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Found 697 Results.

孟加拉:香港關注人權團體向孟加拉駐香港領事館遞交公開信,表示關注孟加拉人權捍衛者及記者拉扎克先生(FMA Razzak)遇到嚴重襲擊及被企圖弄盲雙目的事件

2011年5月9日,亞洲人權委員會、亞洲專訊資料研究中心、亞太學生及青年協會、香港記者協會、Interfaith Cooperation Forum、香港融樂會及世界基督徒學生同...

BANGLADESH: Petition to the Consulate General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong on the serious attack and attempted blinding of human rights defender and journalist Mr. FMA Razzak in Bangladesh

(Hong Kong, May 9, 2011) On 9 May 2011, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Asia Monitor Resource Centre, Asia Pacific Students and Youth Association, Hong Kong Journalists Association, Interfai...

WORLD: Member of Parliament demands arrest of all suspects — Perpetrators begin attacks on witnesses

(Hong Kong, May 7, 2011) At a meeting held today, 7 May, at a local cooperative society’s meeting room in Paikgachha, Mr. Sohrab Ali Sana, Member of Parliament for the Paikgachha-Koyra (Khulna-6) co...

BANGLADESH/PHILIPPINES: Why Filipinos must protest the attack on FMA Razzak? 

Bangladeshi national FMA Razzak is the President of the Human Rights Development Centre (HRDC) and Editor of the Pakkhik Gonomichhil in Paikgachha of Khulna district, Bangladesh. On April 29, 2011, Ra...

WORLD: Citizens form committee to fight for justice, Muslims offer special prayer for FMA Razzak’s safety – none arrested yet!

(Hong Kong, May 6, 2011) The local citizens of Paikgachha have formed a committee today naming it “Committee to Fight for Justice and Protection of Human Rights Defender and Journalist Razzak...

WORLD: An appeal for assistance for FMA Razzak

WORLD: An appeal for assistance for FMA Razzak (Hong Kong, May 6, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission has launched an appeal for financial support for medical, legal and security expenses for huma...

BANGLADESH: People rally further demanding the arrest of army Major Mustafizur and the attackers

(Hong Kong, May 5, 2011) The inhabitants of Paikgachha have again held a rally demanding the arrest of Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, a major in the Bangladesh army, and his aides for gouging the eyes of hu...

BANGLADESH: Land grabber and eye gouger Major Mustafizur is still serving with the Bangladesh army 

Basil Fernando The attack on FMA Razzak led by Major Mustafizur of the Bangladesh military (BANGLADESH: Army officer’s family gouges eyes and torture after kidnapping Human Rights Defender FMA Razza...

BANGLADESH: Men and women take to streets demanding the arrest of eye-gouger Major Mustafizur and his aides

(Hong Kong, May 4, 2011) Hundreds of men, women and children at Paikgachha have taken to streets demanding arrest of eye-gouger Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, a major in the Bangladesh army, and his aides f...

BANGLADESH: AHRC welcomes Health Minister’s visit to human rights defender FMA Razzak at hospital

(Hong Kong, May 4, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes the visit of the Minister for Health and Family Welfare of Bangladesh, Prof. AFM Ruhul Haque MP, to human rights defender Mr. FMA Ra...

WORLD: A special appeal to all human rights organizations requesting urgent protection and intervention for a Bangladeshi human rights defender suffering from gouged eyes, brutality and a lack of medical treatment 

The Asian Human Rights Commission calls upon all human rights organizations of the world to respond to a brutal attack on a well-known human rights defender in Bangladesh, FMA Razzak and his brother b...

WORLD: AHRC launches campaign site for the protection of human rights defender FMA Razzak

(Hong Kong, May 3, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission has launched a new campaign website calling for the protection of human rights defender Mr. FMA Razzak, as well as calling for holding genuin...

BANGLADESH: Army officer’s family gouges eyes and torture after kidnapping Human Rights Defender FMA Razzak, who is going to die without treatment due to pressures from armed forces and intelligence agencies

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that human rights defender FMA Razzak is going to die without proper medical treatment due to tremendous pressures from the officials...

BANGLADESH: Rapid Action Battalion fabricated charges against two cousins after four days of incommunicado torture Tweet

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), a military-dominated paramilitary force composed of armed forces and the police...

BANGLADESH: Rapid Action Battalion shot innocent college student into permanent disability and now threatening sympathizers to kill extra-judicially

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received credible information that the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has shot a juvenile college student causing a permanent disability in Jha...

BANGLADESH: Police enjoy impunity despite torturing villagers and sexually abusing women in Dinajpur

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received credible information that the Dinajpur police commited mass torture of villagers in Daptoir village of Biral upazila in Dinajpur d...

BANGLADESH: State agents allow army officer’s relatives to rob off the house of a human rights defender

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) informed you on 4 March 2011 regarding death threat to the family of F. M. A. Razzak, a human rights defender by the relatives of an officer the ...

BANGLADESH: Allegation of molesting a subordinate female staff by a male judge requires credible investigation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned of the allegation of molestation of a female fourth class employee by a Judge while cleaning his official chamber on 23 February 2011...

BANGLADESH: Army officer’s father threatens to destroy home and establishments of a human rights defender’s family

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding death threat to the family of F. M. A. Razzak, a human rights defender, and his well-wishers from the relative...

BANGLADESH: Police enjoy impunity for torturing a journalist

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has documented another case of severe torture, this time involving a senior journalist, Mr. Gias Ahmed (43), who works as Joint News Editor of ...