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BANGLADESH: Human Rights Defender Shahed Kayes survives stabbing; attackers still after his life

Human rights defender and philanthropic educator Shahed Kayes knew there were serious risks involved in his work. He had to, as nothing in Bangladesh comes without associated risks. He knew that his a...

PAKISTAN: Government must commute death sentences and protect the people’s right to life

The Pakistan People’s Party took office in 2008, and shortly thereafter issued a moratorium on the death penalty, temporarily commuting thousands of death penalty cases to life imprisonment. The...

INDIA: देश की गरीबी बनाम सरकार का नैतिक दिवालियापन: सन्दर्भ – योजना आयोग द्वारा जुलाई 2013 को जारी गरीबी का नया आंकलन)

भारत में 2011 से 2012 के बीच में 8.49 करोड़ लोग गरीब नहीं रहे. वे उस रेखा के ऊपर आ गए हैं ज...

INDIA: लोकतंत्र को ढकेलते न्यायालय

पिछले साठ सालों में भारतीय लोकतंत्र मजबूत हुआ है। हमारा चुनाव आयोग दुनिया क...

INDIA: Good Figures for Bad Situation – Fabrication of Poverty data in India

By Sachin Kumar Jain By a magic wand unfurled by the Planning Commission, 84.9 million Indians have stopped to be poor between 2010 and 2012: they went through and soared above the poverty line pushed...

SRI LANKA: From Minor Tyranny to Excessive Tyranny

Impeaching the Chief Justice and Sri Lankan Politics By Upul Abeyrathne1 “All are accordingly bound by the necessity of keeping the law, unless perchance there is any who can be thought to have been...

PAKISTAN: Marriage by choice becoming taboo

It was a very shivering news for the citizens of the country that a grandfather killed his grandchildren and thrown them from the roof top in presence of their mother who then killed by her father onl...

BANGLADESH: Mr. Shahed Kayes, a human rights defender abducted and stabbed, requires immediate protection

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the abduction and attack upon Mr. Shahed Kayes, a human rights defender working in Narayanganj district in Bangladesh. A group of persons abducted Mr....

INDIA: खाद्य सुरक्षा अध्यादेश उर्फ़ रोटी का गेम चेंजर क़ानून – क्या ये देश के साथ केंद्र बनाम राज्य खेल खेल रहे हैं?

गेम चेंजर है राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अध्यादेश (यदि बना तो क़ानून); जी हाँ; भारत...

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry...

SRI LANKA: The day when the rule of law system collapsed

What happened on July 23, 1983 was not the event of a single day in history. The impact of that day lives on and with each passing year the situation of the rule of law in the country has become worse...

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry...

BURMA: Police torture of gay and transgendered people

The Asian Human Rights Commission has been following with concern news of the police targeting of gay and transgendered people in Burma, or Myanmar, and has recently obtained detailed information on a...

INDIA: बच्चों को भूख की शिक्षा के पक्ष में

बिहार में २७ बच्चों का जीवन मध्यान्न भोजन योजना ने छीना है या व्यावस्था ने; इ...

BURMA: Identifying and freeing remaining political prisoners

The president of Burma, or Myanmar, U Thein Sein in his recent visit to the United Kingdom has made a commitment that all political prisoners in his country will be released by the end of the year. Ac...

PAKISTAN: Jihad to convert Hindu girls to Islam rages on

The Jihad to convert Hindu girls is continued unabated under the indifferent attitude of Pakistani authorities. In recent months, seven Hindu girls have been targeted in the conversion to Islam campai...

INDIA: Court report suggests frightening administrative failure in Manipur

The Commission of Inquiry, constituted by the Supreme Court of India, in Writ Petition (Criminal) 129 of 2012 [Extra Judicial Execution Victims Families’ Association and Another (petitioners) Ag...

INDIA: जनगणना 2011 में किसान और खेतिहर मजदूर सचिन कुमार जैन

मैं इस आलेख में विश्लेषण को कोई निष्कर्ष पर नहीं पंहुचा पाऊंगा. शायद मैं इस स...

PAKISTAN: Campaign supporting those that stripped Christian women naked begins

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received a report issued by a Christian organization, CLAAS (Center for Legal Aid, Assistance & Settlement), negating the stripping and parading of Chr...

SRI LANKA: Sandakada pahana (Moonstone) and inculturation

During the last few weeks the Sandakada pahanas (Moonstones) in a couple of churches in Kalutara District came under attack from Bodu Bala Sena, a Buddhist militant organisation led by Buddhist monks....