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THAILAND: Senate must delay vote on NHRC

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you out of grave concern that if the Senate proceeds with a vote on the seven persons nominated as commissioners of the National Human Rights Com...

PHILIPPINES: Blinding and Paralyzing Fear and Indifference — Asian Human Rights Commission

Jesus answered, ¡§Truly, I say to you, you look for me, not because you have seen through the signs, but because you ate bread and were satisfied. Work then, not for perishable food, but for the las...

THAILAND: Senate must give more time for debate on new NHRC

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you out of concern that the selection process for a new National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Thailand is being rushed through in a highly u...

PAKISTAN: Government that surrenders to the militants destroys the writ of the state

The government of Pakistan has entered into an unconstitutional agreement with the Islamic militants operating in the country to implement an Islamic code of practice, the Nizam-e-Adl Regulation (NAR)...

CAMBODIA: Tolerance of corruption at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal is unacceptable

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) are very concerned that, on 3 April, the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges (OCIJ) at the Extraordinary Cha...

PAKISTAN: Suo Moto action is sought on behalf of a seventy-five-year-old man imprisoned by civilians for 34 years

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to draw your attention to the case of a Pakistani citizen who has been held in inhuman conditions inside a private cell for 34 years. Although the case is know...

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who unravelled the unique South Asian master-servant relationship based on the Indian caste system

Basil Fernando B.R. Ambedkar was a man whose work unraveled the unique nature of the master-servant relationship in South Asia. Today is the anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar’s birth. Born to the family of...

PAKISTAN: A lawyer’s life is in danger after witnessing the abduction of three doomed men by intelligence agents

The Asian Human Rights Commission believes that the life of Balochi lawyer, Mr. Kachkol Ali is in danger, after he witnessed the abduction of three clients, shortly before they were found murdered in ...

PAKISTAN: Fingers point at state intelligence agencies in the killings of three Baloch nationalist leaders

Three Baloch nationalist leaders were killed after their abduction by plain clothes persons in mysterious vehicles that bore no registration plates. They were taken from the chambers of a prominent la...

SRI LANKA: Report blames an ultra-powerful authority for attacks on media freedom — Asian Human Rights Commission

Five media organisations in Sri Lanka issuing an investigative report entitled, ‘The Resurgence of Terror and the paramilitary forces in Sri Lanka,’ stated that covert operations are carri...

INDONESIA: Unjust Democracy

As Indonesia takes part in its third parliamentary election under a new order regime, one might be tempted to see it emerging as a modern, democratic state that has overcome its atrocious decades of m...

NEPAL: A government, not cadres should run the country

The report from Nepal, where a mob led by the Maoist cadres, in the past two days, interfering and preventing the court proceedings at Surkhet district is one more incident that highlights the wrong d...

PHILIPPINES: ‘State of Emergency’ in Sulu province is devoid of legality — Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by the unilateral declaration of Abdusakur M. Tan, governor of Sulu province in Mindanao, placing the entire province under a ‘State ...

CAMBODIA: The government must end discrimination against opposition parties and their followers — Asian Human Rights Commission

Cambodia has abandoned communist rule to supposedly embrace pluralism and liberal democracy for nearly twenty years. Yet it is still saddled with many communist legacies which have stunted its democra...

CAMBODIA: Government’s stand against prosecution of more Khmer Rouge leaders shows its true colours — Asian Human Rights Commission

In the immediate period leading to the trial of Khmer Rouge Prison Chief Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, on 30 March, there was a disagreement between the international and the national co-prosecutors of ...

PAKISTAN: State authorities support the Taliban, and responds weakly to public outrage over the public flogging of a girl

The Internet-broadcasted public flogging of a young girl by Taliban members in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has enraged sections of Pakistan society, and given a taste of the newly-brokered...

SRI LANKA: Release Santha Fernando from arbitrary detention and protect humanitarian space —

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) calls upon the Sri Lankan government to immediately release Mr Santha Fernando, secretary for justice and peace in the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka ...

INDIA: Security and stability are hoaxes for canvassing votes — Asian Human Rights Commission

India will hold general elections for the 15th Lok Sabha in April. Lok Sabha, meaning ‘house of the people’, is the directly elected, lower house of the Indian parliament. Under the pre...

SRI LANKA: Parliament must debate the conviction of former magistrate — Asian Human Rights Commission

On 27 March, the Mathara High Court sentenced former magistrate, Ms. Shyamini Mihinchiarachchi, to 45 years imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 60,000 (USD 600) on charges of entering false information in ...

PHILIPPINES: Investigation to ‘vigilante killings’ requires adequate witness protection to be effective — Asian Human Rights Commission

As the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the investigation that the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is conducting into ‘vigilante killings’ in Davao City, it holds reservation...