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SRI LANKA: A war against the judiciary

The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, in a judgement that is considered controversial this week (December 17) ordered that petrol prices should be reduced to Rs 100/= per litre to be effective from midnight...

SRI LANKA: Intervention sought for a Buddhist Novice sexually abused by a monk

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you regarding the sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated upon an 11-year-old Buddhist novice by the head of the temple where he stay...

SRI LANKA: Part four and five of an article; the Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on NGOs is flawed from the point of view of policy, science and law

Basil Fernando (This is the fourth and fifth part of an article which is a comment on the Interim Report of the Select Committee of Parliament for investigation of the Operations of ‘non-governmental...

SRI LANKA: Torture victim continuously denied examination and medical treatment in detention

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a man, who had to endure a court trial over false charges laid on him for assaulting policemen two years ago, has been ...

WORLD: The 2008 AHRC Human Rights Report for eleven countries now available on the internet

(Hong Kong, December 17, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission annual publication of the Human Rights Report for 2008 on Eleven Asian countries is . The report (314 pages) covers the human rights si...

ASIA: Special Issue of the Sur Journal on Human Rights of People on the Move: Migrants and Refugees 

The Human Rights University Network – Sur and the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) invites all interested parties to send in their contributions for the Special Issue of the...

SRI LANKA: Tamil Tigers Abuse Civilians in Stronghold 

From: HRW Asia <> Date: 2008/12/15 Subject: Sri Lanka: Tamil To: HRW Asia <> For Immediate Release Forced Recruitment, Restrictions on Movement Put Lives at Risk (N...

SRI LANKA: Part three of the Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on NGOs is flawed from the point of view of policy, science and law

Basil Fernando  (This is the third part of an article which is a comment on the Interim Report of the Select Committee of Parliament for investigation of the Operations of ‘non-governmental’ Organi...

SRI LANKA: Part two of the Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on NGOs is flawed from the point of view of policy, science and law

Basil Fernando (This is the second part of an article which is a comment on the Interim Report of the Select Committee of Parliament for investigation of the Operations of Non-Governmental Organizatio...

SRI LANKA: BBC World Service and Sunday Leader newspaper censored 

Reporters Without Borders deplores the latest cases of government censorship of international and local news media. In the past few days, the BBC World Service has been jammed by the state-owned Sri L...

SRI LANKA: The Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on NGOs is flawed from the point of view of policy, science and law

Basil Fernando (This is the first part of an article which is a comment on the Interim Report of the Select Committee of Parliament for investigation of the Operations of Non-Governmental Organization...

SRI LANKA: Implications of Human Rights Lawyers in the Defense Ministry Website

(Hong Kong, December 11, 2008) A presidential advisor writes to the president regarding attacks on human rights lawyers. Mr. Vasudewa Nanayakkara, a long-standing politician, a former Member of Parlia...

SRI LANKA: Further politicisation of the Attorney General’s Department expected

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AHRC-STM-314-2008  December 11, 2008 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Further politicisation of the Attorney General’s Department expected The...

SRI LANKA: A rape victim was intimidated and harassed by the police to marry her abductor and rapist

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an incident in which a girl was abducted by a staff of Civil Defense named Mr. Sanjith on November 16, 2008. S...

ASIA: AHRC message on the 60th Anniversary is on YouTube

(Hong Kong, December 10, 2008) The message of the Asian Human Rights Commission on the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is now available at YouTube. The director of the AH...

SRI LANKA: Human rights situation is much worse than 60 years ago

The AHRC is publishing its 2008 annual human rights report on Sri Lanka. A pre-publication version of the report can be downloaded at

WORLD: United Nations heading for failure on 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

As the world marks the 60th anniversary of the on 10 December, in a report released today Reporters Without Borders looks at the record of the Geneva-based Human Rights Council, the main UN body conce...

ASIA: 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(Hong Kong, December 8, 2008) “There is no getting away from the fact that despite 60 years being passed after the UDHR, the actual enjoyment of human rights in most countries of Asia is even mu...

ASIA: Protection of human rights in non-rule of law countries – institutional reforms in the administration of justice must be given primacy of place

The celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the UDHR is a grim reminder that even after 60 years of the adoption of this great declaration the gap between what is declared and what is actually achieved...

SRI LANKA: The killing of a religious leader 

A statement by the Rt. Rev. Duleep de Chickera, Bishop of Colombo The recent killing of a Hindu Priest, Sivasri Subramanyan Kamalraj of the Mariamma Kovil in Batticalao, is a tragic and senseless act ...