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SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: The Rizana Nafeek appeal postponed indefinitely

The case of Rizana Nafeek, a young girl from Sri Lanka who went to Saudi Arabia as a domestic helper when a 17 year-old teenager, and who was within a very short time accused of the murder of a infant...

SRI LANKA: Abrogation of Ceasefire Agreement will escalate spiral of violence & War against Terrorism is leading to More Terror

03.01.08 Media Release 1 Abrogation of Ceasefire Agreement Will Escalate Spiral of Violence The government has announced that it will abrogate the Norwegian-facilitated Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) signe...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka’s further plunge into lawlessness

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-003-2008 January 03, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka’s further plunge into lawlessness The year 2008 began, for Sri Lank...

SRI LANKA: Update on Online Petition: Assassinations, hooliganism, paramilitary activism, bomb blasts and a further plunge into lawlessness

The year 2008 began, for Sri Lanka with the assassination of the Tamil opposition UNP Member of Parliament, T. Maheshwaran. Just a few days earlier a government minister, Mervyn Silva forcibly entered...

WORLD/SRI LANKA: Update on Online Petition — send your Christmas greetings by signing the online petition for UN human rights monitoring in Sri Lanka

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-288-2007 December 24, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission WORLD/SRI LANKA: Update on Online Petition – send your Christmas greetings by signing the online p...

SRI LANKA: National Human Rights Commission Downgraded for Failure in Human Rights Responsibilities 

REF:  TIC Statement Date: 18 December 2007 The recent decision by the Sub-Committee on Accreditation of the International Co-ordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (ICC) to downgr...

SRI LANKA: Kandy police are threatening a torture victim to leave the area

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Kandy police have been threatening a man to leave the area when he returned to Kandy in 2007 since last September. ...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): More victims of killings and disappearances reported in November

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is saddened to inform you that yet another list of killings and disappearances for the month of November 2007 has been reported in Sri Lanka. Whi...

SRI LANKA: Petition for a UN monitoring mission in Sri Lanka

The Asian Human Rights Commission is launching a petition to the Sri Lankan government to support a field presence by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has s...

ASIA/SRI LANKA: UN human rights monitoring urgently needed to resuscitate criminal investigations

The Asian Human Rights Commission strongly supports the call for a human rights monitoring mission by the United Nations as a measure to resuscitate the severely damaged criminal investigation capacit...

WORLD/SRI LANKA: An appeal for continuous intervention with the Saudi Arabian authorities on Rizana Nafeek’s case

The appeal case of Rizana Nafeek is continuing to be heard in the Appellate Court in Saudi Arabia. Rizana Nafeek, who was 17 years old at the time when she was accused of murdering a baby of four mont...

ASIA: A year of historic struggles for human rights

The year 2007 will be remembered as a year in which brought out increasingly belligerent responses from ruling elites across Asia. It is certain that throughout the region more and more people are res...

SRI LANKA: Human Rights Day statement – The phantom limb in human rights protection

A phantom limb is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with other body parts. The pronouncement of the Sri Lankan government that i...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): A further list of victims of extrajudicial killings and disappearances reported for November in Sri Lanka

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that further list of extrajudicial killings and disappearances for the month of November 2007 have been reported in Sri Lan...

SRI LANKA: Attack on Sunday Leader – Press freedom in a lawless country

The attack on the printing press of the Sunday Leader as well as the very manner in which the attack was carried out, comes as no surprise to anyone who has observed the ease with which any form of vi...

SRI LANKA: Free Media Essential for Democracy 

National Peace Council of Sri Lanka 12/14 Purana Vihara Road Colombo 6 Tel:  2818344, 2854127, 2819064 Tel/Fax:2819064 E Mail: Internet: 22.11.07 Media Rele...

SRI LANKA: Kalutara North police illegally arrested and detained a man

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the illegal arrest and detention of a man by Kalutara North police on 12 November 2007. He lodged a complaint ...

SRI LANKA: One law for the judge and another for the witness — third anniversary of Gerald Perera’s assasination

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-274-2007 November 22, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: One law for the judge and another for the witness – third anniversary of Gerald Perera&...

SRI LANKA: Security forces accused of complicity in arson attack on leader publications 

Reporters Without Borders condemns an arson attack early today on the printing press of the Sunday Leader media group, which is located in a high security area outside Colombo. About 15 gunmen that st...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): List of 53 disappearances reported for the month of October

Dear friends, Further to our recent update on the list of extrajudicial killings, another list of disappearances of 53 persons for the month of October 2007 has been reported in Sri Lanka. Despite rep...