Women's rights

PHILIPPINES: Investigation commences on a mother falsely charged for complaining against a principal who beat her son

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a separate investigation is now being conducted on how and why a mother, whom we reported to have filed a complaint against a school principal for beating her son, ended with herself being arrested, detained and prosecuted on false charges. UPDATED INFORMATION: (Based on […]

PHILIPPINES: A 25-year-old rape victim worries her perpetrator could undermine her case

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a man has blackmailed a woman in exchange for sexual favours. Though the accused had been arrested and charged, he was freed the day after his arrest. The accused is a member of an elite local club, the members of which include persons […]

INDIA: Understanding the Rape Republic

Article | India | 18-06-2014

by Anjuman Ara Begum* Sexual violence continues in India unabated. The December 2012 gang rape and subsequent death of a 23 year old woman led to a shift in discourse on sexual violence in India. For the first time, the blame shifted from victims to perpetrators, fostering changes in certain colonial era criminal laws. However, […]

INDIA: Restore the rule of law, curb sexual violence in U.P.

Statement | India | 13-06-2014

Since India’s general election, Uttar Pradesh has witnessed sharp escalation of sexual violence and lawlessness. The rape of a session court judge in her official residence, guarded by the Provincial Armed Constabulary round the clock, highlights the extent of violence and lawlessness in the state. There is no indication that the Uttar Pradesh state government, […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 31

Today,AHRC TV releases the 31st Episode of the Human Rights Asia WeeklyRoundup. In this episode, we bring you a panel discussion between three human rights activists, from India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, on the causes of systemic and barbaric violence that occurs with impunity in Asia on a daily basis. Gruesome stories of gang rape, custodial deathfollowing […]

INDIA: Where even a judge is not safe

Statement | India | 09-06-2014

The rape of a judge in her residence, located in a high-security area in the city of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, speaks volumes about both the epidemic of sexual violence and the respect for law in India. Such an incident cannot occur in a jurisdiction where a citizen is convinced that the law will play its […]

WORLD: Government’s failure leads to a pregnant woman being stoned to death

Statement | World | 29-05-2014

The world is once again shocked by the news of the stoning to death of a 25-year-old pregnant woman, Farzana Parveen Iqbal, in Pakistan. The stoning took place before the Lahore High Court where she had attended due to a summons. The stoning was carried out by 20 members of her own family including her […]

INDIA: Custodial death and torture by police must end in Meghalaya

Civil Society Women’s Organisation 29 May 2014 Shillong, Meghalaya The Civil Society Women’s Organisation (CSWO), an anti-corruption and women’s rights organization, Shillong, is deeply concerned of widespread torture by police leading to deaths including deaths in custody and other similar human rights violations in Meghalaya. Ordinary people are often helpless in the hands of such […]

PAKISTAN: Human rights defenders in Pakistan in need of defence

The killing of senior lawyer, Rashid Rehman, on May 7, 2014 in his office in Multan has once again brought into focus at home and abroad how little the Pakistani state values those who risk their lives for the promotion and protection of fundamental rights for all. Rehman was killed despite having earlier expressed serious […]

SRI LANKA: The inordinate fuss and bother over a tattoo

I held back on writing about the extremely traumatic experience of Naomi Coleman, 37, mental health nurse in Coventry, England. I am very glad I opted to be less than current since I felt I needed other’s opinions before expressing mine. All I spoke with from senior diplomats and retired government officers who held top […]

ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup Episode 27

Today the AHRC releases the 27th Episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. In this week’s programmewe report on the spate of killings, torture, and vandalism that has erupted in western Assam, India, in the last few days. Thirty-two have lost their lives so far. We also interview Pakistani human rights defender BushraKhaliq about slavery in […]

INDIA: Four dalit girls raped in Haryana, state and privileged communities try to silence the victims

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information concerning the kidnapping and rape of four dalit girls in the north Indian state of Haryana. The crime was committed to force dalits from exercising their legitimate right to equal treatment with dignity, and the local village headman is alleged to be one of […]

SRI LANKA / WORLD: Under which law did the Magistrate make the order to deport the lady tourist with the Tattoo of Lord Buddha?

According to reports a 37 year old British nurse who arrived in Sri Lanka this Monday (21st April 2014) was taken by a taxi driver to a nearby police station where, according to her, she was harassed by policemen who demanded money from her. She had arrived at the Airport and the immigration authorities had […]

PHILIPPINES: The mother of a 12-year old son who was beaten by a school principal was falsely charged by the latter for child abuse

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed of the case of a mother that is facing a fabricated charge filed in court against her. The lady was pursuing justice for her 12-year old son who was beaten by a school principal. In the principal’s attempt to escape from his liabilities for […]

INDIA: Women barred from food ration in Meghalaya

Dear friends, Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information from Civil Society Women’s Organisation (CSWO), an anti-corruption and women’s rights organization based in Shillong, Meghalaya. In the remote village of Kynroh Nonglyer, Sohiong (Lyngdohship), East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya, which lies about 50 kms from Shillong city, women have been barred from village […]

INDIA: Conflict induced displacement must end

Statement | India | 15-04-2014

The 30 July 2013 announcement of the Congress Working Committee decision to create a separate Telangana state within the Union of India spurred other statehood demands. In Assam, ethnic groups like the Bodos, Karbis, Dimasas, and Koch Rajbonshis – which have all been fighting for separate states for themselves – unleashed serial agitations and economic […]

ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup Episode 24

Today the AHRC releases the 24th Episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup.  In this week’s programme we report on the encouraging peace agreement which has been signed in Mindanao, putting an end to a 40-year-old conflict between the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the Philippine government. In Qatar, hundreds of migrant workers have died […]

PAKISTAN: WAR condemns the kidnapping, rape and burning a minor to death

War Against Rape (WAR), Karachi, expresses its profound sorrow and grief over the alleged abduction, rape and burning of a five-year old girl to death in Bheempura, and similarly 22 year old trainee nurse in Surjani Town, Karachi. WAR also appreciates the prompt notice taken by Mr. Ishrat Ul Ibad, Governor Sindh in the case […]

NEPAL: Killing its citizens in the name of justice

Statement | Nepal | 27-03-2014

A girl recently killed herself in Kathmandu after the police dilly-dallied in helping her to find justice. The girl had been raped by her father’s business partner. Instead of acting quickly, the police delayed registering a case. Registration was done only after some pressure. The girl became psychologically fragile, but there was no one to […]

INDIA: Open letter to all political parties to take up the issue of repeal of AFSPA

To, Representatives of all political parties of India The World’s largest democracy has plunged into the election season as the 16thLokh Sabha elections are approaching. The environment is tense. While you all are busy organizing rallies, giving speeches, proving yourself better and different from others, the media and the public are busy in speculations and […]