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CAMBODIA: The Cambodian government must not punish the Open Society Justice Initiative for allegations of corruption at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the Cambodian government has threatened to expel the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), a New York-based human rights NGO, after it...

INDONESIA: People of Indonesia deserve nothing less than a transparent, effective and an easily accessible mechanism to address past and future enforced disappearances

The Minister of Law and Human Rights, Mr. H.E. Hamid Awaluddin, in his statement at the 4th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva on 12th Mach 2007 indicated that Indonesia is ready to sign th...

NEPAL: The need for a comprehensive action plan to end impunity

(This is the first in a series of statements on the challenges facing democracy, rule of law and human rights in Nepal at present.) The pulse of an uprising that brought down the centuries-old monarch...

ASIA: The shared responsibility of all member-states of the UN to act urgently on Darfur: case of Asian States

We, as members of national, sub-regional and regional NGOs from the Asia region have followed with serious concerns the 4th session of the UN Human Rights Council (Geneva, 12-30 March 2007) on the sit...

ASIA: Extra-judicial killings in Asia

The following is a joint statement by the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-Asia), Asian Legal Resource Centre, and International NGO Forum on Indonesia Development (INFID) at the 4t...

ASIA: Support for Special Procedure on Torture in Asia

The following is an oral submission made by Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) at the 4th Session of the Human Rights Council on March 26, 2007: Interactive dialogue – Special Rapporteur on Tor...

PHILIPPINES: Foreign interference–why not for a U.N. Human Rights Council member?

On March 26, the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) spokesman Ed Diansuy was reported to have cautioned civil society groups inside and outside of the country from taking the matter of extrajudicial exe...

THAILAND: Ninety-one judges & 14 years not to complete a trial

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) today issued an appeal on a case that has been heard in the Bangkok South Criminal Court since 1993. The four defendants are accused of having plotted to kill ...

PHILIPPINES: Exoneration of Palparan and his troops exposes impossibility of seeking justice in dysfunctional system of justice

On March 20, Commissioner Eligio Mallari of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) announced it had submitted the results of its investigation that recommend the dismissal of complaints against Maj. Gen...

CAMBODIA: The Bar Association’s charge of exorbitant fees to foreign lawyers is immoral and is obstructing the Khmer Rouge trial

In January 2007, while international judges and their Cambodian counterparts on the Khmer Rouge tribunal were working on the internal rules for the hearings, the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Camb...

PAKISTAN: Restore the judiciary and end militaristic tyranny in Pakistan

The legal community of Pakistan has rejected a government offer for talks, while demanding the withdrawal of the reference against Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry and the formation of a natio...

BANGLADESH: National Human Rights Commission must not be a toothless tiger

On 19 March 2007, Bangladesh’s national television channel BTV announced in a news bulletin that the present government has “in principle decided to establish a National Human Rights Commi...

PHILIPPINES: Economic gains do not justify strength of democracy

Not only is democracy being subverted in the Philippines, but its meaning is also misunderstood. While the country may have made economic gains in recent times, to declare them as proof of a “strong ...

INDIA: Nandigram might equate India with other dictatorships in Asia

“There is anarchy and everyone is taking the law into his own hands” said the General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPI (M)]. He is right! So what is the state gover...

CAMBODIA: Investigation of 1997 grenade attack on peaceful demonstrators and other criminal cases must be conducted and the report made public

On 30 March 1997, Sam Rainsy who is now the leader of Cambodia’s opposition party, organised and led a peaceful demonstration in front of the National Assembly in Phnom Penh. The rally was calle...

SRI LANKA: Abuse of the powers of the AG’s Department and Criminal Investigation Bureau can turn Sri Lanka into a situation like that of the Gulag Archipelago

The last few weeks have seen the use of the powers of the Attorney General’s Department to freeze the accounts of a person associated with a leading newspaper which turned hostile to the governm...

PAKISTAN: As outrageous violations take place, to keep silent on the issue of the rule of law is nothing less than betrayal

In recent weeks the Asian Human Rights Commission commented on two major violations of human rights from Pakistan. One was the severing of a young man’s penis by police officers in Larkana distr...

THAILAND: The real thinking behind the coup–“What do the people know?”

AS-055-2007 March 18, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission THAILAND: The real thinking behind the coup–“What do the people know?” Last Monday, a week before the six-...

INDIA: Bastar and Nandigram, where next?

Unity in diversity is the catchphrase often used in reference to India. People of various cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds united to form a nation.  However, today India is a strange twist ...

PAKISTAN: Reinstatement of the Chief Justice is the only credible solution to the present judicial crisis

It appears that the enormous public support that the ‘non-functional’ Chief Justice Mr. Iftekhar Mohammad Choudry is receiving throughout the country has obviously surprised and shaken the...