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BANGLADESH: A weary High Court suggests appellant seek bail from Allah

A High Court Bench of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has suggested the counsel of a litigant seek bail from Allah (God), in frustration at the limits of its power under Emergency Rule. Since the Stat...

PAKISTAN: Restoration of judiciary ‘put on ice’ – new government must keep its election promise by restoring deposed judiciary

It has only been in power for two months, but already Pakistan’s new government has broken a election promise: to reinstate the deposed Chief Justice and other judges within 30 days. That deadline ha...

BANGLADESH: Culture of supersession in Supreme Court will undermine rule of law

The President of Bangladesh Prof. Iazuddin Ahmed has appointed Justice Mr. M M Ruhul Amin as the 16th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh to replace the outgoing Chief Justice, Mr. Mohamm...

SOUTH KOREA: Massive arrest of protesters is imminent

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AHRC-STM-146-2008 May 26, 2008 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SOUTH KOREA: Massive arrest of protesters is imminent Since the government of South Korea agree...

PHILIPPINES: Supreme Court is requested to review Abadilla Five case urgently

The AHRC in its letter to you on May 5, has asked the Supreme Court to take appropriate action to ensure that the appellate review of the Abadilla Five case is effectively conducted. We have also aske...

BANGLADESH: Supreme Court holds that Election Commission has violated the Constitution

A High Court Division Bench of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh declared that the country’s Election Commission has violated constitutional provision regarding holding general election within 90 ...

BANGLADESH: High Court judgement on bail petition under emergency laws

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, which consists of the Appellate Division and the High Court Division, has held that no court in the country has a jurisdiction to entertain b...

SRI LANKA: Internal repression internationally condemned

(The Sri Lankan government lost its bid to retain its seat in the UN Human Rights Council yesterday, May 21, as it came under intense criticism from many quarters on its human rights record. This stat...

CAMBODIA: Ban on peaceful public demonstrations is unconstitutional

Very recently, the Cambodian authorities at two different locations took action to ban peaceful public demonstrations of the people as they wanted to express themselves against the wrongdoings affecti...

SRI LANKA: The Murder trial of Gerald Perera – threat to life of an important witness

The Asian Human Rights Commission wrote today to the Sri Lankan authorities and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture regarding death threats to one of the witnesses in the Gerald Perer...

SRI LANKA: Comments by Presidential Commission of Inquiry confirm IIGEP concerns

The BBC Sinhala Service today quoted the Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into Serious Violations of Human Rights (CoI) as stating that it could not recruit independent la...

BURMA: From Dictator Ne Win to Cyclone Nargis – Burmese catastrophe continues

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AHRC-STM-139-2008 May 19, 2008 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission BURMA: From Dictator Ne Win to Cyclone Nargis – Burmese catastrophe continues Two weeks a...

SRI LANKA: Preventing making of complaints and claiming that there are no violations

A group of civil society organisations in Sri Lanka have appealed to the members of the United Nations Human Rights Council urging them not to reelect Sri Lanka for membership to the council on the ba...

BURMA: Worst response ever to a disaster

The response of the Burmese regime to the Cyclone Nargis disaster is now acknowledged to be the world’s worst response to a disaster by any state or regime. The Burmese generals, including Senior Gen...

SRI LANKA: SC holds prison officers to have committed torture on Tony Fernando

This week the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, by a majority judgement of two out of a bench of three, held that several prison officers had violated the constitutionally guaranteed rights of Michael Antho...

ASIA: Protecting the Dike that Safeguards the Rule of Law

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to present the speech given by Mr. John J. Clancey, Chairperson of the Asian Human Rights Commission at the Awards Ceremony for the Asian Human Rights Defender...

BURMA: AHRC now accepting donations on behalf of partners

Twelve days since Cyclone Nargis, international aid groups and bilateral donors are still greatly hampered in getting access to stricken populations in Burma who are now at risk of a massive outbreak ...

ASIA: Muneer Malik and Aitzaz Ahsan accept the AHRC’s Human Rights Defender Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-ANM-003-2008 May 14, 2008 An Announcement by the Asian Human Rights Commission ASIA: Muneer Malik and Aitzaz Ahsan accept the AHRC’s Human Rights Defender Award The As...

CHINA: Extending concerns for the earthquake in China and urging China to do more for cyclone victims in Burma

The Asian Human Rights Commission extends its concerns to the Chinese people and the Chinese government at this moment of tragedy by way of the severe earthquake. After news of the heavy earthquake th...

BANGLADESH: SC Lawyers boycott of Supreme Court to protest ruling obstructing granting of bail

The Supreme Court lawyers decided on Sunday (May 11, 2008) to boycott the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court for two hours on Thursday, May 15, in protest against a series of verdicts, including ...