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ASIA: AHRC TV- Human Rights Asia Weekly Round up Episode 14

The AHRC releases today the 14th Episode, of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Round up  with special reports from India and Hong Kong. In this week’s programme we bring you a special report from India,...

INDIA: Country suffers further indignity from ineffective policing

The rape of a foreigner in the national capital, New Delhi, has placed India in disrepute, internationally. This incident comes just a year after a similar one shook the nation. The rape of a physioth...

PAKISTAN: The taliban are on the attack as the government continues to formulate its security policy to combat terrorism

A media house issuing adverse reports on the Taliban is attacked and three employees were killed The Pakistani Taliban, a brutal and bloody organisation, has accelerated its attacks in different parts...

NEPAL: The government should address demands put forth by Dr. Govinda KC and save his life

Dr. Govinda KC has been on an indefinite hunger strike at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital for 10 consecutive days after putting forth seven demands including the resignation of Dr. Sharma a...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Police, soldiers still getting away with murder

Despite the political and social changes in Burma (Myanmar) of the last two years, police and soldiers continue to enjoy impunity for the murder and torture of civilians. Despite the constant efforts ...

INDIA: टी.बी. पीडि़त बच्ची की प्रधानमन्त्री को एक चिट्ठी

पन्ना जिले की तीन साढ़े तीन साल की पार्वती अपनी बीमारी के बारे में यदि सीधे प...

INDIA: प्रयोगों से संभव हुआ खाद्य एवं पोषण सुरक्षा

दमोह जिले के हरदुआ” गांव के धम्मू प्रजापति” अपनी गेंहू की फसल के उत्पादन ...

ASIA: A new publication – : “The Law, Patriarchy and Religious Fundamentalism: Women’s Rights in Pakistan”

The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) and its sister organisation the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) are pleased to announce the online edition of a new publication: “The Law, Patriarchy ...

SOUTH KOREA: Legal actions against workers of Korean overseas factories must stop

The Military Special Command Unit 911 in Cambodia firing live ammunition at garment factory workers asking for the increase of the minimum wage has been internationally condemned. The firing led to th...

PAKISTAN: While illegal and gender-biased verdicts are passed by a Jirga with the assent of the State, women make amends

Whether fully or partially responsible for a crime, whether involved or not in an offence, women in Pakistan frequently come off worst when it comes to punishment. Gender-biased practises and discrimi...

ASIA: AHRC TV – Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup, Episode 13

The Asian Human Rights Commission has now released of the 13th episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. We start this episode with an extensive report from Assam, India. A government crackdow...

BANGLADESH: Attacks on non-Muslims must stop now, forever

Shame shadows Bangladesh again. Numerous attacks have been waged on the Hindu community across Bangladesh in the wake of the January 5th general ‘election’. Houses and business establishm...

INDIA: Human trafficking, not diplomatic impunity

The debates so far, concerning the arrest of an Indian diplomat in the US, on charges of visa fraud, have omitted the nature of the crime the officer has committed. The crime alleged against the offic...

PAKISTAN: The AHRC salutes a 16 year old boy who sacrificed life to save 2000 students

The AHRC also pays tribute to a police officer SSP Choudhry Aslam who was killed in a suicide attack by Taliban A 16 year old boy has saved the lives of 2000 fellow students and school staff by sacrif...

THAILAND: The Failure of Justice for Somchai Neelaphaijit

In late December, just days after the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) claimed that the file for the case of the disappearance of Somchai Neelaphaijit had been lost, Niran Adulayasak, Directo...

INDIA: Paramilitary Still Squats in Chhattisgarh Schools

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from CGNet Swara, an organization promoting community journalism in India, regarding the continuing occupation and use of educational ...

PAKISTAN: The social injustice behind the practice of dowry-when greed dictates society

Each year, in South Asian communities, thousands of young brides lose their lives over dowry disputes. They are burnt, killed or maimed by husbands and in-laws whose material demands remain unfulfill...

INDIA: ”कुपोषित बच्चे की कहानी बैगा मां की जुबानी”

मण्डला जिले के “मवई“ ब्लाक में स्थित ग्राम “चंदगांव“ के  निवासी मति...

PHILIPPINES: Some comments on the murder trial of Temogen Tulawie

On December 18, 2013, the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 19 in Manila City, commenced the trial of Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie, an indigenous activist, who is being prosecuted for fabrica...

BANGLADESH: Authoritarian obstinacy wins, democracy loses

The Bangladesh Government and Election Commission have jointly staged their tragicomic ‘general election’ on January 5, 2014. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) reflected pre-election realit...