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SRI LANKA: Court orders to silence two human rights activists

We reproduce below copies of the court orders. The first order states that, as the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) is conducting an investigation into the terrori...

INDIA: टीबी पर राजनीतिक दलों को चुप्पी तोड़ने की जरुरत [विश्व तपेदिक दिवस – 24 मार्च पर विशेष]

[भारत में हर दो मिनटों में तीन मौत, रोजाना 1000 लोगों की मौत और सालाना 3 लाख से ज्य...

SOUTH KOREA: Unlimited punishment for holding different thoughts and ideas

It is widely reported that Acts relating to national security created in various names throughout in Asia have been used, not to protect national security per se, but to oppress persons holding differ...

SRI LANKA: Ethics of an ethnic war

Although the ethnic war between the Tamil LTTE and the Sinhalese forces of the Sri Lankan government ended in May 2009, the ethics of the conflict is still current. It is being discussed in institutio...

INDONESIA: A good police chief does not tolerate torture

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Bambang Sri Herwanto, the newly inaugurated Chief of the West Sumatra Regional Police Mr. Bambang Sri Herwanto Chief of West Sumatra Regional P...

NEPAL: What is the meaning of justice if people die seeking it?

There are estimated 15,451 pending cases at the Supreme Court (SC) of Nepal. Last year the Supreme Court gave final decisions on only 4360 cases. There are still 12,114 pending cases from last year an...

WORLD/SRI LANKA: Chaos and order in the country reviewed in the context of the draft resolution before the Human Rights Council

The draft resolution which is soon to be debated can be looked at within a wider perspective from the point of view of the chaos that resulted from insurgencies and counter-insurgencies in all parts o...

ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup Episode 22

Today the AHRC releases the 22th Episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. In this week’s programme we report about the teenager in Pakistan who set herself on fire when the men who gan...

INDIA: Does model code of conduct allow mocking the murders?

What should the government do when farmers commit suicide in an extreme response to massive crop failures? Mocking these suicides would certainly not figure as a possible response in any sane mind. Bu...

NEPAL: Stateless citizens within, time for Nepal to reform decaying institutions

Nepal has been in transition since 2006. Following the failure of the first Constituent Assembly to promulgate a new constitution, the country has been in a state of limbo and to make matters worse, t...

WORLD: Picked up, killed and dumped in Balochistan

The following article appeared as the editorial of the latest issue of ‘Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives’, a bi-monthly magazine published by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), based ...

INDIA: Relief awarded only after long battle by acid attack victim

On January 17, 2014, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) issued an urgent appeal (AHRC-UAC-005-2014, http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent-appeals/AHRC-UAC-005-2014) for immediate intervention ...

WORLD: The Sri Lankan Government retaliates to the proposed Human Rights Council resolution by arresting activists and witnesses

A draft resolution promoting reconciliation, accountability, and human rights in Sri Lanka is to be discussed at the United Nations Human Rights Council. The proposed resolution calls for, among other...

BURMA/MYANMAR: No rule of law via Special Branch, militarised police

On 11 March 2014 a presidential commission of inquiry into the latest violence in the far west of Burma, or Myanmar, presented its findings. According to the commission, which is the latest in a serie...

PAKISTAN: The self-immolation of a rape victim before a police station demonstrates the popular frustration about the breakdown of discipline

A girl commits suicide by self-immolation after her rapists bribed the police to release them. The state institutions remained as silent spectators The Asian Human Rights Commission has received infor...

SOUTH KOREA: Legislatures’ attempt to undermine fair trial

While the alleged fabrication and concealment of evidence by the National Intelligence Service (NIS) is gaining more weight in a case of Mr. Yu who is on trial, charged with violation of National Se...

ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup Episode 21

Today the AHRC releases the 21th Episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. In this week’s programme we continue our International Women’s Day coverage of stories from around Asia ...

PAKISTAN: Apathy of the state and the civil society towards a violence called Dowry

An Article by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Women’s International Day Dowry system and related violence is a product of patriarchy that in turn needs to be understood, unloaded and unpack...

PAKISTAN: Drought in Thar-the irresponsible attitude of the authorities

Every Pakistani is well aware of terrorism, unemployment, inflation, injustice, forced labour, disappearances, blasphemy against minorities, discrimination against women, custodial deaths, torture and...

WORLD: Women’s Leadership in Peace and Security: an Insecure Agenda

An Article by the Asian Human Rights Commission released on the occasion of International Women’s Day One of the rare positive impacts of armed conflict on gender relations is the increased move...