Forwarded News

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SRI LANKA: The Wider Implications of the Human Rights and Humanitarian Crisis in Jaffna University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna)Sri Lanka UTHR(J) Information Bulletin No. 41 Date of Release: 14th September  2006 The Wid...

SRI LANKA: Open Letter to His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksa from the ICJ

A Forwarded Open Letter to His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksa from the International Commission of Jurists Nicholas Howen Secretary-General INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS Commission inter...

SRI LANKA: Statement from Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions

The statement: Source: United Nations Human Rights Council Date: 05 Sep 2006 The situation in Sri Lanka has deteriorated significantly since I visited Sri Lanka and met with Government officials, memb...

NEPAL: Denunciation of Nepal’s acting Military Chief and Amendment of Army Act

Mr. Secretary-General, The human rights community of Nepal would like to draw your urgent attention concerning the lack of credible action being taken by the authorities in Nepal to address the cultur...

SRI LANKA: Humanitarian situation on the Jaffna peninsula

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding a statement from an independent group of Catholic priests regarding the critical situation in the Jaffna conflict area in Sri Lanka...

SRI LANKA: Your inquiry from the Daily Mirror about the undated photograph of the unresolved problem of the disappearances

I write on behalf of Families of the Disappeared. I have seen in the Daily Mirror, Justice Page on August 19, 2006, a letter written by you to the editors of that paper inquiring from them about a pho...

SRI LANKA: Warring Sides Must Let Aid Reach Civilians

The statement: Government and Tamil Tigers Must Respect International Humanitarian Law (Colombo, August 21, 2006) – The Sri Lankan government and the armed opposition Liberation Tigers of Tamil ...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lankan civilians urgently need protection

The statement: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS 17 August 2006 Sri : ICJ calls on Government and LTTE to publicly state commitment to international humanitarian law The International Commission of ...

PHILIPPINES: The NLG condemns the killings of members of the legal profession in the Philippines

The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) condemns the continuing killings, attacks, harassment and threats on members of the .  Since President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo came to power in 2001, twenty-five lawy...

SINGAPORE: Why the case of Dr Chee Soon Juan and another must go to trial

The statement: 31 Jul 06 Dr Chee Soon Juan and Ms Chee Siok Chin have applied for the courts not to allow Messrs Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Loong to proceed with their summary judgement as this would ...

PHILIPPINES: Privilege speech on political killings in the Philippines

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement: Privilege speech on political killings in the Philippines, which was received from Hong Kong Ca...

SRI LANKA: The murder of Police Inspector Douglas Nimal and his wife

The Asian Human Rights Commission is forwarding this open letter by C. Dissanayake, of Mt. Lavinia, near Colombo, Sri Lanka which appeared in the Opinions page of the Island Newspaper on August 3, 200...

SRI LANKA: No investigations ‘without special directions from govt’ — Human Rights Commission dumps 2,000 uninquired complaints

Note from the AHRC: In earlier communications the AHRC has reported that the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka is no longer a legitimate body as the member commissioners were appointed by the Execu...

SRI LANKA: Report of the Fact Finding Mission to Pesalai by the CPA and INFORM

Representatives from INFORM (Sunila Abeysekera and Udaya Kalupathirana) and The Centre for Policy Alternatives (Dr. Devanesan Nesiah, Bhavani Fonseka and Mirak Raheem) traveled to Mannar, Pesalai and ...

SRI LANKA: Transparency International Sri Lanka writes to the President on the Draft Bill on Reconstruction and Development Authority

We submit this urgent memorandum on the above with a view to ensuring transparency and accountability in the proposed legislation. Having examined the Bill, as it stands, we have found several major i...

SRI LANKA: ‘Murder of five Tamil youths highlights need to end impunity’ — Govt must protect witnesses to Trinco killings — HRW

The New York based Human Rights Watch, in a statement issued from its headquarters, expressed deep concern that the only prosecution witness, willing to testify into the killing of five youth in Trinc...

NEPAL: Highlights of the eight-point agreement between the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)and the Seven-Party-Alliance

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement by which appeared in Nepalnews on June 16, 2006 Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong —&...

SRI LANKA: Flight, Displacement and the Two-fold Reign of Terror

We reproduce a call from University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) Sri Lanka, UTHR(J) Information Bulletin No. 40, Date of Release: 15th June 2006, Flight, Displacement and . The full report is av...

SRI LANKA: FMM condemns President’s appointments to independent commissions

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement by the Free Media Movement (FMM) of Sri Lanka on the President’s appointments to independe...

SRI LANKA: President continues with unconstitutional appointments-This time embarrassing the Judiciary!

Press Release May 30, 2006 President Mahinda Rajapakse has recently filled the vacancies in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal without following the constitutional provisions and bypassing the Cons...