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INDIA: An invitation, murder, and democracy

When a business school invites persons to attend one of its functions, that too expecting the person to deliver nothing less than the keynote address, it must be taking into account many factors. Elem...

INDIA: नियोजन यानी योजना और महात्मा गांधी राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोज़गार गारंटी योजना (मनरेगा 2)

केवल अपेक्षा ही नहीं थी बल्कि उम्मीद भी थी कि राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोज़गार गारं...

INDIA/PAKISTAN: Democracy’s Noose kept Afzal Guru hanging, till death

He had to die. Die, because a nation wanted him to, or so were we told by the Supreme Court of the nation. He had to die to satisfy the collective conscience of the nation, the court added for a good ...

INDIA: Manipur, a backtracked promise

A court in Manipur yesterday has ordered the detention of Ms. Irom Sharmila Chanu, better known as the iron lady of Manipur. Detention is nothing new to this woman, most humble yet so bold, that she h...

INDONESIA: Poso video calls for establishment of independent procedures for reviewing the use of force by police officers

A video depicting ill-treatment and excessive use of force by police officers has recently been released to the public. In the video, several men who were suspected of being terrorists were lying do...

SRI LANKA: A monk leads mob violence at Maligawatta with the connivance of the police

Swarnavahini reported a raid on a house maintained at a high rise building in Maligawatta by a mob led by a Buddhist monk, Galabodathe Yanasiri, the secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (The Buddhist Power...

SRI LANKA: Admiring vices as virtues

Sri Lanka is now before the United Nations Human Rights Council at a time when the Council is to discuss in what ways Sri Lanka can improve the human rights situation of its people. The overall mind s...

PAKISTAN: The killings of journalists continue unabated

Two senior journalists were killed during the short span of 48 hours. As is usual, enquiry committees have been formed by the authorities to investigate the killings and the motives behind the inciden...

PAKISTAN: Shia genocide — What exactly is preventing the military and the judiciary from performing their duties against militancy?

After hearing the accusations of covert and overt support for sectarian terrorism and the terrorists the state institutions, like the judiciary and the army are trying to clarify their positions. Ther...

INDIA: The great thamasha

Bijo Francis* Overcoming initial reluctance, the Maharashtra state police have finally registered a case in the infamous Bhandara rape and murder incident. This is a case, not much discussed in India,...

SRI LANKA: Lawyers reject the candidate promoted by the government

At the Bar Association election this year, Mr. Upul Jayasooriya was elected with an overwhelming majority. He won by a margin of over 1,471 votes while the persons who came in second and third receive...

PHILIPPINES: Release investigation report of boy’s killing during demolition to his mother

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Ms. Leila de Lima, secretary of the Department of Justice (DoJ) Ms. Leila de Lima Secretary Department of Justice (DOJ) DOJ Bldg., Padre Faura ...

INDONESIA: Allegation on physical threat towards journalists in Padang should be seriously investigated

Brig. Gen. Pol. Wahyu Indra Pramugari Chief of West Sumatera Regional Police Jl. Sudirman No. 55 Padang, Sumatera Barat 25231 INDONESIA info@sumbar.polri.go.id Phone: +62 751 33416 Fax: +62 751 33416 ...

SRI LANKA: The mother’s appeal for saving the life of Sudeshkar facing the death sentence in Qatar

Mangala Samy Pungonda, the mother of Wengadasalam Sudeshkar yesterday, February 19, appealed for the final sum of Rs. 600,000/= (approximately US$ 5,000) for the saving of her son’s life from ex...

PAKISTAN: Peshawar High Court is claiming praise for the recovery of 1,500 missing persons but not taking action against the agencies that disappeared them

The Chief Justice of the Peshawar High Court has claimed that 1,500 missing persons were recovered and sent home as a result of the steps taken by the judiciary while a further 1,000 missing persons h...

SRI LANKA: The mother’s appeal for saving the life of Sudeshkar facing the death sentence in Qatar

Mangala Samy Pungonda, the mother of Wengadasalam Sudeshkar yesterday, February 19, appealed for the final sum of Rs. 600,000/= (approximately US$ 5,000) for the saving of her son’s life from ex...

PAKISTAN: Sectarian killings — the nexus between Saudi Arabia and the army of Pakistan is now being openly discussed

The Asian Human Rights Commission strongly protests the murders of members of the Hazaras Shia community. A series of bombings in Hazaras town, Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province, claimed man...

INDIA: Democracy a charade when the home minister runs weapons, money, and hooch

Mr. Imkong Imchen, the Home Minister of Nagaland, a state in the north-eastern region of India will have tough time explaining why he was traveling with weapons, ammunition, alcohol and money estimate...

SRI LANKA: The debasement of politics after the 1953 Hartal

For the purpose of this article I would describe positive or genuine politics as the attempt of political parties and others involved in politics trying to improve the material conditions of lives of ...

SRI LANKA: The Constitution stands between the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Sri Lankan government

A comment on the report for promoting reconciliation and accountability in the country Basil Fernando The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Navanethem Pillay, on February 11, 2013...