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INDIA: Security and stability are hoaxes for canvassing votes — Asian Human Rights Commission

India will hold general elections for the 15th Lok Sabha in April. Lok Sabha, meaning ‘house of the people’, is the directly elected, lower house of the Indian parliament. Under the pre...

PHILIPPINES: Investigation to ‘vigilante killings’ requires adequate witness protection to be effective — Asian Human Rights Commission

As the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the investigation that the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is conducting into ‘vigilante killings’ in Davao City, it holds reservation...

SRI LANKA: Parliament must debate the conviction of former magistrate — Asian Human Rights Commission

On 27 March, the Mathara High Court sentenced former magistrate, Ms. Shyamini Mihinchiarachchi, to 45 years imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 60,000 (USD 600) on charges of entering false information in ...

PAKISTAN: Judge humiliates teenage rape victim in open court — Asian Human Rights Commission

The attitude of a Pakistani judge toward a teenage gang rape victim has caused widespread outrage, throwing the training of the country’s judicial figures into question. On March 25, 2008, addit...

Human Rights Council Elections — A letter to the Eastern European delegations to the United Nations — Asian Human Rights Commission

To: Eastern European Your Excellency, As a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, we write in advance of the 2009 Human Rights Council elections to welcome reports that Eastern European stat...

Human Rights Council Elections — A letter to the Western European and other delegations to the United Nations

To: Western European and Others Your Excellency, As a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, we write in advance of the 2009 Human Rights Council elections to urge the states in the Western ...

SRI LANKA: Sonali Wickrematunge’s letter to the Inspector General of Police — Asian Human Rights Commission

We are forwarding the text of a letter written by Sonali Wickrematunge, the widow of Lasantha Wickrematunge, a well known journalist and the editor of the Sunday Leader newspaper who was assassinated ...

Human Rights Council Elections — A letter to the Asian delegations to the United Nations — Asian Human Rights Commission

To: Asian Your Excellency, As a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, we write in advance of the 2009 Human Rights Council elections to urge Asian states to present a competitive slate for ...

Human Rights Council Elections — A letter to the African delegations to the United Nations — Asian Human Rights Commission

To: African Your Excellency, As a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, we write in advance of the 2009 Human Rights Council elections to welcome reports that African states plan to present...

Human Rights Council Elections — A letter to the Latin American and Caribbean delegations to the United Nations — Asian Human Rights Commission

To: Latin American and Caribbean Your Excellency, As a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, we write in advance of the 2009 Human Rights Council elections to urge Latin American and Caribb...

PAKISTAN: Appeal for the release of abducted Canadian journalist and two Pakistanis — Asian Human Rights Commission

A Canadian freelance journalist and her two Pakistani assistants were abducted by agents reportedly working for Taliban commander, Gul Bahadur, from Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province in November...

INDIA: Food security is a key for preventing Tuberculosis in India — Asian Human Rights Commission

India is the highest Tuberculosis burdened country in the world accounting for one fifth of the global incidence of the dreadful disease. It has remained so for the past three years. This is according...

CAMBODIA: The government should address rights abuses instead of attacking NGOs for reporting them — Asian Human Rights Commission

In February the US State Department released its “2008 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices”. The report on human rights in Cambodia stated that “the government’s human rights record remained...

SRI LANKA: East Has Become Bihar-like (3) — Asian Human Rights Commission

A national authority for the prevention of abductions, and a national institute for studies on the prevention of extrajudicial killings are urgently needed The abduction of six-year-old Varsha Jude Re...

SRI LANKA: East Has Become Bihar-like (2) — Asian Human Rights Commission

A comparison of the abduction of Varsha Jude Regi and the Delgoda family massacre The abduction and the killing of six-year-old Varsha in Trincomalee, followed by the deaths in custody of two of the a...

MYANMAR: Special humanitarian request for urgent medical treatment for detainee suffering from heart condition — Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing this special appeal to you out of grave concern that a person currently being detained in Myanmar is seriously incapacitated and could die for want ...

THAILAND: Somchai Neelaphaijit–government good only at issuing denials — Asian Human Rights Commission

On March 17, five years to the week of the disappearance of human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit at the hands of police officers, the ambassador of Thailand to the United Nations Human Rights Coun...

BANGLADESH: Dialogue is needed on the protection of suspects during interrogation — Asian Human Rights Commission

Following the violent 33-hour mutiny at the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) headquarters on February 25 and 26, which saw more than 70 persons killed, the government has been swift to act. However the rising ...

SRI LANKA: East Has Become Bihar-like — Asian Human Rights Commission

Sri Lankans looked at their TV screens and newspapers last week with shock and shame as the story of the abduction and killing of six year old Varsha Jude Regi of Trincomalee came to the attention of ...

SOUTH KOREA: How to express opinions without fear of ‘legitimate’ punishment? — Asian Human Rights Commission

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-065-2009 March 20, 2009 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SOUTH KOREA: How to express opinions without fear of ‘legitimate’ punishment? Accord...