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SRI LANKA: Ninety two lawyers from Kandy complain of failure of the court to take action against unprofessional conduct

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received a copy of a petition written by 92 lawyers practicing in Kandy complaining of a serious obstacle to their practice. Furthermore, the right of liti...

SRI LANKA: Integrity of Recruitment in Sri Lanka Foreign Service – A debate on Governance Issues 

Appointments to the Foreign Service are a subject of debate in Sri Lanka at various levels. A series of articles published in media, particularly by former reputed diplomats, have raised many vital is...

SRI LANKA: Human rights abuses and technical assistance from the west

The government’s response to human rights violations in Sri Lanka, such as torture, extrajudicial killings and attacks on media personnel is that they are definitely concerned about it, but are unabl...

SRI LANKA: State broadcasting official publicly issues dire warnings against two journalists 

SOURCE: Free Media Movement (FMM), Colombo (FMM/IFEX) – The following is a 12 June 2008 joint media release by FMM and four other organisations: Head of State Media calls for journalist’s ...

SRI LANKA: Inadequate police action into the sexual abuse of a girl

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the Kandy Police Station has failed to take proper and prompt action into the complaint involving the sexual abuse ...

SRI LANKA: Torture victim suffers hearing loss following assault

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a torture victim has suffered hearing loss after having been severely assaulted by Excise Officers on 17 May 2008. Further...

SRI LANKA: Ministry of Defence viciously attacks independent media 

FMM, independent media targets of slander campaign, incitement to violence by Defence Ministry SOURCE: Free Media Movement (FMM), Colombo 5 June 2008, Colombo, Sri Lanka – The Free Media Movemen...

SRI LANKA: Teacher severely beats a student once again

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a boy, who had been previously beaten by his teacher, was taken to a hospital for his injuries after having been beaten on...

SRI LANKA: Police continuously detain and torture a man arrested without charge

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a man has been continuously detained without any charge after having been illegally arrested on 31 May 2008. The victim...

SRI LANKA: Police severely tortures brothers in custody; one now suffers from a psychological disorder

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two brothers were arbitrarily arrested on suspicion of being terrorists without any concrete evidence in the middle...

SRI LANKA: Police assault and falsely charged five men

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that five men had been arbitrarily arrested and beaten by the Kataragama police on 1 May 2008. One of the victims was admitted ...

SRI LANKA: Group storms journalist’s house, warns him against reporting on defence and military matters 

IFEX – News from the international freedom of expression community ALERT – SRI LANKA 2 June 2008 SOURCE: Free Media Movement (FMM), Colombo (FMM/IFEX) – The following is a 31 May 200...

SRI LANKA: Threat (Sri Lanka Press Institute visited by armed military inquiring about directors, staff) 

IFEX – News from the international freedom of expression community ALERT – SRI LANKA 2 June 2008 SOURCE: Free Media Movement (FMM), Colombo (FMM/IFEX) – The following is a 30 May 200...

SRI LANKA: Torture victim attempts suicide due to humiliation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a torture victim attempted to commit suicide due to the humiliation he suffered after being tortured by policemen a...

ASIA: Speech of the Mr. Muneer Malik, former president of Pakistan Supreme Court Bar Association at the award ceremony at Gwangju at South Korea

We wish to share with you the following speech of Mr. Muneer Malik, delivered on his acceptance of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights. He received the human rights award on May 18, 2008 on the occasio...

SRI LANKA: Media Release-Media Freedom 

National Peace Council of Sri Lanka 12/14 Purana Vihara Road Colombo 6 Tel:  2818344, 2854127, 2819064 Tel/Fax:2819064 E Mail: Internet: 30.05.08 Media Rele...

SRI LANKA: Police severely torture a young man in custody

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a young man was arbitrarily arrested and tortured by the Kekirawa police while in their custody on 2 May 2008. The ...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): A police officer with pending case reinstated

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a police sergeant, who was found by the court to have violated a torture victim’s fundamental rights and is still...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Attempt to label Mr. Lalith Rajapakse a criminal is to murder him

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained further information regarding the case of Mr. Lalith Rajapakse. The AHRC has obtained a copy of his affidavit narrating the facts of...

SRI LANKA: An imminent threat to the life of a torture victim

(This statement is an urgent call for intervention to save the who is pursuing complaints against the police at the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka and the High Court of Negombo and who had a successful ca...