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INDIA: Can the Supreme Court end the reign of criminals in politics?

The judgment of the Supreme Court of India delivered on 10 July 2013 in Civil Writ Petitions 490 and 231 of 2005, declaring Subsection (4) of Section 8 of the Representation of People’s Act, 195...

SRI LANKA: Rape and other crimes against women on the increase

Every ninety minutes a woman is raped in Sri Lanka, said Women for Rights at a press conference held in Colombo on July 14. The organisation further said that Sri Lanka is 5thon a list regarding domes...

PAKISTAN/SAUDI ARABIA: AHRC welcomes release of prisoners from Saudi jails, requests case revision for prisoners awaiting beheading

It is heartening news that the government of Saudi Arabia, on the occasion of holy month of Ramadan, has released around 1500 prisoners who were involved in different crimes, including the smuggling o...

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis killed and gravely wounded in attacks; police ask for fictional ‘No Objection Certificate’ to prevent Ahmadis from praying

The persecution of the Ahmadis, a minority sect, by police and fundamentalist Muslim groups is continuing unabated. In the month of June, two persons from the Ahmadiyya sect were gunned downed by R...

PAKISTAN: Special birthday for Malala-a significant inspiration for us all: when education is more powerful than weapons

The AHRC staff joins the international community in the celebration of Malala Day and sends sincere greetings to Malala for her 16th birthday “Even if they come to kill me, I will tell them what...

ASIA: Arab Spring turns into military take over in Egypt

Two years after the Arab Spring held the world captive, Egypt again finds itself immersed in turmoil as Egyptians took to the streets on June 30th in a movement to remove Islamist Brotherhood leader D...

PAKISTAN: A young woman stoned to death for having a cell phone after ruling by a Panchayat

Arifa, a mother of two, has been stoned to death on the orders of Panchayat (a tribal court) for possessing a cell phone. She was executed on 11 July in the district of Dera Ghazi Khan in Punjab provi...

INDIA: Cultivators – Farmers and Agricultural labourers in Census 2011 – The other side of agricultural growth in Madhya Pradesh

Sachin Kumar Jain Perhaps, I may not arrive at any conclusions in this feature article. I am in a dilemma over the veracity of the data available on the state agriculture. Perhaps you could help me in...

ASIA: Global Civil Peace Declaration – End the Korean War and Sign a Peace Treaty!

The Asian Human Rights Commission asks you to consider joining the campaign for a peace declaration initiated by a number of non-governmental organisations in South Korea. All are welcome to join to s...

THAILAND: Court to read verdict in case against human rights defenders

On Thursday, July 11, 2013, the verdict in the case of three human rights defenders —  JittraKotchadej, BoonrodPaiwong, and SoonthornBoonyord — will be read at the Criminal Court on Ratch...

INDIA: A time for reflection

“The significance of the protest was no longer defined by the number of people who take part, but by the issues it reflects,” said Hong Kong Secretary for Transport and Housing Anthony Ch...

PAKISTAN: Child poverty-a primary hindrance in fulfilling child rights

International and national researches, surveys and news reports have recognized that the incidence of poverty has been increased in Pakistan during the recent years.  Massive corruption, primarily fr...

SRI LANKA: Trying to plant drugs in a lawyer’s car?

The strange riddle that the Magistrate’s Court of Colombo must now untangle is this: what is the plot that the Police Narcotic Bureau (PNB) was trying to hatch against the well-known Hultsdorf l...

SOUTH KOREA: The National Intelligence Service systematically disseminated ideas of mass killings, hatred and discrimination over the internet

As the allegations of illegal interference by the National Intelligence Service (NIS) in the presidential election held in December last year drew increasing attention from the public, a search and se...

INDONESIA: Penalising freedom of association, disrespecting people’s aspiration – enactment of the mass organisation law

On 2 July 2013 the House of Representatives enacted the law on mass organisation through a vote at the Plenary Meeting. Out of 361 members of parliament who attended the session, only 50 refused the l...

SRI LANKA: Another attempt to harass, Gunaratne Wanninayaka, the President of Colombo Magistrate’s Court Lawyer’s Association

Mr. Wanninayaka has complained to the police authorities that on June 24 some officers visited his house and made inquiries about him. Later at around 2:30 pm on the same day, two officers went to the...

INDIA: The promise and pretence of democracy

The Constitution of India explicitly states that the right to life, equality, education, and to participate in elections as fundamental rights. When these rights are violated, the Indian system does n...

INDIA: क्यों तोड़ना चाहिए रोज़गार गारंटी क़ानून? (मनरेगा 6)

महात्मा गांधी ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी योजना केवल एक आर्थिक गतिविधि नहीं है. इ...

INDIA: Invest in Food Security for your own good

The National Food Security Bill (NFSB) has been the center of much debate since it was introduced in Parliament by the UPA government in December 2011. One of the most persistent arguments against a f...

SOUTH KOREA: The National Intelligence Service is a root cause of the crackdown on democracy and human rights

The country has entered into political turmoil. It is because of a series of allegations of illegal interference by the National Intelligence Service (NIS) in the Presidential election, held in Decemb...