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ASIA: A boot stamping on a human face – forever

by JaveriaYounes “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.” Perhaps the author of these words, George Orwell, could not have expected his prophesy wo...

PHILIPPINES: Torture victims mark Anti-Torture day with poetry, music and painting 

(Hong Kong, June 26, 2015) Torture victims and their families will mark the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture today, through art and literature; by reciting their poems, singing their...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Time to sign and ratify the UNCAT

Burma got a new government in 2010, after decades of military dictatorship. The change, by general election and under a new constitution, converted Burma from a military to a semi-military government....

PHILIPPINES: Surveillance and harassment of various human rights defenders

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the threats to and surveillance of various activists and their organizations. Although identities of the perpetrators are...

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 78

This week’s special Roundup coincides with International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. The programme tunes in to AHRC partners from around the Asian region as they deliver their message to...

PAKISTAN: Government dodges world on custodial torture

Pakistan ratified the United Nations Convention Against torture in 2010, but to date no concrete steps have been taken to enact a law. A draft Anti Torture Bill that purports to curb torture is a mere...

ASIA: Criminal justice processes incapable of ending torture

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has over the past 15 years documented close to 3,000 cases of torture from Asia. Most of these cases are reported through AHRC’s Urgent Appeals Programme...

PAKISTAN: Spy agencies intimidate activists and AHRC staff for marking anti-torture day

Throughout the world, June 26 is marked as international day in support of torture victims. In Pakistan, the Asian Human Right Commission has played an active role in mobilizing civil society with sup...

NEPAL: Stop being partners in crime

The government of Nepal ratified the Convention Against Torture (CAT) in 1991, and passed the Torture Compensation Act (TCA) in 1996. The TCA, however, does not criminalize torture and focuses on comp...

THAILAND: A military regime that must go

June 26 is observed as the International Day in support of the victims of torture. Unfortunately, in Thailand, the day will be eclipsed by the military regime that is in power since May 2014, when it ...

INDONESIA: Acts of torture not yet prosecuted as serious crimes

It has been 17 years since Indonesia ratified the Convention against Tortureand Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, and promulgated Law No. 5 of 1998. However, the Convention has yet to be e...

BANGLADESH: Torturous law-enforcement system causes irreparable damage to the nation

That torture is endemic to Bangladesh is not news to the human rights community, or to the millions of citizens who directly and indirectly suffer at the hands of law enforcement personnel. The enactm...

INDIA: Place primacy on reforming the criminal justice process

June 26 is observed as the international day in support of victims of torture. Torture is a crime under international law, just as is slavery and genocide. When committed as part of a widespread or sy...

PHILIPPINES: Fabricated charges laid on indigenous human rights defender and his siblings

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with great concern about the fabricated charges laid on Jomorito Goaynon and his seven siblings. The charges are based on a complaint file...

SRI LANKA: Sub-Inspector and his assistant convicted, sentenced to death for murder

On 23 June 2015, the Negombo High Court judge M.Z. Razeen found Sub Inspector Suresh Gunaratne and one of his assistants guilty of murdering Gerald Mervin Perera in November 2004. The two policemen ha...

PAKISTAN: Another human rights defender faces threat to her life

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the harassment and threats received by the frontline human right Defender Ms Noor e Maryam Kanwer. Ms Kanwer is the Chairper...

NEPAL: Misguided priorities

An article from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by Shradha Ghale Two months after the massive earthquake, the government has declared that the ‘relief phase’ is o...

PHILIPPINES: CALL FOR SUPPORT: International Peoples Tribunal on Crimes against the Filipino People

A Statement from International Peoples Tribunal (IPT 2015) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission We are human rights defenders, peace and justice advocates, lawyers, jurists, academics, churc...

SRI LANKA: Shameful compromises with regard to January 2015 consensus

An article from The Sunday Times, Colombo forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena As the year winds to its mid-term, the January 2015 consensus for a better Sri Lan...

INDIA: Dismantling social security, brick by brick

In the latest blow to social security schemes that are preventing millions of Indians from being pushed to starvation, the Indian government has decided to phase out the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (Food Sc...