Women's rights

INDONESIA: Army forcibly sealing off houses in Gunung Sari, ignoring legal procedures

Dear Friends,   The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the sealing off of 37 houses in Gunung Sari, South Surabaya city, East Java province, Indonesia by the military. While the residents have legal documents to prove possession of their houses and land, such as the ownership certificate (SHM), letter seals (surat […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 82

This Week’s Roundup begins in the Indian state of Kerala where AHRC follows up on the unique police modernisation process underway. Featured in the programme is footage of Member of the State Legislative Assembly V.T. Balram, debating this critical reform process in the Kerala Legislative Assembly. The programme then revisits events in China where more […]

PAKISTAN: Stay on Asia Bibi death penalty, victory for civil society

Pakistan courts have finally started taking a proactive approach to support religious minorities and safeguard their interest. On 22 July, the Supreme Court of Pakistan suspended the execution of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death for alleged blasphemy. A three-member bench of the Supreme Court granted leave to appeal to Asia Bibi and […]

INDIA: Only an insane police can use a teen rape survivor as ‘bait’

Article | India | 13-07-2015

by Avinash Pandey The police in Maharashtra sent a 17-year-old rape survivor back to her assaulters as “bait”, not once but twice. The insensitivity of placing a minor in this situation is manifest. The girl must still have been struggling with the trauma. But, the police also went ahead and botched up the ploy by […]

PHILIPPINES: Torture victims mark Anti-Torture day with poetry, music and painting

(Hong Kong, June 26, 2015) Torture victims and their families will mark the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture today, through art and literature; by reciting their poems, singing their own compositions, and painting live murals. Through art, local event organizer Defend Job Philippines, hopes they could draw attention to the lack of […]

PHILIPPINES: Massive displacement of indigenous peoples due to aerial bombardment

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned about the aerial bombardment in the mountains of Sarangani province, Mindanao due to military operations, resulting in massive displacement of indigenous Blaans in the area. Soldiers also threatened and forced confessions from villagers on locations of rebel groups in their community.  CASE DETAILS: (Based on information received from […]

PAKISTAN: Call to save the life of Asia Bibi, who is suffering from intestinal bleeding

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the deteriorating health of Asia Bibi, who is on death row for allegedly committing blasphemy. The 50-year-old mother of five is suffering from intestinal bleeding and is being denied medical treatment by the jail authorities. She urgently needs medical care and her family members […]

NEPAL: The grave injustice of waiting and waiting for justice

Statement | Nepal | 09-06-2015

Ganga Maya Adhikari, who staged a 360-day hunger strike last year demanding action against the murderers of her son Krishna Prasad, has given a new 10-day ultimatum to the government to address her demands. Since Friday, 5 June 2015, she has only been taking juice and water, heightening her protest against the continuing injustice. Speaking […]

PAKISTAN: Half-baked democracy denies women voting rights

Pakistan, in a short time, has witnessed several positive laws being promulgated in favour of equality for women. The women selected to special seats at the federal and provincial levels, including the few elected directly have been asserting their position to increase women’s participation in every walk of life and to eradicate violence against women, […]

SRI LANKA: Police and state negligence, claims lives of an innocent mother and her infant child

According the information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) a mother and her 18 month old infant has died suddenly, on 6th April 2015, as a result of continued domestic violence and abuse. Ms. Matinge Dilrukshi Helsi Pavithrani 22 years old, was a residence of No. 03rdPiyawara, Doramadalawa, Mihinthale, in the Mihinthale Police Division, […]

NEPAL: ­­­Impartially investigate suspicious death of Gyani Raja Thakuri

Dear Friends, The Advocacy Forum Alliance in Nepal has informed the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) about the suspicious death of Gyani Raja Thakuri. The family of the deceased suspect direct involvement of the police in the death, as it followed an argument with local police officers. The police have, however, denied involvement and attribute […]

PAKISTAN: Women’s Day-despite enactment of progressive laws there is persistent regression of women’s right

8th March is celebrated across the world as the international women’s day, yet many women in Pakistan remain oblivious to the significance of this day. In 2014, the World Economic Forum ranked Pakistan as the second worst country in the world in gender equality. The report measured the size of gender inequality in 142 countries in […]

PAKISTAN: Services of Pakistani Nobel laureates Dr. Abdus Salam and Malala eulogized

A Press Release from Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (PILER) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) KARACHI, Feb. 16: A civil society gathering has demanded the government that the Punjab University should be renamed as Dr. Abdus Salam University and Peshwar University as Malala Yousufzai University. Civil society of Karachi, in collaboration with Shaheed Zulfiqar […]

WORLD: Erwiana Sulistyaningsih’s February 10th Speech

A Press Release from Erwiana Sulistyaningsih forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) 10th February, 2015, Hong Kong SAR: I am happy that I won my case and the justice for me and other victims are finally upheld. I would like to thank Riyanthi for helping me at the airport and make my abused case known […]

PAKISTAN: Rape of Christian girls-no issue for authorities

Women and minorities are the most marginalized faction of the Pakistani society; the Muslim majority is increasingly being intolerant towards people professing religion other than Islam. In a recent case of increasing rape incident of Christian girls, as reported by British Pakistani Christian Association, two minor Christian girls from Jaranwala, Punjab, Farzana aged 14   and […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Villagers still without remedy for police attack on protestors

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that no redress has yet been provided for farmers from central Burma that were attacked violently by the police during peaceful protest. Without any warrant or court order, the police used guns on the protesters. Farmers lodged a case against the police but […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 63

This week’s episode of Weekly Roundup brings you coverage of recent human rights success stories in Asia. The episode begins in Hong Kong. The former employer of Indonesian domestic worker Erwiana was found guilty on 18 of 20 charges relating to her treatment of Erwiana. AHRC TV has footage from the press conference where Erwiana and her […]

PHILIPPINES: Immediately release Maritess and Rosario, hold their torturers accountable

A Statement from Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission TFDP STATEMENT February 11, 2015 Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) calls on the immediate implementation of the Review Resolution issued by the Department of Justice Secretary Leila De Lima and the immediate release of the two Agta […]

PAKISTAN: Anti-Torture Bill presented in Senate will fail to deliver

On 21 January, the Senate Standing Committee on Interior and Narcotics has unanimously adopted a draft anti-torture bill. PPP Senator Farhatullah Babar moved The Torture, Custodial Death and Custodial Rape Bill, 2014, last August and the Chairman Senate referred it to the Committee. The objective of this Bill is to prevent and protect all persons from […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Two teachers tortured, sexual assaulted, and murdered by soldiers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that two ethnic Kachin teachers have been tortured, sexual assaulted, and murdered. The two girls were volunteer teachers for the Kachin Baptist Church serving in a village near to the conflict area between Burma army and the Kachin armed group in Northern Shan State. They […]