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INDIA: Where helplines are in need of help themselves

Hello. On 9 May 2016, Tanya Shrivastava, a 21-year-old journalism student, made a distress call to 1091, the toll free womens’ helpline. An intern with The Times of India, a prominent Indian newspa...

INDIA: Maharashtra Declaration Mocks Deaths, Confirms Pattern

The pattern on display in the Bombay High Court yesterday, 9 May 2016, was not that of the cycle of drought affecting millions. It was that of callous – bordering on malicious – governance. Accord...

INDIA: Mere increase in the number of judges will not end delays

The Chief Justice of India, Mr.T.S. Thakur, has once again appealed to the Government of India regarding the immediate need to appoint judges in the country. Citing reports of the National Law Commiss...

PAKISTAN: Judicial inquiry for assassinated rights defender a must

Militants in Karachi assassinated a prominent human rights defender, Khurram Zaki, on May 7. He was on the hit lists of ISIS, Taliban, and their affiliated outfits. He had informed the police, and the...

SRI LANKA: Draft National Audit Bill Must Be Placed Before Public

It has become one of peculiar habits of Sri Lankan parliamentarians to make everything that is pure and beautiful in the architecture of the country’s democracy appear ugly. Last week’s episodes â...

PAKISTAN: live burning of a girl exposes the state of human rights in the country

In a harrowing incident of honor killing a 16-year girl, Miss Amber, from Makol village near the town of Dunga Gali, distrct Abbottabad Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa (KPK) province was burned alive on 29th Apr...

INDIA: Droughts of governance precipitate death

For millions of Indians hit by the devastating drought, death comes in myriad forms. Farmers’ suicides – oft reported by the media and denied by the State – are one of them. A recent and surpris...

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 121

This week’s episode covers World Press Freedom Day, marked annually on May 3. Journalists are at risk in many Asian countries, facing either threats to their lives or legal repression. According to ...

ASIA: Bangladesh is in deep political crisis

Bangladesh is today going through a deep political crisis that the global civil society is yet to fathom. For all practical purposes, the country is under a dictatorial regime that has usurped power t...

SRI LANKA – The new AG and IGP – Tasked to revitalise the dying system

Now, there is a new Attorney General and a new Inspector General of Police. Whatever be the disputes about the manner in which their appointments were made, they are now the operators of two of the mo...

PAKISTAN: The D.G. Rangers must be prosecuted for the murder of a political activist in his custody

A senior political activist, Mr. Aftab Ahmed, working for the fourth biggest parliamentary party, MQM, has been allegedly extrajudicially executed in Rangers’ custody. He ostensibly died due to a he...

INDONESIA: Stop arresting indigenous Papuans

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) first learned from national and local sources that on May 2, police officers arrested at least 1,724 indigenous Papuans who took part in a peaceful protest in ...

PAKISTAN: Constitutionitself curbs freedom of Press

A statement on World’s Press Freedom Day-Pakistan is the fourth most dangerous country in the world for the journalists The freedom of press is a precious privilege that no country can afford to for...

THAILAND: Fifth anniversary of the imprisonment of Somyot Prueksakasemsuk

Saturday, 30 April 2016, was the fifth anniversary of the imprisonment of Somyot Prueksakasemsuk, a long-time labour rights activist and human rights defender. On 30 April 2011, Somyot was arrested on...


Keynote address at the Conference on Human Rights Solidarity Bangladesh, May 2016, Bangkok, Thailand Discussing Bangladesh’s situation from the human rights perspective is no doubt a difficult issue...

PAKISTAN: Labour Day meaningless for country’s working class

Labour Day in Pakistan is oxymoronic, because the day is just another holiday for the nation’s better off population, while the labour class toils under the blazing sun. Perhaps on no other day does...

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 120

This week, Just Asia continues its report on the prosecution of Indonesian activists for crimes against public authorities. Hundreds of labor activists have been demonstrating peacefully outside the c...

INDIA:Chief Justice Thakur’s anguished focus is only the tip of the iceberg

Last Sunday, the Chief Justice of India, Justice T.S. Thakur, made an emotional plea to the Executive to increase the number of judges and fill up the vacant posts to fix the issue of the severe short...

NEPAL: Nepali journalist arrested for ‘personal vendetta’

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly objects to the arrest of Nepali journalist and civil society leader Kanak Mani Dixit on corruption charges. He has been arrested on the orders of the ...

SRI LANKA: A TV Interview with Basil Fernando regarding the appointment of public officials in Sri Lanka

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an interview by Mr. Basil Fernando, Director – Policies & Programmes of the AHRC in Sirasa TV, News 1st, Live on 26th April 2016. ...