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PAKISTAN: Daughters of Asma Jehangir assaulted and threatened by gunmen of the ruling party

The two daughters of Ms. Asma Jehangir, a well known lawyer, human rights activist and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of religion or belief, were assaulted and illegally...

SRI LANKA: Update on Online Petition: Assassinations, hooliganism, paramilitary activism, bomb blasts and a further plunge into lawlessness

The year 2008 began, for Sri Lanka with the assassination of the Tamil opposition UNP Member of Parliament, T. Maheshwaran. Just a few days earlier a government minister, Mervyn Silva forcibly entered...

WORLD/PAKISTAN: Assassination of Benazir Bhutto and emergence of a draconian military power

The assassination of Benazir Bhutto, who was the leader of one of the best known political parties in Pakistan that was contesting the election to be held on the 8th January 2008, reflects the nature ...

PAKISTAN: AHRC demands international inquiry into the violence against judiciary, lawyers, journalists and others

As the Muslim world celebrated Eid and as the outside world celebrates Christmas, the forcibly ousted chief justice, Iftehkar Choudhry is being treated as a prisoner, held under house arrest and not e...

WORLD/SRI LANKA: Update on Online Petition — send your Christmas greetings by signing the online petition for UN human rights monitoring in Sri Lanka

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-288-2007 December 24, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission WORLD/SRI LANKA: Update on Online Petition – send your Christmas greetings by signing the online p...

INDIA: Please take immediate actions to help tuberculosis patients in Varanasi – Uttar Pradesh

Mr. Mohmoodul Hassan, son of Mohammad Hassan, residing at Lohta village, Varanasi district has been suffering from tuberculosis for the past 22 years.  Mohmoodul was diagnosed of having tuberculosis ...

CAMBODIA: Leading rights groups support UN envoy

(Washington, DC, December 18, 2007) — Five leading international human rights organizations today called upon the Cambodian government to respect its international human rights commitments as w...

WORLD/PAKISTAN: Lawyer of the Year needs to be restored to his position as the chief justice

Iftehkar Mhd. Choudhry, the chief justice of Pakistan who was dismissed from office by President Pervez Musharraf after the imposition of the emergency rule, has been recognised as the lawyer of the y...

SRI LANKA: Petition for a UN monitoring mission in Sri Lanka

The Asian Human Rights Commission is launching a petition to the Sri Lankan government to support a field presence by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has s...

WORLD/PAKISTAN: Lawyer of the Year needs to be restored to his position as the chief justice

Iftehkar Mhd. Choudhry, the chief justice of Pakistan who was dismissed from office by President Pervez Musharraf after the imposition of the emergency rule, has been recognised as the lawyer of the y...

MYANMAR/BURMA: Investigatory body must be proven to exist

In a statement read at the UN Human Rights Council on 11 December 2007, the ambassador of Myanmar (Burma), U Wunna Maung Lwin, said that, “On 31 October 2007, the Government of Myanmar has estab...

ASIA/SRI LANKA: UN human rights monitoring urgently needed to resuscitate criminal investigations

The Asian Human Rights Commission strongly supports the call for a human rights monitoring mission by the United Nations as a measure to resuscitate the severely damaged criminal investigation capacit...

WORLD/SRI LANKA: An appeal for continuous intervention with the Saudi Arabian authorities on Rizana Nafeek’s case

The appeal case of Rizana Nafeek is continuing to be heard in the Appellate Court in Saudi Arabia. Rizana Nafeek, who was 17 years old at the time when she was accused of murdering a baby of four mont...

PAKISTAN: the human rights situation in 2007

The year 2007 was marked by constitutional and judicial crises; the President as the military leader used the state power against the judiciary, the Constitution of the country, the legal fraternity a...

PHILIPPINES: Adequate protection and investigation integral to improve human rights

Any improvement in the condition of human rights in a country should be measured on the extent of protection that victims and families have obtained, and how the investigations are made by the police ...

ASIA: A year of historic struggles for human rights

The year 2007 will be remembered as a year in which brought out increasingly belligerent responses from ruling elites across Asia. It is certain that throughout the region more and more people are res...

SRI LANKA: Human Rights Day statement – The phantom limb in human rights protection

A phantom limb is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with other body parts. The pronouncement of the Sri Lankan government that i...

CAMBODIA: Imprisonment for debt must be stopped

On November 19, 2007 an elderly man named Hach Tuos, 57, from Reaksmei Sang-ha village, Khnach Romeas commune, Bovel district in the northwestern province of Battambang, went with another man who he l...

SRI LANKA: Attack on Sunday Leader – Press freedom in a lawless country

The attack on the printing press of the Sunday Leader as well as the very manner in which the attack was carried out, comes as no surprise to anyone who has observed the ease with which any form of vi...

ASIA/PAKISTAN: Reinstate the ousted Supreme Court and prevent the plunge into lawlessness

Every move that General Musharraf has taken for the singular purpose of his own survival has plunged Pakistan into a greater state of lawlessness. Strangely, General Musharraf seems to believe that th...