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BANGLADESH: Affording justice to victims is not on the State’s agenda

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission, the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances and Odhikar, on the Day of International Criminal Justice Hong Kong/Dhaka/Manila; 17 Jul...

INDIA: Curious case of anti-farmer, anti-consumer, self-pricing tomatoes

Avinash Pandey Looking at the pattern of tomato pricing in India, year after year, could lead one to believe that tomatoes are pricing themselves, evilly conspiring against the farmers producing them ...

AHRC TV: Calls for resignation of Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif amidst corruption charges and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 179

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been found guilty of corruption by the Supreme Court’s Joint Investigation Team. The team found the Sharif family weal...

PAKISTAN: Prosecute assembly member’s family for murder of child helper

On 12 June 2017, Pakistan’s print and electronic media was abuzz with the murder of a teenager serving a politically influential family in Lahore. Master Akther was reportedly tortured to death by h...

CHINA: A state built on graves will not last

China has lost yesterday one of its great sons, Nobel Laurate Mr. Liu Xiaobo. Indeed, Liu Xiaobo was a criminal for the Chinese administration. They had sentenced him to undergo a prison term of 11 ye...

SRI LANKA: Drinking toddy which is not toddy

By Basil Fernando “A large crowd of people gather here every day,” a social worker told me, pointing to a two-storey building that is now a toddy shop. There was a banner with a familiar advertise...

SRI LANKA: Father Nandana writes to Mr Nalin Ladduwahetty PC

Read Letter HERE We refer to the statement we issued yesterday “How some lawyers trivialise legal proceedings”. We produce below Fr Nandana’s letter to the relevant lawyer demanding that the la...

SRI LANKA: How some lawyers trivialise legal proceedings

“Fr. Nandana Manatunga tortured the victim…” claims President’s Counsel, Mr. Nalin Ladduwahetty in his defence of a police constable in a torture case. The case of torture of Mr. Daundalage P...

PAKISTAN: Non-Muslims forced to do sanitary work

In an act of blatant discrimination against the Christian religious minority, and an infringement of Article 27 of the Constitution of Pakistan, the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has invited applica...

SRI LANKA: Can a torture victim receive justice from the Sri Lanka Legal System?

Sanjeewa Weerawickrama [1] Torture is an act, a form of punishment, a horrible experience, causing severe physical pain and mental suffering. It uses force to make a person confess to a crime he did n...

AHRC TV: Videos of police brutality in Pakistan and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 178

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where police brutality and violence continues. Three videos show how law enforcement officials regularly transcend their authority and abuse ordinary citizens...

BANGLADESH: Questions arising from the abduction of Farhad Mazhar

Law enforcement agencies in Bangladesh have announced on 3 July 2017, that at 11:30 pm they have ‘rescued’ Mr. Farhad Mazhar from a Dhaka bound passenger bus at Noapara in the south-western distri...

SRI LANKA: A Diary of a frequent visitor

Article by Basil Fernando I arrived at the Katunayake Airport and there was my friend whose car I usually use in my visits. On our way from the airport into the roads a conversation immediately starte...

INDIA: Abduction and sexual abuse of an actress, and the cacophony so far exposes the putrid social culture in Kerala

On 17 February 2017, in Kerala, a criminal gang abducted and sexually assaulted an actress. The lady was travelling in a car, when a group of persons brought the car to a stop creating an accident, an...

INDIA: Ominous arrests point at imminent rule of the outlaw in Uttar Pradesh

By Avinash Pandey The arrests of 31 Dalit activists in Lucknow, state capital of Uttar Pradesh, is an ominous marker of the things to come. Add the circumstances of their arrest and they also hint at ...

PAKISTAN: State sanctioned police brutality against women must stop

A video has recently surfaced in Pakistan, where a contingent of police officers can be seen baton charging a group of unarmed women mill workers protesting in Muzaffargarh, Punjab. The scuffle occurr...

SRI LANKA: What is Folk School Method and what is its relevance to human rights work – Two Videos;

Watch English Version Watch Sinhala Version The Asian Human Rights Commission is happy to present two video presentations; one in English and one in Sinhala by Mr. Basil Fernando on the Folk School ...

NEPAL: Government and police collude in rotten power play

For the past several years, the Asian Human Rights Commission has been reporting on the widespread practice of abuse of power by the Nepal Police. The extent of abuse of power and politicization withi...

INDIA: “This ADGP is a butcher in police uniform” claims the State Police Chief

Referring to the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Mr. Tomin J. Thachankary, the former State Police Chief, Mr. Senkumar, has said that this officer is a butcher stationed at the state pol...

AHRC TV: Torture within the region in JUST ASIA, Episode 177

This week Just Asia focuses on the situation of torture in Asia, in commemoration of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Beginning with Pakistan, the UN Committee Against Torture h...