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SRI LANKA: Illegal arrest and detention by the police on politician’s request 

  Dear friends, On 31 March 2006, at around 11am, Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Jayampath and a constable visited Mr. Wijewardena’s boutique and queried his identity. When he told them, they asked him...

SRI LANKA: Torture of an 18-year-old by the Bandaragama police 

Dear friends, On 24 April 2006, at about 9:00am, four persons visited Samantha Perera’s home. One was a policeman from Colombo; one was a policeman from Bandaragama; one was working at the Colombo po...

SRI LANKA: Open letter to the Minister of Constitutional Affairs and the Ministry of Law Reforms on proposed Bill of Rights

AHRC-OL-012-2006 May 3, 2006 Open letter to the Minister of Constitutional Affairs and the Chairperson of the Law Reform Commission Dear Sir & Madam, Re: Proposed bill of rights The Asian Human Ri...

SRI LANKA: UN Special Rapporteur calls for urgent measures to end political killings and to strengthen protection for human rights in Sri Lanka 

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Professor Philip Alston, today called on the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (...

SRI LANKA: The thirteenth anniversary of the violent death of a gross human rights abuser

On the 1st May, 1993, R. Premadasa, the executive president of Sri Lanka, was killed in a massive bomb blast while participating in the May Day public activities.  The blast also killed and injured m...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Absence of a functioning human rights commission in Sri Lanka 

SRI LANKA: Political undermining of the Human Rights Commission; absence of leadership within the Human Rights Commission; government control; failure to implement the 17th Amendment ——...

: SRI LANKA: An open letter to DIG Kandy; Cruelty towards a family by the police

 first seriously injuring two of the family members, leaving permanent injuries on one and thereafter fabricating charges against the victims themselves by filing a case, 73456 MC, at the Teldeniya. ...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka’s Human Rights Commission has ceased to function – what will you do about it?

This is to bring to your notice that the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, which is your counterpart in that country, has ceased to function as the time of office of the earlier commissioners, cha...

SRI LANKA: Escalation of violence and the absence of human rights monitoring bodies in Sri Lanka

As the violence has escalated within the last few days and the lives of many are affected by the actions of all sides, the issue that comes to the forefront is the absence of any human rights monitori...

SRI LANKA: The murder of the Inspector and his wife calls for drastic changes in the police hierarchy including the replacement of the IGP in order to ensure rule of law and witness protection

The murder of Inspector of Police (IP) Douglas Nimal and his wife, who with several other police officers were making allegations of high ranking police officers being involved in drug trafficking, ca...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka faces a problem far greater than the escalation of violence

Violence is escalating in Sri Lanka, with an attack by a suicide bomber in Colombo on the army headquarters that has seriously injured the army commander and killed many others. In retaliation, the Go...

SRI LANKA: Torture and fabricated charges laid against a man by the Ja-Ela police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you about a man who was tortured by the police and who is now currently languishing in prison after having had fabricated charge...

SRI LANKA: Tortured to confess to a crime by the Katupotha police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of yet another torture case in Sri Lanka. On this occasion the victim was arbitrarily detained by the Katupotha police, who ...

SRI LANKA: Complaint regarding apparent malpractices that seems to be taking place in the case of Mr. Chamila Bandara

(Kandy High Court case number 231/2005); and request for an inquiry regarding it The case of Mr. Chamilla Bandara was taken up yesterday, that is on 25 April 2006 at the Kandy High Court. The accused ...

SRI LANKA: Torture of a husband and wife by the Wanduramba police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the brutal torture of Mr. W. Sunil and his wife, Wasanthi by the Wanduranba police on 17 March 2006. On March ...

SRI LANKA: Torture of a woman by the Baddegama police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture of Ms. M. K. Buddhika by the Baddegama police on 17 February 2006. Ms. Buddhika pleaded with the p...

SRI LANKA: Civil society in Sri Lanka must learn lessons from the people’s movement in Nepal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-080-2006  April 25, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) SRI LANKA: Civil society in Sri Lanka must learn lessons from the people’s movement in ...

SRI LANKA: The Constitutional Council must function — a meaningful interpretation needed 

The meaning of a Constitution is to be found, not in slavish adherence to the letter, which sometimes killeth, but in the discovery of its spirit, which giveth life…”[1] The general dismay voiced ov...

SRI LANKA: 17th Amendment crisis — immediate appointment of the nine members of the Constitutional Council is the way out

The issues of the non appointment of the Constitutional Council (CC) members and the resultant collapse of all the relevant independent commissions remain unresolved despite unprecedented public prote...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Torture victim and his family harassed to enter settlement by the Nochichiyagama police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the harassment to torture victim, Sameera Harischandra and his family by the Nochichiyagama police (se...