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NEPAL: Conflict victims locked into a mental hospital for seeking justice

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the condition of the parents of Krishna Prasad Adhikari about whom we issued an Urgent Appeal Case ear...

INDIA: खाद्य सुरक्षा अध्यादेश उर्फ़ रोटी का गेम चेंजर क़ानून – क्या ये देश के साथ केंद्र बनाम राज्य खेल खेल रहे हैं? 

गेम चेंजर है राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अध्यादेश (यदि बना तो क़ानून); जी हाँ; भारत...

SRI LANKA: The day when the rule of law system collapsed 

What happened on July 23, 1983 was not the event of a single day in history. The impact of that day lives on and with each passing year the situation of the rule of law in the country has become worse...

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go 

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry...

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go 

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry...

INDIA: बच्चों को भूख की शिक्षा के पक्ष में 

बिहार में २७ बच्चों का जीवन मध्यान्न भोजन योजना ने छीना है या व्यावस्था ने; इ...

PAKISTAN: Jihad to convert Hindu girls to Islam rages on 

The Jihad to convert Hindu girls is continued unabated under the indifferent attitude of Pakistani authorities. In recent months, seven Hindu girls have been targeted in the conversion to Islam campai...

SRI LANKA: “Stop Prosecution of De Jure CJ” – Lawyers tell Government

Press Release – 18th July 2013 It is reliably learnt that the government is in the process of instituting criminal prosecution against the CJ, Shirani Bandaranayake shortly.  The recommencement...

INDIA: Supreme Court’s scathing report against the government on encounter killings in Manipur 

(Hong Kong, 19 July, 2013) “If one innocent person is killed by [the] police or other security forces in a fake encounter, it creates tremendous upsurge of hatred…people always accurately know...

INDIA: Court report suggests frightening administrative failure in Manipur 

The Commission of Inquiry, constituted by the Supreme Court of India, in Writ Petition (Criminal) 129 of 2012 [Extra Judicial Execution Victims Families’ Association and Another (petitioners) Ag...

BANGLADESH: Torture survivor arbitrarily detained for four months in Chittagong Jail in four fabricated criminal cases

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a petty businessman named Mr. Rizvi Hassan is detained in Chittagong Central Jail since 18 April 2013 in four crimi...

INDIA: जनगणना 2011 में किसान और खेतिहर मजदूर सचिन कुमार जैन 

मैं इस आलेख में विश्लेषण को कोई निष्कर्ष पर नहीं पंहुचा पाऊंगा. शायद मैं इस स...

PAKISTAN: Campaign supporting those that stripped Christian women naked begins 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received a report issued by a Christian organization, CLAAS (Center for Legal Aid, Assistance & Settlement), negating the stripping and parading of Chr...

SRI LANKA: Sandakada pahana (Moonstone) and inculturation 

During the last few weeks the Sandakada pahanas (Moonstones) in a couple of churches in Kalutara District came under attack from Bodu Bala Sena, a Buddhist militant organisation led by Buddhist monks....

PAKISTAN: No Respite in Terror

Pakistan Conflict Tracker Monthly Report (June 2013). By Mohammad Nafees   The month of June dawned with lots of hopes and expectations for the people of Pakistan as the new government was to tak...

SRI LANKA: Protest against intimidating social and cultural activists

15 July, 2013 Colombo We the undersigned, who stand for justice and democracy,  note with regret and concern the use of State media, especially the Independent Television Network (ITN) that uses its ...

SRI LANKA: Rape and other crimes against women on the increase 

Every ninety minutes a woman is raped in Sri Lanka, said Women for Rights at a press conference held in Colombo on July 14. The organisation further said that Sri Lanka is 5thon a list regarding domes...

INDIA: Can the Supreme Court end the reign of criminals in politics? 

The judgment of the Supreme Court of India delivered on 10 July 2013 in Civil Writ Petitions 490 and 231 of 2005, declaring Subsection (4) of Section 8 of the Representation of People’s Act, 195...

PAKISTAN/SAUDI ARABIA: AHRC welcomes release of prisoners from Saudi jails, requests case revision for prisoners awaiting beheading 

It is heartening news that the government of Saudi Arabia, on the occasion of holy month of Ramadan, has released around 1500 prisoners who were involved in different crimes, including the smuggling o...

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis killed and gravely wounded in attacks; police ask for fictional ‘No Objection Certificate’ to prevent Ahmadis from praying 

The persecution of the Ahmadis, a minority sect, by police and fundamentalist Muslim groups is continuing unabated. In the month of June, two persons from the Ahmadiyya sect were gunned downed by R...