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THAILAND: The Attacks of Political Activists

A Statement from The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission 4 June 2019 In pursuance to a string of recent attacks of at least three pro-democracy activists inclu...

THAILAND: Election did not meet the international standards

International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) to the Kingdom of Thailand’s 2019 General Election INTERIM REPORT IEOM Profile ANFREL’s International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) to the 2...

ශ්‍රී ලංකා: කාලයට නොවුණොත් යුක්තිය ඉෂ්ට වෙන්නේම නැහැ

ජනාධිපති නීතිඥ ජේ.සී. වැලිඅමුණ තරිඳු උඩුවරගෙදර අධිකරණයේ නඩු ප‍්‍රමාද ව�...

INDONESIA : Kasus Robertus Robet Adalah Ancaman Serius Kebebasan Berekspresi

A Press Release from Press Legal Aid (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Pers) and the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Yang lebih fatal adalah kar...

INDONESIA: Penyitaan Buku Tanpa Proses Hukum adalah Melanggar Konstitusi

A Press Release from Press Legal Aid (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Pers) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Dalam 1 bulan terakhir telah terjadi dua kali penyitaan buku-buku yang diduga me...

NEPAL: In search of judicial independence

An article from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Through the promulgation of the 2015 constitution, Nepal emerged as a federal country. While power at the executive an...

WORLD: Call for Nomination: The Gwangju Prize for Human Rights 2019

Press Release from the May 18 Memorial Foundation forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) The May 18 Memorial Foundation Calls for Nominations for the 2019 Gwangju Prize for Human Rights...

INDIA: Dangerous polls and irresponsible reporting

An article from The Mint forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission On 26 June 2018, the Thomson Reuters Foundation released the results of a perception poll that declared India to be the most dan...

INDIA: M.A. Thomas National Human Rights Award – 2018

A Press Release from Vigil India Movement forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) July 06, 2018 Dear Friends, Vigil India Movement a national level Human Rights Organisation, Bangalor...

NEPAL: Preventing torture

An article from my Republica forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Torture, though labelled as inhuman treatment, is still prevalent in Nepal despite the state’s obligation and repeated c...

INDIA: APDP & JKCCS welcome the report of the UN Office of High Commissioner For Human Rights on the situation in Jammu & Kashmir

A Press Release from Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society and Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) June 14th, 2018 Jammu and Kash...

WORLD: “Chauvinistic nationalism is the polar opposite of the UN, its very antonym and enemy.” – Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

A Statement from United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Opening statement and global update of human rights concerns by UN High Commissioner f...

NEPAL: Communist government moves to curtail civil liberties

By Supriya Manandhar The Nepal Communist Party (NCP) government has announced two new policies that have oversight to infringe on civil liberties in Nepal. The National Integrity Policy 2018 places ti...

BANGLADESH: Killings of suspected “drug offenders” in Bangladesh must stop – UN Human Rights Chief

A Statement from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission GENEVA (6 June 2018) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra...

INDIA: People’s Watch condemns the indiscriminate and random police violence in Tuticorin

A Press Release from People’s Watch forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) People’s Watch calls for the order of immediate closure of Sterlite Copper Smelter Plant No. 1 and for the...

PHILIPPINES: Statement from the Coalition against Summary Execution

A Statement from Coalition Against Summary Execution (CASE) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission We, at Coalition Against Summary Execution (CASE)*, condemn in the strongest terms the Suprem...

PHILIPPINES: Rights group slams acquittal of police officers in illegal arrest, torture of security guard Rolly Panesa

A Statement from Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights (KARAPATAN) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Karapatan expressed disappointment on the ruling of the Regional Trial...

INDONESIA/ASEAN: ASEAN parliamentarians urge Indonesia to tackle rising intolerance and protect freedom of religion or belief

A Statement from ASEAN PARLIAMENTARIANS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (APHR) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Bahasa Version YOGYAKARTA (Indonesia), 8 May 2018 — At the conclusion of a four-day f...

INDIA: The political capture of the police in India

An article from The Mint forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Kathua and Unnao. The eight-year-old, gang raped and murdered in Kathua, was reported missing in early January—more than t...

INDONESIA/ASEAN: Joint media statement by H.E. Associate prof. Dinna Wisnu and H.E. Mr. Edmund Bon Tai Soon, representatives to the ASEAN INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (AICHR)

A Statement from H.E. Associate prof. Dinna Wisnu and H.E. Mr. Edmund Bon Tai Soon, representatives to the ASEAN INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (AICHR) forwarded by the Asian Human Righ...