Women's rights

PAKISTAN: November 10 – Day of action for Malala and girls’ right to education

Mr. Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy for Global Education, has declared November 10, a global day of action in support of Malala and girls’ right to education. Malala Yousafzai, an ardent campaigner for the right of education for girls, was shot by Taliban while on her way home from school in Swat valley, in northern […]

SRI LANKA: How does the Attorney General file indictments and how do Members of Parliament sign impeachment petitions?

Basil Fernando The Chief Justice (CJ) has refuted all allegations made against her contained in the much publicized impeachment motion filed in parliament. (File Photo of the Chief Justice, Mrs. Shirani Bandaranayake) The CJ’s legal representatives have said in a letter “In the circumstances, in summary: (a) Our Client has declared all her operative bank […]

PAKISTAN: Malala — the symbol of defiance has a college named after her

The youth of Pakistan have found a new leader to follow, one that has inspired, not on the youth of the country but the adults as well The Malala incident in Pakistan has given a powerful voice to the people to come out bravely against Muslim extremism. The breaking of the silence in Pakistan was […]

BANGLADESH: Three cases of sexual violence in Chittagong Hill Tracts require credible investigations

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two young women have been raped and one girl narrowly has avoided an attempted rape due to her neighbours’ assistance in three separate jurisdictions of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh. The police have allegedly been biased against the non-ethnic settlers instead of […]

PAKISTAN: UN experts call for greater protection for school children and activists against extremist groups

(Hong Kong, October 18, 2012) – A group of United Nations independent experts on rights defenders, summary executions, freedom of expression and education today urged the Government of Pakistan to make every effort to ensure that school children, and particularly girls, are protected throughout all of Pakistan, and to ensure that extremist groups do not […]

BANGLADESH: State’s unpardonable failures deserve credible investigation

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and Odhikar The entire governmental machinery of Bangladesh, with its retinue of law-enforcement units, intelligence agencies, and security forces, have totally and abysmally failed to protect minority communities in the South Eastern region of the country.  A large number of monasteries, temples, houses and establishments of the […]

PAKISTAN: First international day of the girl child — an opportunity to review policies and societal attitudes

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. The occasion aims to highlight the difficulties and barriers faced by young girls in their social and economic development. No one can deny that education is the right of every human, either male or female; […]

SRI LANKA: Will Sri Lankan maid on death row in Saudi be discussed at Summit?

The picture shows Rizana’s mother and sisters Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa to Meet With Gulf Heads of State Source: Migrant Rights Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa is set to participate in the first Asian Corporation Dialogue Summit in Kuwait on the 16 and 17 of October. The summit is aimed at “consolidating Asia’s strength and […]

PAKISTAN: If the scarecrow army cannot protect a young girl how can it safeguard the nuclear assets of the country?

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the brutal and cowardly attack on the brilliant 14-year-old student, Malala Yousufzai. The Talibani attackers stopped the school van in which she was traveling and asked the other students to identify her. They then sprayed bullets at her in an attempt to kill her for promoting education […]

PAKISTAN: No legitimacy to be at the UN with Ahmadis disfranchised

The Ahmadis, a sect that believes in Islam and claims to be an ardent follower of it, has been declared as non-Muslim under the Pakistani legislation. Evidently, the Government of Pakistan has not only confiscated their freedom to faith, belief and practice, but also proactively victimises them socially, economically and educationally. The declaration goes against […]

INDIA: Betrayed and threatened, but success wrenched out

Statement | India | 06-10-2012

None can find fault with the villagers protesting against corruption in Barwani district of Madhya Pradesh state. A large number of villagers, representing mostly the tribal community, and of the poorest of the poor living in the district, have, for the past two days, gathered at a place named Court Chauraha of the district head […]

BANGLADESH: Female human rights defender molested, sexually harassed, and suspended from her position as school teacher for standing up for a victim of gang-rape

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a female human rights defender, Mrs. Shampa Goswami, is facing suspension from her job as teacher for standing up for a victim of gang rape. The alleged perpetrators, well connected to influential political leaders, have been directly attacking her person, by circulating doctored […]

INDIA: Too little too late

Statement | India | 10-09-2012

After 17 days of daring to stand in neck-deep water, the villagers who are protesting against the unjust compensation package offered for the Onkareshwar Dam in Madhya Pradesh is yet to receive any guaranteed assurances from their government. Yesterday, the Madhya Pradesh State Government has reportedly agreed to reduce the water level in the reservoir, […]

BANGLADESH: 11 year old Indigenous girl raped by police in Chittagong Hill Tracts

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an incident of rape. An 11-year-old girl has been raped by a policeman in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The minor girl has suffered serious physical, psychological, and social trauma due to the sexual assault for which the local police initially refused to register […]

NEPAL: Women human rights defenders are facing threats and harassment for protecting a victim of domestic violence

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that human rights defenders working with WOREC Nepal, a leading women’s rights organization, and Mitini Nepal, an organization working for the rights of LGBTI women, have come under threat after supporting a victim of domestic violence. Anita (name changed) filed for divorce after living […]

PAKISTAN: No justice for Rimsha – judge disrespects the orders of President Zadari

In the capital of Pakistan where there are many government and non-governmental institutions working for the protection of child rights, special children rights, human rights and the rights of women, only one of them have come out calling for the release of Ms. Rimsha, the 14-year-old Christian girl who has been charged with blasphemy. It […]

INDIA: घरेलू हिंसा से अशांत होता समाज

Article | India | 27-08-2012

रोली शिवहरे भारत में महिलाओं के विरुद्ध घरेलू हिंसा में निरंतर वृद्धि हो रही है। इसका प्रभाव अंततः व्यापक तौर पर समाज में महिलाओं के प्रति दुव्र्यवहार एवं यौन हिंसा के रूप में भी सामने आ रहा है। हमें यह ध्यान में रखना होगा कि जब तक हमारे घरों में हिंसा खत्म नहीं होगी तब […]

PAKISTAN: A mentally retarded minor is arrested on the charges of blasphemy; her mother and sister remain missing after their arrest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a minor Christian girl, Miss Ramsha, 11, was arrested on the charges of blasphemy when she burned some copies of newspapers which were collected from the garbage. The Muslim population of the slum area attacked her house and beat her mother and sister […]

ASIA: We need anti-torture legislation in Pakistan

Speech given by Abbasi Nusrat Bano, a member of the Provincial Assembly, at the meeting of Asian Parliamentarians On Sunday afternoon, (July 22), Abbasi Nusrat Bano, a member of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh, delivered this speech to great applaus as part of the Meeting of Asian Parliamentarians in the Asian Alliance against Torture and […]

INDIA: Savage men rob and ravage woman in Manipur – two IRB officers and a Sub-Inspector of Police implicated

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Rongmei Lu Phuam (RLP) concerning the robbery and horrific gang rape of 40-year-old Phool Maya (name changed) on 22 March 2012 by four men, two of whom are Indian Reserve Battalion (IRB) officers. It is possible the incident was masterminded by a fifth […]