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SRI LANKA: Humanitarian situation on the Jaffna peninsula 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding a statement from an independent group of Catholic priests regarding the critical situation in the Jaffna conflict area in Sri Lanka...

SRI LANKA: Police harass bus driver, file allegedly fabricated charges against him 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information concerning the harassment of a bus driver by members of the police, which illustrates the breakdown of the rule of law, ...

SRI LANKA: Your inquiry from the Daily Mirror about the undated photograph of the unresolved problem of the disappearances 

I write on behalf of Families of the Disappeared. I have seen in the Daily Mirror, Justice Page on August 19, 2006, a letter written by you to the editors of that paper inquiring from them about a pho...

SRI LANKA: Warring Sides Must Let Aid Reach Civilians 

The statement: Government and Tamil Tigers Must Respect International Humanitarian Law (Colombo, August 21, 2006) – The Sri Lankan government and the armed opposition Liberation Tigers of Tamil ...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Authorities fail to prosecute perpetrator, while the HRC recommends derisory compensation 

[RE: UA-141-2004: SRI LANKA: A man arbitrarily assaulted by the SI of the Horana Police Station without any reason and UP-051-2006: SRI LANKA: Justice continues to evade victim one and a half years af...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lankan civilians urgently need protection 

The statement: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS 17 August 2006 Sri : ICJ calls on Government and LTTE to publicly state commitment to international humanitarian law The International Commission of ...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): False case filed against a torture victim by the Wanduramba police 

[RE: UA-247-2006: SRI LANKA: Man brutally tortured by the Wanduramba Police Station requires months of hospitalisation and UP-146-2006: SRI LANKA: Update on torture victim Mr. Premalal] ——...

SRI LANKA: The cries of Muslims in the East and others facing danger should find a response from the United Nations

While the call for a peaceful resolution of the Sri Lankan conflict has arisen from high level sources such as the Secretary General of the United Nations and even the Pope, these make hardly any diff...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Continuous harassment of teachers with government inaction 

Dear friends,   The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the case of defamation and intimidation involving five teachers by the school authority after t...

SRI LANKA: The on-going carnage that no one seems to worry about

Last week Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post (SCMP) published an editorial entitled the ‘UN should not ignore [the] Sri Lankan conflict’ (August 8, 2006).  The editorial wondered ...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): SIU hauls perpetrators before the Magistrate’s Court 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding an illegal arrest, torture and fabrication of charges against Janaka Perera and Tilan Perera  of Pana...

SRI LANKA: Death threats to senior police and collapsed rule of law

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned but not surprised to hear that a senior police officer was threatened with death on 9 August 2006 when an anonymous caller to the police headquart...

SRI LANKA: Failure of police officers to take action on alleged abduction case 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received reliable information that a 16-year-old school girl has been duped into leaving home by one of her school teachers in Thiruwanaganga...

SRI LANKA: Assault of a 15-year-old boy by the Panadura police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an assault of a 15-year-old boy by a Sub Inspector (SI) at the Panadura (South) police station in Panadura, Sr...

SRI LANKA: Another incident involving the misuse of power by the Mahiyangana police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received another case involving the fabrication of charges by the Mahiyangana police. The victim, belonging to the Adhivasi (indigenous) comm...

SRI LANKA: Gerald Perera murder trial – a witness tells the court of how the murder was carried out

A report on the proceedings of the trial – second day Hong Kong, August, 4, 2006 Today, August 4, Don Gayan Chandimal Amarakoon gave evidence before court stating that Sub-Inspector Suresh, the ...

SRI LANKA: UN Human Rights Committee holds that Sri Lanka has violated the rights of torture victim Lalith Rajapakse

On July 26, 2006 the UN Human Rights Committee published the view adopted by the Committee on July 14, regarding the communication filed by Sundara Arachchige Lalith Rajapakse holding that Sri Lanka h...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Man was acquitted of all the charges falsely framed by the Mahiyangana police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is happy to inform you that Mr. A.M. Thilak Adhikari has been acquitted of all charges against him on 11 July 2006. He was falsely charged by the...

SRI LANKA: The murder of Police Inspector Douglas Nimal and his wife 

The Asian Human Rights Commission is forwarding this open letter by C. Dissanayake, of Mt. Lavinia, near Colombo, Sri Lanka which appeared in the Opinions page of the Island Newspaper on August 3, 200...

SRI LANKA: Blatant mistreatment of psychiatric patients and violation of their basic human rights

The Asian Human Rights Commission has reliable information regarding the violation of the basic human rights of psychiatric patients in the mental health wards in Colombo and elsewhere in Sri Lanka. ...