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SRI LANKA: Institutional theories about the use of torture

By Basil Fernando There are a number of entrenched beliefs which have become institutional doctrines within the policing system which contribute to the continuing practice of torture. No suspect will ...

SRI LANKA: Why do Sri Lankan Police officers torture suspects? Part II

By Basil Fernando “Police officer” refers mostly to persons working for the Sri Lanka Police Service. But in the context of custodial torture, it also includes others who at times are called upon ...

NEPAL: NHRC must respond to the letter sent by the GANHRI

We, the four organizations—Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Advocacy Forum, Lawyer’s Association for the Human Rights of Nepal’s Indigenous Peoples (LAHURNIP) and Terai Human Rights Defende...

SRI LANKA: Why do Sri Lankan police officers torture suspects?

By Basil Fernando “Police officer” refers mostly to persons working for the Sri Lanka Police Service. But in the context of custodial torture, it also includes others who at times are called upon...

SRI LANKA: A Lunatic Police Attack

By Basil Fernando A brutal attack by Police Officers caught on a video tape has gone viral on social media. It has caused expressions of public dismay about the levels of violence that Sri Lankan Poli...

SRI LANKA: UNHRC Resolution: A Ray of Hope for Sri Lanka

By Basil Fernando The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution “Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka” was adopted with 22 members of the council voting in favou...

WORLD: An Interview with Basil Fernando on his book Body, Mind, Soul, and Society

You may watch the interview at the following link.  Some comments of the book as follows. This is a unique and important book… One learns invaluable lessons from this insightful book and, for that...

SRI LANKA: Black Sunday- Mourning the Death of Criminal Investigating Capacity

By Basil Fernando In answering the call of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Sri Lanka, the faithful living in various parts of the country wore black and attended the churches as a protest against t...

INDONESIA: Elegy For “Mbokde” (Aunty) Suu Kyi

Gugus Elmo Rai’is, Indonesian Journalist Tracing back the life history of Aung San Suu Kyi is like enjoying an elegy in the form of a song containing lamentation and sorrow. Not only for Suu Kyi, bu...

INDONESIA: Analisa Saya Terkait Pemekaran Provinsi di Papua Barat

Written by Mr. Theo Hesegem (Executive Director of the Papua Justice and Human Integrity Foundation) Menurut Direktur Yayasan Keadilan dan Keutuhan Manuaia (the Papua Justice and Human Integrity Found...

SRI LANKA: Rupavahini Incident: Unanswered Questions

by Basil Fernando In a separate article, I reported a recently delivered judgment by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka regarding an arbitrary termination of broadcast by the Rupavahini Corporation in 200...

WORLD: Free eBook copies of Body, Mind, Soul, and Society available in Amazon from 24th to 28th February 2021

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you about a free eBook copies of Body, Mind, Soul, and Society available in Amazon from 24th to 28th February 2021. Choose when the promotion starts ...

SRI LANKA: SC Condemns Imperious Attitude In Abruptly Terminating A Broadcast

by Basil Fernando In 2008, an incident took place at a panel discussion organized by the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation. Three panelists were invited by the producer of the programme , ‘Ira Anduru...

SRI LANKA/MYANMAR: The Impact of Militarism in Myanmar and Sri Lanka

By Basil Fernando The recent coup in Myanmar has created an interest once again to look into the impact of the military rule in Myanmar which began with 1962 coup and which continued up to 2011. The B...

INDONESIA: Elegi Buat Mbokde Suu Kyi

Written By: Mr. Gugus Elmo Ra’is, an Indonesian Journalist Menyimak perjalanan hidup Aung San Suu Kyi, tak ubahnya menikmati sebuah elegi berupa sebuah nyanyian yang penuh berisi ratapan dan rasa du...

INDONESIA: Special Interview on controversial of Job Creation Law & Human Rights in the time of Covid-19

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you about an interview with Mr. Ken Budha Kusumandaru, a survivor and also a human rights activist from Indonesia. Mr, Ken Ndaru was detained under S...

WORLD: A new book is now available to the public

Available at Amazon Body, Mind, Soul, Society: An Autobiographical Account Link to the Amazon This is a unique and important book… One learns invaluable lessons from this insightful book and, for th...

INDONESIA: Balikpapan City Police Officers torture a man to death in custody

ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-004-2021 February 11, 2021 ———————————R...

NEPAL: Instead of hearing out civic voices of the marginalized groups, the government is becoming more authoritarian

On 21st November 2006, ‘The Comprehensive Peace Accord’ (CPA) was signed between the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). With this, a decade long armed-conflict ...