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WORLD: Update – Dispute regarding CCS Elsuma (Pvt) Sri Lanka — legality and morality of a European company acting in third world

(We refer to our earlier statement on this dispute which may be found at http://www.ahrchk.net/statements/mainfile.php/2007statements/1136/. We are in receipt of a reply (by email) from a subsidiary ...

SRI LANKA: Medical council erases the name of a doctor for three years for failure to properly carry out his duties in examining a torture victim

(We reproduce below the decision of the Sri Lanka Medical Council (as received) regarding a complaint made against a Judicial Medical Officer for his failure to carry out a proper medical examination ...

INDIA: Forcing women to wear a chastity belt is a common practice in Rajasthan

A female passenger in a public bus was found bleeding from her thighs and the fellow passengers took her to hospital. At the hospital, the doctors who examined the lady found that she was wearing a ch...

THAILAND: Proposal for EU observer mission is ill considered

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you in response to a press release issued by the Public Relations Department of Thailand dated 23 July 2007 in which it is stated that during a c...

BANGLADESH: IGP’s acknowledgement of political interference and poor image an opportunity for widespread discussion on police

The Inspector General of the Bangladesh Police, Nur Mohammad, was quoted in various national newspapers on 22 July 2007 as accepting the poor reputation of the force and extent of political interferen...

WORLD: Foreign company based in Sri Lanka disregards worker’s conditions and threatens their representatives and human rights defenders

The Asian Human Rights Commission is seriously concerned about the developments relating to CCS Elsuma (Pvt) Ltd based at Daluwakotuwa, Kochchikade (near Negombo) which has blatantly disregarded an ag...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Concerted attacks on human rights defenders demand stronger and better-informed international response

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you today further to your press release of 25 April 2007, issued together with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar...

SRI LANKA: Ensuring legal representation for migrant workers in terms of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations acceded to Sri Lanka in 2006

I am writing this on behalf of the Asian Human Rights Commission to raise an issue regarding a problem of policy which is affecting the capacity of the Sri Lankan government to provide legal assistanc...

THAILAND: Unintelligible computer “law” passed under junta’s watch

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AS-177-2007 July 25, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission THAILAND: Unintelligible computer “law” passed under junta’s watch On 10 June 2007 ...

INDIA: Reform criminal justice systems to end apartheid in India

Caste based discrimination is the Indian variant of apartheid.  For decades Indians have been separated and divided according to the caste hierarchy. In spite of several laws and even Constitutional ...

SRI LANKA: Seven years imprisonment for Inspector of Police and a constable for inflicting torture on a woman

Last week an Inspector of Police (IP) and a Police Constable (PC) who were accused of torturing a 25 year-old woman, Angalin Roshana Michael, were sentenced to seven years of rigorous imprisonment and...

INDIA: Promises must be reflected in action in Uttar Pradesh

It has been two months and a few days since the new state administration took charge in Uttar Pradesh. The Chief Minister has openly declared that her government would not tolerate any form of caste b...

WORLD: An Open Letter to His Excellency the President of Sri Lankan on matters relating to the case of Rizana Nafeek and an appreciation of the role of the Sri Lankan Ambassador in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

His Excellency the Hon. Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse President Socialist Democratic Republic of  Sri Lanka C/- Office of the President Temple Trees, 150, Galle Road Colombo 3 SRI LANKA Fax: +94 11 2472100 /...

BURMA: Government by thuggery

After a man in Mettaya, upper Burma, assaulted U Than Lwin on 15 June 2007, he ran for cover in the local office of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA), a government-organised mass...

INDIA: Ten million skilled workers facing extinction in India

Mr. Neeraj finally decided to put an end to everything. On June 12, 2007 he consumed a large dose of poison and committed suicide. Neeraj was a handloom weaver from Benipur village in Varanasi distric...

PAKISTAN: Historic verdict reinstates chief justice, challenges dictatorship

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of Pakistan today 20 July 2007 declared the suspension of the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftekhar Choudry, by the president, General Pervez Musharaff, to be ...

THAILAND: Criminal acts oblige criminal inquiries

According to an Associated Press news report, police have arrested and charged a sergeant of the Royal Thai Army who was among a gang of around 30 that assaulted three British men in Nakhon Sawan, nor...

WORLD: AHRC requests the assistance of Muslim scholars on the following questions

(This is related to the AHRC’s original appeal – WORLD: An appeal to Muslim scholars throughout the world which may be found at:http://www.ahrchk.net/statements/mainfile.php/2007statements/1111/) Th...

SRI LANKA: AHRC condemns HRCSL’s setting of a three month deadline for filing of complaints

The Board of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka made a decision to issue a circular prescribing a period of three months from the date of an incident for the receiving of petitions. Internal Cir...

PAKISTAN: AHRC condemns the attack at the venue of the meeting at which the Chief Justice was to speak and calls for an inquiry into the incident

A bomb blast in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, close to the venue where Chief Justice Iftehkar Chaudhry was scheduled to address lawyers, killed about 20 persons and injured more than 50, six of ...