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SRI LANKA: The AHRC protests Sushita R. Fernando’s unfair and biased report published in the Daily Mirror

The AHRC today to the editor of the Daily Mirror newspaper protesting against an unfair and biased report written by Sushita R. Fernando on a well known torture case.  The writer quotes the police of...

SRI LANKA: The launching of a signature campaign by victims of past disappearances to demand authentic investigations and against sham commissions

Ms. Jayanthi Dandeniya, the coordinator of Families of the Disappeared based at Raddoluwa, Seduwa, has announced the launching of a signature campaign by the victims of past disappearances to demand a...

SRI LANKA: Commission to investigate disappearances – real or fake

It was reported in the Island newspaper on November 5th that President Rajapakse is expected to announce the possible appointment of an eight member commission of inquiry to investigate fifteen cases ...

SRI LANKA: Malicious assault of a 16-year-old girl by her school principal 

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of Ministry of Education and...

SRI LANKA: The principle of accountability – AHRC replies to an article in LANKAWEB on the issue of the accountability of former President Chandrika Kumaratunga Bandaranaike

Following the letter sent by Ms. Kim Soo A on behalf of the AHRC to the Director General of UNESCO objecting to the appointment of an article appeared in LANKAWEB.  The AHRC sent its reply today and ...

SRI LANKA: The AHRC replies to the Island Newspaper on the authoritarian style of rule of former President Chandrika Bandaranaike

Following the letter sent by Ms. Kim Soo A on behalf of the AHRC to the Director General of UNESCO objecting to the appointment an editorial and a letter to the editor have appeared in the Island News...

SRI LANKA: Alleged rape attempt of a woman by a policeman 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the alleged rape attempt of a woman by a police constable (PC) from the Ratanapura police station on 7 October...

SRI LANKA: Lawyer under threat call upon the Bar Association of Sri Lanka to intervene 

We refer to our earlier statement of October 18, 2006, SRI LANKA [AS-254-2006]: “Show cause notice on lawyer Elmo Perera has no basis in law and is an attempt to silence critical voices among th...

SRI LANKA: Today’s Sunday Times publishes a false report on the famous torture case at the Welipena Police Station

In this morning’s edition of the Sunday Times a news item entitled “Acquitted police officer taking case to the HRC” reported that in the famous case filed by a torture victim in Sri...

SRI LANKA: Demanding good prosecutions in respect of extra judicial executions 

This column has emphasized time and time again that the critique advanced of the role and the functioning of the Norwegian led Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) may be justified to some extent, give...

SRI LANKA: Objection to the former Sri Lankan president Chandrika Kumaratunga’s appointment as a Senior Consultant to UNESCO

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned from several newspaper reports that the former President of Sri Lanka, Chandrika Kumaratunga, has been appointed as senior consultant to UNESCO for...

SRI LANKA: PEACE TALKS – Will both parties agree to international human rights monitoring at the peace talks in Geneva?

As the delegates prepare for the Geneva peace talks to be held this weekend (28th and 29th October), the usual practice of trading accusations against each other by the government and the LTTE is happ...

SRI LANKA: An author’s revelations require a response from the state and also civil society in Sri Lanka

Victor Ivan, a reputed Sri Lankan journalist and author has produced a book entitled ‘Choura Regina – the Rogue Queen’, regarding the former Sri Lankan president, Chandrika Bandarana...

WORLD: Eid greetings from the Asian Human Rights Commission

WORLD: Eid greetings from  The Asian Human Rights Commission joins with people around the world in celebrating the 1427th Eid Festival at the conclusion of the fasting month of Ramadan. Eid is an imp...

SRI LANKA: Judicial role and the failure of investigation into of crime including gross human rights abuses

Today is the sixth anniversary of the assassination of the well known BBC journalist Mylvaganam Nimalrajan.  It is also two months now since the disappearance of Fr. Jim Brown and his assistant (plea...

SRI LANKA: Palitha Thissa Kumara’s case – the Supreme Court holds torture committed – High Court holds charge not proved – an appeal to be filed by the torture victim

The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that the accused police officer in the torture case of Palitha Thissa Kumara was acquitted by the judge of the High Court, Kalutara this morning (October ...

SRI LANKA: Difficulties in finding justice for torture victims – the judgment in the case of Korala Liyanage Palitha Thissa Kumara is due today – problems of justice

Korala Liyanage Palitha Thissa Kumara’s complaint of torture against a Sub Inspector of Police attached to the Wellipena Police Station received local and international publicity due, among othe...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Police investigation of a severe torture case drags on with no transparency 

[RE: UA-141-2004: SRI LANKA: A man arbitrarily assaulted by the SI of the Horana Police Station without any reason, UP-051-2006: SRI LANKA: Justice continues to evade victim one and a half years after...

SRI LANKA: Show cause notice on lawyer Elmo Perera has no basis in law and is an attempt to silence critical voices among the legal fraternity pursuing public interest issues

A senior lawyer who has appeared in many issues of public interest in recent years is now facing the threat of being removed from the roll as a lawyer due to a fundamental rights application he filed ...

SRI LANKA: International Monitoring Mission for Sri Lanka 

The statement: We reproduce below European Parliamentarian Sajjad Karim’s questions to the European Commissioner for External Relations and her response dated 12 October 2006. The questions addr...