Violence against women

INDONESIA: Crackdown on protests, stifling of expression and repression in Papua continues in Prabowo’s first four months in power

A Statement from CIVICUS forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission In Indonesia, civic space remains rated as ‘obstructed’ in the latest People Power Under Attack report published in December 2024. Among the main concerns are the use of restrictive laws, including defamation provisions against human rights defenders and journalists as well as harassment and […]

PAKISTAN: Government criminalises activists, increases online controls and cracks down on protests by the opposition and ethnic groups

A Statement from CIVICUS forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The state of civic space in Pakistan is rated as ‘repressed’ by the CIVICUS Monitor. Ongoing concerns include the repression against the opposition, the censorship of journalists and attacks on peaceful protests by the opposition and human rights movements. Other ongoing concerns include the […]

MYANMAR/BURMA: International conference calls for global action to address worsening humanitarian crisis and the prospects for peace with justice in Myanmar

A statement from the Christian Conference of Asia forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Bangkok, Thailand: An international conference organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) on ‘Towards a Global Advocacy for Democratisation, People’s Security, and Peace with Justice in Myanmar’ called for global action to address Myanmar’s worsening humanitarian crisis and the prospects for […]

INDONESIA: Anamicus curiaebriefon the case of Mr. Haris Azhar dan Ms. Fatia Maulidiyanti

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Panel Judges: 1. A case register Number No. 202/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Jkt.Tim (Suspect Mr. Haris Azhar) 2. A case register Number. 203/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Jkt.Tim (Suspect: Ms. Fatia Maulidiyanty) Jl. Dr. Sumarno No. 1, RT.7/RW.4, Penggilingan, Kec. Cakung, Kota Jakarta Timur DKI Jakarta -13940 Telp : +622148703788 | Faks […]

INDONESIA: The Second Trial of Mr. Haris Azhar and Ms. Fatia Maulidiyanti, the Prosecutor’s Indictment with Formal Defects and the Lack of Objectivity of the Law Enforcement

Ms. Fatia Maulidiyanti and Mr. Haris Azhar, two Indonesian human rights defenders, returned for their second trial with an agenda for reading the exception or objection note at the East Jakarta District Court. On 17 April, 2023, at the same time that the document was read, the security and human rights situation in Papua had […]

NEPAL:A statement on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 8 March 2023

Statement | Nepal | 08-03-2023

The International Women’s Day is observed on March 8th to acknowledge the tremendous work done by the feminist movements worldwide. This year’s (2023) theme, “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”, highlights the role of innovative technology in promoting gender equality and meeting the health and developmental needs of women and girls. Innovation and technology have the […]

SRI LANKA: A people’s commission for women formed in Sri Lanka

The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes the inauguration of the people’s commission for women in Sri Lanka. This new people’s commission was launched on the 8th of March. About 150 persons participated at the opening ceremony held at the Mahaweli auditorium. Padma Pushpakanthi explained the aims of this people’s commission. The title ‘people’s commission’ was […]


Statement | Nepal | 10-12-2021

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the occasion of the 73rd International Human Rights Day Nepal underwent its third cycle of the UN Human Rights Council’s Periodic Review (UPR) in Geneva in January 2021. Nepal has ratified over 24 various human rights conventions and declarations but has been weak in its implementation. […]

INDONESIA: A Mama Shot in Intan Jaya, Proves that the Government Failed to Protect Womens’ Rights to Security in Papua

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the shooting incident allegedly carried out by members of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) against a woman in Mamba Village, Intan Jaya. The woman who was shot was named Agustina Ondou (21). She is currently receiving treatment from the medical staff at the Community Health Center (Puskesmas) from […]


Statement | Nepal | 20-10-2021

A group of 14 persons mostly women, arrived in Kathmandu from the Nepalgunj District. They walked all the way which is almost over 500 kilometres. The group started their long march for justice on 14 September 2021. After being denied justice by the local Authorities, the group decided to march to the capital, Kathmandu, on […]

SRI LANKA: The Complaint by a young mother of sexual harassment suffered at the Padukka Police Station

