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PAKISTAN: Dimensions of poverty

Naseer Memon The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) have released a report “Multidimensional Poverty in Pakistan” which depicts a ...

PAKISTAN: Is racial discrimination an issue in Pakistan?

The extent to which Pakistan has complied with human rights standards set out in the International Convention of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), will be assessed by a United Nation’...

PAKISTAN: Use of anti-terror laws against peasants’ movement

By Farooq Tariq The Pakistani state’s black brush is being used to paint any dissenting voices as terrorists under the National Action Plan. It is now been directed towards the ongoing peasants’ m...

PAKISTAN: Prosecute police officers that raped seven transgender citizens in illegal detention

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that seven transgender persons were arrested and reportedly sexually abused by the Cantonment police in Nowshera...

PAKISTAN: Journey from Pakistan to Al-Bakistan

Nida Paras Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister, once said, “Extremism can flourish only in an environment where basic governmental social responsibility for the welfare of the people is neglected....

PAKISTAN: Mob threatens to burn Christian homes while a Christian family is taken hostage by police

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two Christian sisters, with an 18-month baby were taken hostage by the Sarai Alamgir police, Punjab, for the produc...

PAKISTAN: The richest poor man is no more

The Asian Human Rights Commission condoles the sad demise of Abdul Sattar Edhi and pays tribute to the country’s most loved social worker for his dedication and selfless service to humanity. It is n...

PAKISTAN: The international Community must take notice of disappearances and extra judicial killing—side event at UN demands

On June 20, the delegation of ALRC submitted a 160-page report on enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings in Pakistan, citing the cases and also the updated list of disappeared persons. Th...

PAKISTAN: Hatred against Ahmadis results in another horrifying murder

A Press Release from International Human Rights Committee (IHRC) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) On the 20 June 2016, Chaudhry Khaliq Ahmad, son of Chaudhry Bashir Ahmad, was sho...

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 128

This week’s episode of Just Asia focuses on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. June 26 is marked around the world to speak out against the heinous crime of torture and to stand ...

PAKISTAN: A deafening silence on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

To state that torture is endemic and rampant in Pakistan would be an understatement; torture has in fact become a lifestyle, a norm that is the beginning and end of judicial process in Pakistan. Thous...

PAKISTAN: Apellate Court upholds 40 years’ sentence for human rights defenders to bar Baba Jan from elections

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the Supreme Appellate Court of Gilgit Baltistan (GB), a newly occupied territory of Pakistan federation, ha...

PAKISTAN: Curbing freedom of expression in the name of national security and State ideology

A Written Submission to the 32nd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre 1. The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) would like to draw the attention of the UN ...

PAKISTAN: Mothers set fire to daughters in Nuclear Nation

A State that prides itself on being a nuclear State, a symbol of strength and technological advancement, needs a double take. There is something very wrong in a nation and a society where the most fun...

PAKISTAN: Call for release of minor in Parachinar and protection of Shia community

Fifteen-year-old Javaid Hussain was arrested on 11 May 2016 by the Frontier Corps (FC) of Pakistan Army, for allegedly attacking security forces. According to the media, an event was organized in Kurr...

THAILAND: TLHR opinion concerning NCPO no. 25/2016

An article from Thai Lawyers for Human Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Not long after the second round of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Thailand. On 11 May 2016, several...

PAKISTAN: Girls burned alive in country that prides itself on elite nuclear membership

In a country where 52 percent of the population suffers sexual and domestic violence, intolerance and extremist behaviours are only to be expected. Pakistan’s media reports daily abuse against women...

PAKISTAN: Special report on grim situation of freedom of expression 

(Hong Kong, 3 June 2016) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)’s bi-monthly magazine, article 2, has produced a special edition on “The state of freedom of expression in Pakistan”. The repor...

PAKISTAN: A nuclear state remains unable to protect the fate of women

In retaliation for the recently passed Women’s Protection Act by the Punjab provincial government, Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology has made parallel suggestions for amending the Act, includ...

PAKISTAN: Call to hold inquiry into murder of transgender rights defender who received eight bullet shots

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding transvestite Ali Sha, alias Alesha, who was shot eight times and seriously injured in Peshawar on May...