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SRI LANKA: Expressions of peoples’ anger against corruption censored through propaganda on anti-terrorism

Corruption in Sri Lanka is worse today than ever before. This fact is admitted by everyone, is seen to be more and more evident in the press, and even the government does not deny it. All governments ...

SRI LANKA: Clarifying a misunderstanding

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-036-2007-R1 March 01, 2007 A reply by the Asian Human Rights Commission to a reaction concerning an earlier Statement Background: The AHRC received a reaction from Dukhinda Ja...

INDIA: Intervention sought to secure release of human rights defender held on fabricated charges

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you to seek your intervention into the case of a human rights defender wrongly detained on fabricated charges by the police in Murshidabad distri...

PAKISTAN: The government’s policy of appeasing fundamentalists is responsible for the murder of a female minister

The government of Pakistan continues to turn a blind eye to Islamic extremism throughout the country and is compromising the rule of law for religious fanaticism. In doing so, the country has once aga...

SRI LANKA: A serious attempt to control and suppress civil society organisations needs a response if further repression is to be halted

Many civil society organisations, both local and international have received a letter similar to the one that follows from the secretary to the Select Committee of Parliament for the Investigation of ...

INDIA: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vyshya, Soodra and Dalits no more exist in India

The Government of India continues to defy commonsense by refusing to accept caste based discrimination is discrimination defined in the International Convention on Elimination of Racial Discrimination...

PAKISTAN: The severance of the sexual organ of an arrestee indicates the collapse of police discipline and calls for high level police and government inquiries

The case of Mr. Hazoor Buksh Malik, a young man of 24 years of age whose penis was severed at the Market Police Station in Larkana district, Sindh province, Pakistan on January 25, 2007 should raise g...

SRI LANKA: The government must explain the execution of three whose death sentences were said to have been reconsidered and the execution of another who was sentenced only to imprisonment in Saudi Arabia

Despite of the speculation created through some statements by the Sri Lankan government that the Saudi Arabian authorities were considering commuting the death sentences of three Sri Lankan citizens h...

SRI LANKA: Failure to provide adequate remedy even for crimes such as murder and rape

Article 2 (3) of the ICCPR requires that the state party to the ICCPR shall ensure to any person whose rights and freedoms are violated shall have an effective remedy and that such a person shall have...

SRI LANKA: Death threats and trivialisation of life in Sri Lanka

On February 8, 2007 a leading politician and a member of the cabinet, Anura Bandaranaike, made a statement in Parliament in which he said that he had received several death threats. He said that “Thr...

BURMA: Unintelligent talk about judicial corruption

Any intelligent talk about corruption and malpractice in a justice system must start by recognising that it is by definition systemic. The way that judges, prosecutors and police work depends largely ...

SRI LANKA: Abductions, disappearances, death threats, confessions and increase of tension

As protests were being planned by the railway workers and local and international protests were being staged regarding the three persons who had been abducted on February 5 (please see our statement S...

INDIA: To cut court delays judges must change attitudes

During a recent visit to Uttar Pradesh, staff of the Asian Human Rights Commission came across a case that reveals the shocking extent to which the courts in India are misused by the rich and powerful...

SRI LANKA: Abductions and disappearances spread into trade union sector

The alleged abduction of three persons belonging to the Railway Workers Union who are also associated with the publication of the union’s journal, Akuna, was reported in many publications including t...

SRI LANKA: The fifty-ninth anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence Day – caste factor destroys Sri Lankan dream of democracy based on universal franchise

The fifty-ninth anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence Day was celebrated yesterday (February 4, 2007). Democracy in Sri Lanka lasted only 30 years after independence. In 1978 an authoritarian ...

SRI LANKA: A disappearance every five hours is a result of deliberate removal of all legal safeguards against illegal detention, murder and illegal disposal of bodies

The former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mangala Samaraweera was quoted in several news agencies stating that a disappearance takes place in Sri Lanka every five hours. “It has been reported...

THAILAND: Emergency decree legalises torture chambers

A group of soldiers took Muhamud Arming Usoh from near his home on 30 October 2006, as he returned from work at a rubber plantation. They didn’t produce any arrest warrant or evidence, or tell h...

PHILIPPINES: Publish report, protect witnesses & prosecute Palparan

AS-023-2007 February 2, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission PHILIPPINES: Publish report, protect witnesses & prosecute Palparan The Asian Human Rights Commission cautiously welco...

INDIA: The fake encounter killing of Abdul Rehman; encounter killings threaten the security of all Indians

Abdul Rehman, who was from a remote village in Kashmir, was considered missing for 52 days. It was on the 53rd day that his father, Gulam Rasool, learned that his son had been killed in what is known ...

THAILAND: Key issue for police reform is command responsibility

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you in response to reports in the Bangkok daily newspapers that the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has offered to assist the go...