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PAKISTAN: One year after the floods-women continue their struggle to rebuild their lives & livelihoods

FOR PUBLICATION  AHRC-ART-046-2011  August 24, 2011 An Article by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: One year after the floods-women continue their struggle to rebuild their lives & liv...

INDIA: Who has the right to judge?

There is surely nothing wrong in demanding an end to the reign of corruption. And yet, for many in India it seems to amount to being “as good as undermining the Constitution”, or resembli...

INDIA: What will follow the law?

Given the primacy of combating corruption to breathe life into the concept of democracy, the anti-corruption movement in India is indeed the country’s second movement for freedom. Given the magn...

ASIA: Asian Alliance Against Torture and Ill-treatment launched

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and the Asian Alliance Against Torture and Ill-Treatment A group of 26 human rights defenders and organisations, today concluded a five-day regio...

INDONESIA: Conviction of Ahmadyah victim undermines constitutional protections

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is disturbed by the punitive decision of the Indonesian Court on August 15, 2011 to jail an innocent Ahmadi Muslim who protected himself during a mob attack, w...

INDIA: AFSP Act is a deepening blotch on democracy

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission, REDRESS Trust UK, and Human Rights Alert, Manipur, India A draconian legislation like the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 and the concep...

INDIA: In the absence of justice independence is a myth

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates Indians on their 65th Independence Day. The world’s largest democracy, has come a long way from what it was in 1947 – an impoverished...

THAILAND: Court demonstrates contempt for human rights by jailing torture victim on say-so of alleged perpetrator

A court in Bangkok on 10 August 2011 sentenced a torture victim to two years in prison for having spoken out against his alleged torturers. Police Major General Chakthip Chaijinda brought the criminal...

SRI LANKA: Lawlessness threatens property rights — The continuing harassment of a Pastor’s family at Ward Place

The Rev. Rudge Pereira and his family have been living in Ward Place in their ancestral property for over 51 years. Since 2008 a group of people have been harassing the family during the day and night...

INDIA: Shadow of indignity a shade!

For a government, when its law enforcement agencies are accused of housing criminals in uniform, it is an embarrassment, to the say the least. When the accusation, that the state police have become a ...

SOUTH KOREA: Ill treatment by investigating officials should be investigated

About 36 years ago two brothers were illegally arrested and tortured to confess to spying by the investigating authorities. Due to this false confession, they were convicted and imprisoned for 10 year...

BANGLADESH: REDRESS and AHRC write to the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh to express their concerns about ineffective investigation into violent attack against the human rights defender

A Joint Open Letter from REDRESS and the Asian Human Rights Commission to Prof. Mizanur Rahman, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh Dr Mizanur RAHMAN, Chairman National H...

AHRC: Clarification on Email Hoax

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been made aware of an email hoax that has been circulating in the recent weeks. The scam email alleges that the AHRC would assist persons to claim a lotter...

SRI LANKA: Photos of Razeek’s exhumation

A collection of photos from activists in Sri Lanka published by the Asian Human Rights Commission The AHRC has received the following photos from the exhumation of disappeared human rights activist Mr...

SRI LANKA: The body of the disappeared human rights activist Pattini Razeek exhumed

Mr. Pattini Razeek, a well known human rights activist and a member of the executive committee of Forum Asia disappeared on February 11, 2010, yesterday (July 28) his body was exhumed before the Valac...

PHILIPPINES/ASIA: The AHRC questions the membership of former President Arroyo in the International Commission against the Death Penalty (ICDP)

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Mr. Federico Mayor, President of the International Commission against the Death Penalty Mr. Federico Mayor President International Commission a...

INDIA: Supreme Court – ‘Salwa Judum’ is unconstitutional

“People do not take arms without reason” — Supreme Court The recent judgment of the Supreme Court of India in Dr. Nandini Sundar and others Vs State of Chhattisgarh and Union Govern...

PHILIPPINES: Torture victims speak out–” Everybody says torture is wrong, but it is commonly used” Interview 8

An interview with Basil Fernando, director for Policy and Programme Development of the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) SPECIAL REPORT Torture in the Philippines & the unfulfilled promise of t...

ASIA: The Societal Importance of the elimination of torture and ill treatment in the South Asian context

A summary of a presentation made to the Vigil India Movement, Bangalore by the Asian Human Rights Commission Each generation has its own challenges. Not long ago the great challenge was to dispel the ...

HONG KONG: HKSAR should protect and facilitate, not harass and obstruct, human rights observers

In response to the HKSAR’s attempted arrest and subsequent obstruction of a human rights observer of the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor (HKHRM) in his execution of observation duties and journalists...