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BURMA: Farmers lodge new complaint against army-owned company over caustic soda factory

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained details of a new complaint lodged by a group of farmers against the construction of another caustic soda factory in Kanma Township o...

BURMA: Inexplicable continued imprisonment of innocent man for over 22 years

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been alerted to the case of a man who has been held in prison in Burma for over 22 years for a crime that he did not commit. Than Zaw was arr...

BURMA: Draft land law denies basic rights to farmers 

During the second sitting of the new semi-elected parliament in Burma this year, the government submitted a draft land law. The government gazette published the draft on September 16, and it is curren...

BURMA: Urgent humanitarian intervention needed for jailed monk 

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the President of Myanmar/Burma U Thein Sein President of Myanmar President Office Office No.18 Naypyitaw Myanmar Dear Mr Thein Sein BURMA: Urge...

BURMA: National reconciliation through hostage taking 

Among the many analyses of the release of a couple of hundred political prisoners in a total of over 6000 detainees let out of Burma’s prisons last week, the most precise and succinct came from ...

BURMA: Urge prosecution of policeman for alleged killing 

The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information from sources in Burma about an alleged assault by a police officer resulting in the death of a young man. According to the information so far...

BURMA: Prosecute soldiers who trade in children 

The Asian Human Rights Commission recently received from human rights defenders in Burma detailed documentation on the cases of five children, four boys and one girl, whom a trafficker in July 2011 so...

BURMA: 14 accused over bombing in fabricated case

Dear friends,  At a time that the proxy military government in Burma is purporting to bring about political change, it is continuing to arrest and falsely accuse citizens in various criminal cases. I...

BURMA: Company linked to retired army officers bulldozes Muslim cemetery

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received details about a private company in Burma that with the backing of retired army officers sent bulldozers in the dead of night to de...

ASIA: Widespread torture in Asia explained in a new video production

On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Pictures by the Wayside and the Asian Human Rights Commission, present explaining why torture remains a key problem in Asia. ...

BURMA/MYANMAR: ALRC endorses call on rule of law

(Hong Kong, April 29, 2011) The Asian Legal Resource Centre has strongly endorsed the contents of a letter by the National League for Democracy to Burma’s president calling for action on the rul...

BURMA: Former army officer illegally detained for three weeks, at risk of torture

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to draw to your attention urgently to the case of a former army captain in Burma who has been held in illegal detention for over three w...

BURMA: Farmers ambushed, attacked and prosecuted for case against army-owned company

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned by the case of a group of farmers who lodged a complaint about attempts of an army-owned company and the powerful Htoo Company to ac...

BURMA: Neither evidence nor law anywhere to be found in trial of alleged bomber 

A relative of a young man accused of bombing the traditional New Year festival in Rangoon during 2010 has again petitioned the Supreme Court for the trial to be transferred to another judge and for th...

BURMA: Man gets ten years’ jail for emailing political prisoners’ photos

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to draw to your attention the case of a young man in Burma who has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for allegedly sending some political...

BURMA: Family of accused denied prison visits; detainee reportedly held in dog kennels

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been closely following the case of a young man whom the authorities in Burma have accused of involvement in a bombing during April. Phyo Wa...

BURMA: Supreme Court rules that judges holding trials inside prisons have no authority over their own courtrooms 

In an astounding ruling that underscores the extent to which the judiciary in Burma has abdicated its authority in favour of the security services, a Supreme Court justice has ruled that permission or...

BURMA: Five men and two women given long jail sentences for alleged bomb plots

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) brings you details of the latest case in which a group of democracy and human rights activists has been accused of involvement in a series of bom...

BURMA: Man tortured to death and three imprisoned for alleged contact with insurgents

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained the details of a case in which six men in 2010 were accused of having contact with an insurgent group in the east of Burma. Soldiers...

BURMA: Military plans to recruit youth to boost up unpopular regime 

The attempt by the military government of Burma to introduce a law which is entitled Public Military Service Law is quite disturbing. The assessment of the move by the military regime which has now ...