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Inspector General of Police, Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne Inspector-General of Police, Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne New Secretariat, Colombo 01. SRI LANKA Fax: + 94 11 2 440440 / 327877 Email: Dear Mr. C. D. Wickramaratne SRI LANKA: The Complaint by a young mother of […]

ශ්‍රී ලංකා: පාදුක්ක පොලීසියේදී අතවරයට පත් කාන්තාවක් ජනාධිපතිතුමාට හා පොලිස්පතිතුමාට කරන අභියාචනය

මෙය ඉහත සදහන් සදහන් යූ ටියුබ් නාලිකාවෙන් නැරඹිය හැකිය. ඇයගේ පණිවිඩය ලේඛණ ගත කිරීමක් පහත සදහන් වෙි. මමයි මගේ දරු දෙන්නයි ලොකු දුවයි පොඩි දුවයි මහත්තයයි ගියා පාදුක්ක පොලීසියට පැමිණිල්ලක් දාන්න ඒ ගියේ මගේ පොඩි දෙන්නා වට්ස් ඇප් එකේ වැඩ කරනවා ඔන්ලයින්. මගේ දුවට පිරිමි ළමයෙක් එවලා තිබුනා නිරුවත් ෆොටෝ වගයක්. අපි ඒ පිරිමි […]

BANGLADESH: Authoritarian repression in curbing civic space harms more than the pandemic

The Bangladesh Government continues its repressive campaigns of curtailing civic space in the country’s ever-deteriorating human rights situation. The Authorities have been using the COVID-19 pandemic as an additional excuse for encroaching on the freedoms of assembly, expression, including the freedom of the press. Bangladesh’s Law-Enforcement Agencies kept playing their predatory role in detaining the […]

SRI LANKA: A prison study by Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka

In November 2020, the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka published a report on their prison studies. This study conducted over a long period of time of two years was based on interviews with relevant persons. This included prisoners, prison guards, and all officers and persons connected with the work of prisons. This Study is excellent documentation […]

SRI LANKA: A Criminal Justice System in Crisis

By Basil Fernando A constitutional crisis is not just a matter relating to a legal text. It influences all aspects of life and, in particular, the working of public institutions. The Prison Study carried out by the National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) reflects the magnitude of the problems in the criminal justice […]

ASIA: Extremist religious groups create dangerous fault-lines within communities in Asia, observe panellists of CCA’s virtual conference

A Statement from the Christian Conference of Asia forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission CHIANG MAI: A virtual conference on ‘The Impact of Growing Religious Extremism on Women in Asia’ organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) observed, “The menace of religious extremism and intolerance has once again reared its ugly head as […]

BANGLADESH: Violence against women on the rise amid COVID-19 and rampant impunity

A Joint Statement by the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances, Asian Human Rights Commission, International Federation for Human Rights and Odhikar on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2020 Dhaka/ Hong Kong/ Manila/Paris, 24 November 2020: November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Since […]

ASIA: Wider partnerships and systemic efforts at grassroots are essential to combat trafficking in women and girls in Asia

CHIANG MAI, THAILAND: The virtual conference organised and facilitated by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) entitled ‘Towards Wider Partnerships for Combatting Trafficking in Women and Girls amidst COVID-19’ called for systemic change supplemented with grassroots efforts to tackle the menace of human trafficking. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the difficulties of identification and rescue […]

BANGLADESH: Surge of Arbitrary Detention under Digital Security Act Leads to Deepening Crisis

It is well-known that systemic abuse of draconian Laws is an established practice in Bangladesh. The incumbent Government has weaponised a number laws, including the Digital Security Act-2018, to intensify its campaign of curbing freedom of expression and opinion. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has compiled publicly available information obtained from the mainstream media. The data shows […]

INDIA/SRI LANKA: Gang Rapes, Justice and Civilization in India and Sri Lanka

An incident was reported in December 2019 from India regarding the gang rape of a woman and what happened thereafter. The news of the gang rape stirred up a massive protest from many parts of India. Among those who were involved in the protest were sections of the intelligencia of India such as Professors, doctors, […]