunity are increasing

The table given below sets down 09 extrajudicial killings, 01 attempted killing – 09 of which are at the hands of the police at various police stations and the other, in a prison. These 10 incidents are the ones reported to the Asian Human Rights Commission based in Hong Kong during this year. However, at […]

INDONESIA: Further investigation needed in the case of burning Bibles, excessive use of force and firing in Papua

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information from our local partner in Papua, that the Military Court III-19 sentenced a defendant for burning Bibles to 30 months imprisonment, and dismissal from service. However, there has been no further investigation into the army’s excessive use of force in dispersing protesters, including […]

SRI LANKA: Innocent man tortured to death by Police of Colombo North Division

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the extra-judicial killing of Mr. D P Premasiri (65) of Stace Road, Grandpass, Colombo 14 in the Colombo District. On 9 August 2017, Premasiri was illegally arrested, severely tortured at his house in front of his relatives and neighbors. Later, he was handcuffed […]

INDONESIA: Six months later still no perpetrators found in acid attack against Novel Baswedan

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the stagnant investigation of the acid attack case against Mr. Novel Baswedan, a senior investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Even after six months, the police investigation has still produced no results. Despite family and public requests for President Joko Widodo […]