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THAILAND: Arrest of human rights defender and land rights activist

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to express grave concern about the arrest of Prom Jarana (64 years old), a human rights defender and land rights activist with the Assembly of the Poor for the...

SOUTH KOREA: Ferry Sinks National Morale

On April 16 of this year, a ferry sank and hundreds of lives were lost. Many students who died were from a single school. Dozens of passengers are still missing. This incident has signalled the public...

SRI LANKA: AHRC’s position on the proposed law for NGO registration under the Ministry of Defence

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to clarify its position regarding the controversy about the government’s proposal for a law to force the registration of non-governmental organisations with ...

PAKISTAN: The facts about the military operation in North Waziristan

This must be the first example in human history that a country actually pays their enemy to murder its own soldiers. After much fanfare, followed by congratulatory messages on social media from the li...

THAILAND: Revocation of passports by junta restricts freedom of movement and creates spectre of statelessness

The Asian Human Rights Commission is gravely concerned that during the past two weeks, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), the ruling military junta, has revoked the passports of at least...

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 35

Indonesia is the special focus for the 35th episode of Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. Millions of Indonesians have cast their vote to choose the country’s next President. Competing in the elect...

NEPAL: Refrain From Supporting Government Until Flaws in TRC Act are Amended

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) objects to the remarks made by the Government of Nepal that it is not going to amend the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Act. The Act was adopted o...

SRI LANKA: AHRC Replies to Defence Ministry letter that seeks to restrict NGO freedoms

The National Secretariat for Non Governmental Organizations, functioning under the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development, issued a letter to all registered Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) on...

SRI LANKA: Enemy at the Gates

Targeting Freedom of Expression “It is clear that the freedom of expression and opinion is a fundamental right, the mother of all rights.” – Abid Hussain, UN Special Rapporteur on th...

SRI LANKA: The Defence Ministry’s Warning to all Non-Governmental Organisations

A National Secretariat functioning under Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Defence and Urban Development has issued a curious letter on 1 July 2014. The following is the letter in full: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE AN...

THAILAND: Re-arrest of editor and human rights defender by junta

Photo by Prachatai The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concernedto have learned that Thanapol Eawsakul, writer, human rights defender, and editor of Fa Diew Kan (Same Sky) journal an...

INDIA: A Discordant Note on the Dowry Order

by Avinash Pandey The Indian Supreme Court’s decision to disallow blind arrest of the accused in dowry cases seems baffling at first sight. After all, the same court has often turned down bail appli...

SRI LANKA: ‘People’s Tribunal to End Killings at Police Stations’ – to be Held on July 6, 2014 in Badulla

The Asian Human Right’s Commission sends its greetings to all those taking active part in making the ‘People’s Tribunal Against Killings at Police Stations’ a reality. When looking into recent...

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 34

Hong Kong is the focus of the 34th episode of Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. There has been growing anxiety in Hong Kong that Beijing is working to erode freedoms guaranteed under Hong Kong’s B...

NEPAL: दलित शिक्षा : नयाँ संभावनाको खोजी

 by Dr. Bidyanath Koirala हेराइ र बुझाइ बस्तु हेरेर दृष्टिकोण बन्छ ।  भौतिकवादी त्यसै भन्छ...

NEPAL: Upholding Judicial Dignity No Excuse for Muzzling Freedom of Expression

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) objects to the Contempt of Court Bill, which the government has tabled in Parliament on 9 June 2014. The Bill, if passed, will restrict freedom of expression a...

INDIA: Where police ignore distress calls

by Avinash Pandey The phone calls were going unanswered. A group of men had broken into a female friend’s house and were holding her hostage. I was frantically calling the Senior Superintendent of P...

SRI LANKA: Why are the police allowed and encouraged to lie?

by Basil Fernando The video footage is fairly clear. First we see a tall policeman wearing a helmet standing with his arm stretched towards the other side of the road. Then we see a scooter stopped ju...

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 33

Today, on 26 June, the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, AHRC TV releases the 33rd episode of Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. On this occasion, which honours tortu...

NEPAL: In Commemoration of Anti-Torture Day in Nepal

In the recent case of three Rupandehi boys being tortured by two police personnel deployed in the Area Police Offices of Suryapura and Rupandehi, the Court delivered a verdict on 22 June 2014 ordering...