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PAKISTAN: Protests against disappearances rise and the level of tolerance from the law enforcement agencies declines

The people of Pakistan watched the brutal attack by the police on a peaceful demonstration for the recovery of disappeared persons in front of Parliament House in Islamabad on April 28. There were mor...

PAKISTAN: Sarabjit Singh — can the judiciary still claim to be independent?

It is one year now since Sarabjit Singh, an Indian prisoner, was killed in Lahore prison on April 26, 2013 when he was struck on the head in an attack by two Muslim fundamentalists. He was hit with br...

PHILIPPINES: Culture of impunity continues

An open letter from widows in the Philippines to the US President Barack Obama President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500     Dear Mr. President ...

ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup Episode 26

Today the AHRC releases the 26th Episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. We begin this week’s programme with breaking news concerning AdilurRahman Khan, renowned Bangladesh activist, ...

INDIA: Is judicial morale that low?

The decision of a high court judge in Kerala to stop hearing a case, following the visit of a lawyer who allegedly trying to influence him, is another symptom of low morale within the judiciary as wel...

ASIA: Global recognition for persecuted Bangladeshi human rights defender

Adilur Rahman Khan, Human Rights Defender of Bangladesh; AHRC File Photo Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, a renowned human rights defender, who has been relentlessly persecuted by the incumbent regime in Bangl...

PAKISTAN: Media house under ISI attack

The tension between Pakistan’s military and a large section of the country’s media has escalated following the assassination attempt on Geo TV anchor Hamid Mir. On the complaint of the Inter-S...

INDIA: Judiciary not a traffic warden

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) appreciates the Supreme Court of India’s initiative to institute a panel that will suggest measures to prevent road accidents and to ensure road safety i...

SRI LANKA / WORLD: Under which law did the Magistrate make the order to deport the lady tourist with the Tattoo of Lord Buddha?

According to reports a 37 year old British nurse who arrived in Sri Lanka this Monday (21st April 2014) was taken by a taxi driver to a nearby police station where, according to her, she was harassed ...

INDIA: Clinical trials kill 254 women under Supreme Court’s watch

Unethical clinical trials conducted without obtaining informed consent of the participants have struck India again, killing 254 women from the most marginalised sections of society. The deaths, or rat...

PAKISTAN: The AHRC condemns the attack on Hamid Mir and demands the suspension of the ISI chief until the inquiry is completed

A prominent journalist and television anchor person, Mr. Hamid Mir, was attacked by plain clothed assailants on April 19 while on his way from Karachi Airport to his television station, the Geo News. ...

INDIA: National shame

The Supreme Court of India and its subordinate courts have, over the past six decades, issued more than a dozen directives and orders prohibiting the practice of manual scavenging in India. The evil p...

PHILIPPINES: Why the country is ranked 3rd dangerous place for journalists, activists

Recently, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) published its report ranking the country as 3rd “most deadly for journalists,” next to Iraq and Somalia. In another report, the Global Witnes...

INDIA: Criminal justice reform duty of state, not court

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) appreciates the observations made by the Supreme Court of India that the Indian criminal justice process will immensely benefit from crime investigating agenci...

ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup Episode 25

Today the AHRC releases the 25th Episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup.  In this week’s special programme we report on the AHRC’s Partner’s Meeting, which was held last week in Hong ...

PAKISTAN: Negotiating with the wrong people

The collusion between the Pakistan military and the Taliban is so strong that the military does not want to hold an operation in North Waziristan If anything flagrant is to be noticed in North Waziris...

INDIA: Conflict induced displacement must end

The 30 July 2013 announcement of the Congress Working Committee decision to create a separate Telangana state within the Union of India spurred other statehood demands. In Assam, ethnic groups like th...

SRI LANKA: The abuse of Presidential Pardon is an abdication of the state responsibility to control crime

The Panadura High Court judge, Kusala Sarojani Weerawardana, found ten Presidential Security Division (PSD) officers who were accused of assaulting two famous songsters Rookantha Gunathilike and Chant...

INDIA: (Un)Free and (Un)Paid Media in Northeast India

In an Indian election, campaigns are heavily dependent on the media. Yet, however risk ridden the life and livelihood of Indian media personnel may be, their security is not an issue for political par...

PHILIPPINES: Memories of war and an historic peace

(Note: this article was first published in the April 6, 2014 issue of the Sunday Examiner) Eleven years ago, I was in a small store with a friend in Pikit, North Cotabato, in central Mindanao. We wer...