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ASIA: Policing with unskilled labour causes the collapse of rule of law

A common feature in several Asian countries is that the police, who are supposed to carry out investigations into crimes and abuses of human rights, do not have the necessary competence to carry out s...

CAMBODIA: An alleged assault of a journalist by the military police officer in Posat Province

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the alleged assault of a journalist by a military police officer in Toul Kroh village, Posat province on 4 Aug...

WORLD: An appeal to Muslim scholars throughout the world

(The case of a teenage girl facing the death sentence in Saudi Arabia as the result of a tragedy being misunderstood as a crime) The Asian Human Rights Commission is writing this appeal to all the Mus...

CAMBODIA: Monastic code and due process violated in defrocking and deportation of a Buddhist monk

On June 16, 2007, Venerable Buddhist Clergy Director Nun Nget wrote a letter to Supreme Buddhist Patirarch Tep Vong to seek his approval for the defrocking of Venerable Tim Sakhorn, who was officially...

ASIA: To eliminate torture police reform must be given a central place in the human rights concerns of Asia

They heard the thud of wood on flesh. Boot on bone. On teeth. The muffled grunt when a stomach is kicked in. The muted crunch of skull on cement. The gurgle of blood on a man’s breath when his l...

CAMBODIA: More effective measures are required to end torture

Cambodia acceded to the Convention against (CAT) in 1992. Its criminal law, adopted in the same year, has succinctly criminalised torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ...

WORLD: UN Human Rights Council adopts institution-building text

The adoption of on the PresidentÂ’s text is an important achievement. We thank Ambassador de Alba and congratulate him on his untiring efforts over the last year to bring the Council to this point. Wi...

UPDATE (Cambodia): Reporter receives death threat after revealing illegal logging in Kompong Thom province

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that on 16 June 2007, a Radio Free Asia reporter, Lem Pichpisey, who is also known by his on-air pseudonym, Lem Piseth, 38, received ...

ASIA: When is an enforced disappearance “clarified”?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 18, 2007 ALRC-OL-001-2007 An Open Letter to the UN Working Group on enforced and involuntary disappearances Mr. Santiago Corcuera Chairperson Working Group on enforced and i...

CAMBODIA: Delegation attacks UN Special Representative, threatening human rights

(Hong Kong, June 15, 2007) The Cambodian delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) launched an unprecedented and unwarranted attack on United Nations Special Representative of the Se...

CAMBODIA: Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Representative for human rights in Cambodia

Joint Oral Intervention by the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-Asia), the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, the International NGO Fo...

CAMBODIA: Newspaper publishing report on illegal logging is banned by Government

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that on 8 June 2007 the Minister of Information, Mr. Khieu Kanharith, reportedly issued a warning letter to the Sralanh Khmer n...

CAMBODIA: 74 families face imminent eviction in Sihanoukville

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that on 22 May 2007, 74 families in the Prey Nop district in Sihanoukville received an eviction notice issued by the district governo...

CAMBODIA: Donors must prioritise the rule of law and judicial independence in their aid package

The Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) composed of donors and the Cambodian government will convene on 19-20 June to discuss the progress in the implementation of Cambodia’s developme...

UPDATE (Cambodia): Two detained villagers allegedly forced to give confessions in exchange for their release by court in Kampot province

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the Kampot Provincial Court freed two villagers representing 30 families fighting for their right to land i...

CAMBODIA: The absence of the rule of law aggravating the human rights situation in the country

Under the international peace agreements concluded in 1991 to end a protracted war in the country as well as under its own constitution, Cambodia has undertaken to ensure the respect for and observanc...

CAMBODIA: Forced eviction of 92 families in Sihanoukville allegedly led by Khan Stung Hav governor

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that 92 families were forcibly evicted from their 120 hectares of land in Sangkat (commune) O’ Tress, Khan (distri...

CAMBODIA: Code of ethics for judges will not be effective without compliance mechanisms

The Supreme Council of the Magistracy (SCM) of Cambodia, the supreme judicial body governing the judiciary, should be commended for having recently adopted a code of ethics for judges. The adoption of...

ASIA: Courts cannot allow bullshitting with justice

(A comment on the Indian Supreme Court judgement on the Best Bakery Case) –Basil Fernando, May 2007 …[B]ullshitters, although they represent themselves as being engaged simply in conveying...

CAMBODIA: Arrest of four villagers after testifying in court against illegal possession of their land in Kampot province

[NOTICE: To facilitate your intervention of the urgent appeals issued by the AHRC, we have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal...